Wednesday, July 04, 2007

While I'm Waiting

woke up late this morning. well not really, actually. i woke up early and went back to sleep. i woke up again, looked at the time 7 am, decided to sleep again. woke up again, 7.20 am, sleep again. another 5 minutes, i thought. well the 5 mins turned to be 50. i jumped off the bed, literally, had a quick shower, got changed and left the house. called my boss saying i'd be very late today and i was waiting for a cab. she called back few mins later asking me to take train, as it's hard to take a cab in the morning. at that time, i was already in the cab. at least she is nice. apparently the universe is conspiring against me. massive jam in ecp due to an accident. i reached office at 9.20ish, almost the same time if i took a train. $17 burnt just like that. tsk tsk tsk. once at the office i rolled my pants and started applying moisturiser. no time to do it at home. hp told me that boss went out and asked her what did i do yesterday until i woke up late. hehe.
while working the girl staying at my place texted asking if i was free for dinner. i asked her to reschedule it as i wanted to watch the final season of heroes. couldn't find a day that agrees with our schedule, i suggested on next week instead. that was when she told me she's leaving on sunday, her 1- month will be over next tuesday. time does flies. i thought i could watch the re-run at 12.30 later so we went for dinner. went for fish 'n chips at penny black then we went to fullerton, merlion, and ended the night with calamari at harry's. we stayed quite some time at harry's as they're playing some jazz songs.
so now i'm just hanging around for the 2nd re-run of heroes. another hour 15 to go. i hope i won't be late again tomorrow. i'm sure boss will ask me if i am. no more another 5 mins for me. at least for tomorrow.
on a side note, after the monday run my left knee was doing better. i didn't run the whole way though, i am still sane. once i felt some pain in the bone i brisked walk. i still continue wearing the knee guard at home for precaution sake. during tuesday combat i could say my left knee was okay. i was puzzled though when i couldn't balance everytime i did kick or even set-up the round-house kick on my left. seems like there's some problem with my right knee. i always ended up wobbling or after kick i couldn't pull my leg back, it'd directly touch the floor. wonder what's going on i wore knee guard on my right knee as well. this morning i woke up and felt some soreness around my ankle. its okay during the day but it came back again while i was walking from boat quay to esplanade. now i had two knee guards and an ankle guard on. talking about ageing gracefully.


juwi said...

Emang lutut lu kenapa sih, Bab? Udah beberapa entri ini gue perhatiin ada keluhan. Ato ada entri yang gue kelewat, ya?
BTW, anak kos udah mau 1 bulan, ya? Cepet juga, ya...

Simply Baby said...

biasa juw, udah tuwir :D
badan kegedean kali ye, naik dikit lutut kiri ngilu. eh pas combat mata kaki kayak keseleo. aih2 .. tp lumayan skrg berkat counterpain :D
heeh, udah mau 1 bln. cepet bow!