just got a confirmation that one of the stuff was no longer in need for production. boy, i am so happy as i just start looking at it last week. feeling a little less pressure, i ended up browsing at this website. i don't know but my cooking mood is so high nowadays. i'm not talking about cooking whatever i learn from mom, but trying something that normally prepared by mom and i simply ate it or something that even mom never make. hmm, i am even thinking of getting a conventional oven. actually truth is i feel quite sad what a great cook mom is and i inherited not even 10% of her knowledge. well i'm getting there and i'll start with dishes first before moving to her awesome cakes, though most of what i try nowadays is something from the net *grin. okay, enough browsing today for today. i've got 3 recipes that i can't wait to try.
on another note, it was false alarm. my sis is on her way home now. i can't imagine my nephew's expression seeing his mom home with a big tummy *still*. he told me that his mom went to the hospital because the doctor wanted to cut the stomach to let his sister out. his sister! like real - it would be nice if it turns out to be a sister for him though.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
oh, my shoe..
decided to dine out, i asked jn out for lunch. it was a good choice indeed. after paying for my lunch, i turned wanting to get back to my seat when my left leg left my shoe. my open toe shoe was broken. i looked around and smiled to those looking at me and tried my best to fix it. problem was it broke in front that i ended up dragging my left leg. i was already thinking of how it would be after lunch. once jn saw the problem, she too said there was no way i could make it back. i tried my best to put the end inside so that i could at least walk *okay, limp* out of the place to take the escalator up. of course everyone looked at my limping walk but i didn't care. luckily the shop where i bought this shoe was just upstairs so we went there and the salesgirl told us that they need to bring this back for repair. stubborn me declined the sandal they provided and also decline jn's offer to wait outside while she went back to office and get my slipper. ended up i walked back limping all the way and she hold my arm to make sure i didn't miss anything and people looked at us. it was all good until i was crossing the loading bay back to my building. a stair and once i carry my left feet, it was out again. a lady who was looking at me limping looked at me and smiled. i guess she now know the reason of me limping. still insisted on walking i gave up when we're nearing the lobby. waited for her to go up and get my slipper. what a lunch. imagine if we went to somewhere far for lunch!!
decided to dine out, i asked jn out for lunch. it was a good choice indeed. after paying for my lunch, i turned wanting to get back to my seat when my left leg left my shoe. my open toe shoe was broken. i looked around and smiled to those looking at me and tried my best to fix it. problem was it broke in front that i ended up dragging my left leg. i was already thinking of how it would be after lunch. once jn saw the problem, she too said there was no way i could make it back. i tried my best to put the end inside so that i could at least walk *okay, limp* out of the place to take the escalator up. of course everyone looked at my limping walk but i didn't care. luckily the shop where i bought this shoe was just upstairs so we went there and the salesgirl told us that they need to bring this back for repair. stubborn me declined the sandal they provided and also decline jn's offer to wait outside while she went back to office and get my slipper. ended up i walked back limping all the way and she hold my arm to make sure i didn't miss anything and people looked at us. it was all good until i was crossing the loading bay back to my building. a stair and once i carry my left feet, it was out again. a lady who was looking at me limping looked at me and smiled. i guess she now know the reason of me limping. still insisted on walking i gave up when we're nearing the lobby. waited for her to go up and get my slipper. what a lunch. imagine if we went to somewhere far for lunch!!
longest path ..
yeah though we are comp. science graduate, we went against dijkstra last weekend. instead of taking bus no. 31 or 67 straight to tampines, we walked to interchange, waited soo long for no. 40 simply to alight, crossed and took no. 10 to tampines. so much so for the shortest path, eh. well actually me and my flatmate were catching a late night movie on saturday. she had plan and i had plan as well that we couldn't go for the earlier show. ended up both our plan went haywire that we decided to have dinner together. she suggested somewhere along east coast and i remembered this greek place we always see when passing that area. we took no. 40 which turn right after siglap centre. up 'til katong we couldn't find the place that we alighted, crossed and took no. 10 as now we're going to pass the other side of siglap centre. still couldn't locate the place we ended up just following the bus until it's final stop and had our dinner at tampines. the movie started at 11.50 and we are there since 8.30. had our dinner and killed time by having a shoulder massage. my shoulder is killing me again. it's been 3 years and i couldn't stand the pain again now. it was like all the muscles were twisted. i think it's time for me to take this seriously and see a doctor soon. after our massage we still had 2 hours to kill that we ended up people watching outside the mall. really an 'interesting' night, eh.
