Friday, July 06, 2007

A Small Treasure called Internet

internet was down since morning.
'it may take more than a day to fix week, probably until next week', said the IT guy.
few of us started complaining but not me as i am on leave next week. so i spent the whole day concentrating on work and whenever i need a distraction or simply killing time while waiting for the process to complete, i do what i like most, scribblings on paper i always put in front of me. somethings missing, yes. life seems to be incomplete without internet. but life goes on. or should i say, work goes on.
'internet is up' one of the network guy shouted.
yes! life's back to normal. our spirit went up. started the browser, checked email. done. back to work. i'm sure i'll be concentrating back to my work after i publish this.
but often we take things, small things included, for granted. until its gone then you'll realise how life is incomplete without it. even when you only use it every now and then.

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