Saturday, July 21, 2007

That's Kiasu

met my friend before heading for dinner earlier. upon reaching the station where we're alighting, this boy kept on pushing me. the train hasn't stopped and yet he was so impatient though i looked at him saying that i was going down too. he still pushed and managed to squeezed himself right next to me. that was when my friend realised and being a blunt girl that she is, she asked me loudly 'why is he pushing you?' to which i replied loudly as well, 'kiasu maah'. she laughed and the boy looked embarassed and stopped pushing his way out. once out my friend told me that she didn't expect me to answer her question. well it is good i answered it loud and clear. it made the boy realised how annoying his action was.
suddenly i remember this incident. and now i can remember the boy's embarassed face

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