spent the whole sunday at home. i should thank the maid for coming late, hence i had an excuse not to attend a friend's of the family's gathering. really enjoyed my sunday as the maid also did my ironing. i only did cookings and made asinan bangkuang. been craving for this for quite some time that i finally made it.
and oh, mom called early in the morning saying "your sis is in the hospital, she had stomach ache this morning". after gym i called mom for update and her reply was "no news yet. but it's likely she will give birth in the afternoon". yaaahoooo, i can't wait to know if i'm going to have another nephew or a niece.
yeah though we are comp. science graduate, we went against dijkstra last weekend. instead of taking bus no. 31 or 67 straight to tampines, we walked to interchange, waited soo long for no. 40 simply to alight, crossed and took no. 10 to tampines. so much so for the shortest path, eh. well actually me and my flatmate were catching a late night movie on saturday. she had plan and i had plan as well that we couldn't go for the earlier show. ended up both our plan went haywire that we decided to have dinner together. she suggested somewhere along east coast and i remembered this greek place we always see when passing that area. we took no. 40 which turn right after siglap centre. up 'til katong we couldn't find the place that we alighted, crossed and took no. 10 as now we're going to pass the other side of siglap centre. still couldn't locate the place we ended up just following the bus until it's final stop and had our dinner at tampines. the movie started at 11.50 and we are there since 8.30. had our dinner and killed time by having a shoulder massage. my shoulder is killing me again. it's been 3 years and i couldn't stand the pain again now. it was like all the muscles were twisted. i think it's time for me to take this seriously and see a doctor soon. after our massage we still had 2 hours to kill that we ended up people watching outside the mall. really an 'interesting' night, eh.

and oh, mom called early in the morning saying "your sis is in the hospital, she had stomach ache this morning". after gym i called mom for update and her reply was "no news yet. but it's likely she will give birth in the afternoon". yaaahoooo, i can't wait to know if i'm going to have another nephew or a niece.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
i want my bed .. (how i wish i could get it now)
tired. sleepy. munching rubbish. declined dinner. definitely declined clubbing. no mood for gym. thinking of something else to do tonight but looks like going to forgo it as well. i just want to shut my eyes and have a long peaceful night. very tired. very sleepy.
tired. sleepy. munching rubbish. declined dinner. definitely declined clubbing. no mood for gym. thinking of something else to do tonight but looks like going to forgo it as well. i just want to shut my eyes and have a long peaceful night. very tired. very sleepy.

cin asked me about a waterfall trekking trip mid sept. as usual, i am interested until i found out that the last day of the trip is exactly the 1st day of ramadhan. still tempted to go i think that if i can not come to office that week i will go as i surely can handle a trip during fasting month. still not sure of it though as part of me wants to do the best during that holy month of mine as well.
last night, as usual i recited some prayers while walking back home. i practised this so there is not a single moment where my mind is simply blank. you know what could happen to a blank mind right. and the funny part was instead of reciting some prayers i ended up reciting the shaum (fasting) do'a again and again until i realised what i was doing. hmm, i guess HE really knows how to help me in making up my mind.
Friday, August 25, 2006
dream on ...
i think the best way of making conversation with someone is when there's some changes in you. at least that's what i encountered with strangers at the office and the gym. after getting few new friends due to my weight lost (years years ago) now i'm getting few new people approaching me just to say 'hey, i notice you gain weight ya' - be it at the gym or at the office. my last encounter was with someone inside the lift. she suddenly said 'i think you gain weight now compared to the last time i met you' and my answer was 'yeah, its very obvious right especially here' *patting my tummy*. and her answer, to my dismay, was 'not only that but its getting bigger here as well' *touching my arms*. my arms! my arms of all places!! my arms!!
