Friday, August 11, 2006

'tak benteng anyone?!?

after spending half a day at the office i decided to leave and join the rest for the picnic. i mean if everyone else can have a break from work why shouldn't i, right? after getting some goodies i called asking where was the meeting point for this so-called picnic and rushed myself there. reached there and sat with the rest while waiting for the others to come. so happy that finally the one with the plastic cup arrived. haha, seems like we're more excited with the arrival of the cups than of the people instead. food was great, love the risoles to bits; the spring roll and tahu sumedang was not bad either though we're still wondering how come there's a sauce for tahu sumedang. too bad nobody brought frisbee and i forgotten to bring boomerang. well its a display one and we were thinking of testing if it works or not. at the end we just played with the little boy, chasing him around and stuff. until we decided there must be a game, and came the idea of playing tak benteng. after splitting the groups into two team we chose the tree as our fort and started the game. the place was too big and with some people who never played the game before, it became haywired that we ended up laughing. decided to switch to another game instead, ular naga. now this is fun!! though we ended up with our own rule and it's quite fun, really really fun actually. i think we became quite a view to look at as we noticed a couple kept on laughing at us and the caucasian group who's done with their frisbee game looking at our direction as well. but don't care, it's fun and we played until dark and once we thought we had enough fun we packed and left the place. on our way out, one of the caucasian lady looked at us and smiled. hehe, i guess she was amazed seeing a bunch of 'oldies' playing child games. it's fun and a well spent evening after all the hassle and pressure at work


Simply Baby said...

maap .. maap ..
posting awal kedelete ..

dari brumeux_bleu:-
kemaren kumpul2 yah? gue gak tau :(
*kira2 beginilah*

Simply Baby said...

bbrp orang aja sih kumpul2nya...
itu gue taruh di 2 thread sebelumnya nanya ada yg mau join, no response :|