Sunday, July 29, 2007

My Blog...

+: what are you doing?
- : blogging
+: you blog?
-: yupe :)
+: what do you blog about? i always want to blog but dunno what to write
-: oh, my blog is loads of crap :p
+: huh?

that was a piece of chat i had with a friend while i was blogging my previous entry. it makes me wonder though, what do i blog? compared to friends, acquantainces, and people i don't know but enjoy reading their blog, my blog is a crap. but i guess that is what makes it different - it is full of my personal craps. don't expect to get a life changing moment or something along the line after reading my blog. don't expect to understand anything of it. don't expect to get good information from it. its open to public but its not meant for discussion or something.
so why do i still blog? well, i just want to remember each and every seconds of my life. things i did. plans i had. my failure. my success. my happiness. my sadness. the funny stuff. the annoying stuff. what i did on a particular weekend. how i felt on a certain moment. basically all. i could just open and re-read my blog anytime i want to, remembering the exact thing that happened. it could bring a smile on my face. it could make me frown. but it is my life.

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