bought a magazine while i was queueing to pay for my coke simply because i wanted to read *okay gossiph mode was on* about katie holmes' baby and how angelina spied on brad. inside there's an article about body snatcher. nothing bad, simply about heidi trying to snacth 'the body' title from elle. seeing their almost perfect (nothing's perfect, right?) body really makes me envious. stupid and childish of me to envy that of course but i'll use that as a motivation to get back on track. if they can why can't i *dream mode:on*
i think the best way of making conversation with someone is when there's some changes in you. at least that's what i encountered with strangers at the office and the gym. after getting few new friends due to my weight lost (years years ago) now i'm getting few new people approaching me just to say 'hey, i notice you gain weight ya' - be it at the gym or at the office. my last encounter was with someone inside the lift. she suddenly said 'i think you gain weight now compared to the last time i met you' and my answer was 'yeah, its very obvious right especially here' *patting my tummy*. and her answer, to my dismay, was 'not only that but its getting bigger here as well' *touching my arms*. my arms! my arms of all places!! my arms!!
bought a magazine while i was queueing to pay for my coke simply because i wanted to read *okay gossiph mode was on* about katie holmes' baby and how angelina spied on brad. inside there's an article about body snatcher. nothing bad, simply about heidi trying to snacth 'the body' title from elle. seeing their almost perfect (nothing's perfect, right?) body really makes me envious. stupid and childish of me to envy that of course but i'll use that as a motivation to get back on track. if they can why can't i *dream mode:on*
yawn *again*
it's thursday and i'm sleepy. i'm quite puzzle with myself, i've been sleeping early and almost every morning i feel like i have not enough sleep that i dragged myself out of bed just so that i could get ready for work. i can't believe that i actually doze off in the middle of rockstar last night that i missed lukas performance *ryan, you're the best!!. i'm getting back on track in the health department and i really hope i could get back to the time where i am fully awake and alert every morning around 6. hope to get back to that state again soon.
it's thursday and i'm sleepy. i'm quite puzzle with myself, i've been sleeping early and almost every morning i feel like i have not enough sleep that i dragged myself out of bed just so that i could get ready for work. i can't believe that i actually doze off in the middle of rockstar last night that i missed lukas performance *ryan, you're the best!!. i'm getting back on track in the health department and i really hope i could get back to the time where i am fully awake and alert every morning around 6. hope to get back to that state again soon.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
i was given a task to get a present for a colleague who's birthday is coming soon. another colleague requested me to get present for her as well. ended up with a task to get 2 presents for 2 people. okay, as usual no preference was given so i ended up getting an earring for one of them. a very very nice and costly earrings indeed that i almost bought one for myself too. of course i didn't buy for myself, instead i got a cute earrings for myself hehe. the other girl saw it and directly told me not to get earrings for her. okay, so much for the surprise. then the girl whom present i just bought said that she wants necklace. sharks!! why couldn't they tell me sooner. when its my turn i always said 'surprise me' and they did say they want to be surprised as well. so went down to exchange the earrings with necklace costing at the same price. nothing much and i bought something that i personally don't like. showed everyone and they agreed that it's not that great. now the necklace is mine and i still need to find another one for her. haiz ..
i was given a task to get a present for a colleague who's birthday is coming soon. another colleague requested me to get present for her as well. ended up with a task to get 2 presents for 2 people. okay, as usual no preference was given so i ended up getting an earring for one of them. a very very nice and costly earrings indeed that i almost bought one for myself too. of course i didn't buy for myself, instead i got a cute earrings for myself hehe. the other girl saw it and directly told me not to get earrings for her. okay, so much for the surprise. then the girl whom present i just bought said that she wants necklace. sharks!! why couldn't they tell me sooner. when its my turn i always said 'surprise me' and they did say they want to be surprised as well. so went down to exchange the earrings with necklace costing at the same price. nothing much and i bought something that i personally don't like. showed everyone and they agreed that it's not that great. now the necklace is mine and i still need to find another one for her. haiz ..

