Sunday, August 13, 2006

sweet dreams ...

after midnight and i still couldn't shut my eyes up. tried writing poem and ended up admitting that i had no talent in this area, though i did write some nice one during school time *including a love poem to my senior during orientation*. shucks, nothing good on TV and who else to be known fully awake at this time but jen...

jen: hallo?
me: jen, couldn't sleep
jen: wakakaka, i'm watching jewel of the palace
me: again? my gosh - when will it end?
jen: this is the last disc.

chit chatted awhile about whatever on our mind

me: okay jen, you go back to your drama. combat tomorrow yah, c u!

tried getting back to sleep to no avail. around 1ish my mobile rang..

me: yo jen, your turn not to be able to sleep?
jen: yes .. the drama is over *short story of the ending as usual*
me: finally!! no more story of this drama eh
jen: wakakakaka ...

chit chatted again for hours, the usual stuff :- life, work, personal.

jen: aren't we pathetic to keep on talking about the same thing
me: i know, but what to do - that's our pathetic life. i think my parents kinda gave up on me already
jen: kinda? mine gave up long time ago
me: you know, my dad used to joke about ...
jen: do you know that there's also a joke about women as a ball
me: woh? never heard about it
jen: well, in your teens you're like a football - being fought by 11 man. in your 2os basketball - fought by 6 (or is it 5?) man. in your 30s you're a golf ball - only 1 man. in your 40s? pingpong - you take her, no you take her, no you .. no you ..
me: that's a good one!!
jen: yeah i know!
me: okay jen, it's almost 3 i need to go to work tomorrow before combat. follow me to work after combat will you?

managed to sleep soundly afterwards. and just got a call that she couldn't make it to combat, as usual!


juwi said...

Hehehe..elu juga bikinin puisi cinta gue waktu MK dulu: "kala matahari terbenam, teringat aku akan dirimu". Gue inget anak-anak 91 langsung pada ketawa, pas banget, soalnya, buat yang dikirimin surat :-D.

Simply Baby said...

iya ya, pdhal gak ada niatan utk ngepasin sama situasi yang mulia :P
yg gue inget punya gue juw..
takkan pernah kulupa saat pertama jumpa denganmu jaket kuning celana biru membuatku pandang tak jemu and so on and so on ..
hehe, norak yah