my cousin texted asking if i'd join them for tennis tonight. i kept on saying that i wanted to learn but kept on saying that i couldn't make it everytime he asked. well still not sure if i'd go tonight though i've already said yes, i ended up bringing 2 type of clothes - one for the tennis and the other one for pump in case i back out last minute. i just feel it's going to be a long night that he said they normally go for a swim after the session. with my uncle around i don't think i'll go into the pool, eh. furthermore it's rockstar night. let's see what i end up doing tonight.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006

spent my lunch time chatting with my sis. apparently my bro-in-law had a feeling about the gender of my future niece/nephew. they've already had a name in mind for one gender but they're still not certain if my bro-in-law's feeling turns out to be correct. my bro-in-law already said his preference for the first name. i did a browsing on this name, a nice one. they're still unsure about the middle name, hence me and my sis became creative here. put this name, but it's unfair to one parent of us as it's almost similar to the name of the other one. hmm, we ended up with lots of idea and she crazily added some of the hercules character name in which definitely will be rejected at once by her hubby. it's fun actually this naming game. just imagine being in her shoes.
current song: from paris to berlin
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
there's a time to change ..
just came back from lunch, went for groceries shopping in raffles city and had lunch there as well. well i finally forced myself to go and do it during my lunch break so that i could start preparing my own food tonight. went to do some shopping as well yesterday but for me nothing beats the freshness and choice of vegetables of jason. furthermore, i think they do cater for those living alone that they have all the things in small amount and wrapped nicely as well, save the hassle for me.
also, i've decided to create a sub-blog to self audit my own daily intake. why? i've been doing this for years actually, spending saturday planning on the meal to have next week, sunday morning to do the shopping and afternoon to do the cooking. been slacking BIG for months now that i though by having a sub-blog on this instead of a notepad where i couldn't simply tear the paper and re-plan. of course i'll be discipline enough to follow and monitor my daily intake starting from now.
just came back from lunch, went for groceries shopping in raffles city and had lunch there as well. well i finally forced myself to go and do it during my lunch break so that i could start preparing my own food tonight. went to do some shopping as well yesterday but for me nothing beats the freshness and choice of vegetables of jason. furthermore, i think they do cater for those living alone that they have all the things in small amount and wrapped nicely as well, save the hassle for me.
also, i've decided to create a sub-blog to self audit my own daily intake. why? i've been doing this for years actually, spending saturday planning on the meal to have next week, sunday morning to do the shopping and afternoon to do the cooking. been slacking BIG for months now that i though by having a sub-blog on this instead of a notepad where i couldn't simply tear the paper and re-plan. of course i'll be discipline enough to follow and monitor my daily intake starting from now.
colourful weekend?
my blind date with tom went well on friday. well yeah it's a blind date as he would never know my existence, right? just had dinner with jn, did some shopping for my tiramisu then we went our separate ways - home for me. i've been feeling very used to this quiet weekend that i think i'm going to stick to this habit of mine instead of going out. sorry jen, i was already at bedok when you called.
catch a movie with my flatmate on saturday. all i can say about this movie was simply boring!. i couldn't believe they could've fall for each other in real life after playing that sort of movie. on top of that i couldn't believe some people in the cinema laughed to all the dry humour - or is it only me?? the problem when we go out together is that none of us could control our appetite. apart from the huge (and not too bad) lunch we had, i still had my hands on a glass of bubble tea. spent the night at home making (another round of) tiramisu. this time i used a smaller bowls, hence i ended up 10 small cups and 2.5 big cups - enough for those who haven't got it last week.
woke up way too early for a sunday morning as i had to be at boon lay by 9 am. blimey! thank God my butt survived the almost an hour journey. reached there and met hp but the organiser was still on her way, duh! the game itself was FUN. got hit once but i'm still not sure why there's bruises on my leg when i was hit around the upper body. the gun and mask are heavy that once when i was squatting and wanted to move back, i ended up falling on my back. overall it's a fun activity worth trying again in the future, but surely not that early!
met switch afterwards - had lunch in kantin aneka. as usual once i was there i couldn't make up my mind on what to eat. ended up with the lo mie kankung (i'm not aware there's such indonesian food), batagor (my main reason for dining here) and a piece of risoles. greedy? you can say that!. went to esplanade afterwards as she said there's some love exhibitions happenning there, but apparently it was only 2 boards near the entrance displaying all the picture *wide grin*. it's nice meeting spending time with her.
okay, it's monday - brand new day, brand new week. though i had few spoonful of tiramisu this morning i vowed to start back a healthy lifestyle now. i hope i can live to my own expectation on this. wish me luck!!
my blind date with tom went well on friday. well yeah it's a blind date as he would never know my existence, right? just had dinner with jn, did some shopping for my tiramisu then we went our separate ways - home for me. i've been feeling very used to this quiet weekend that i think i'm going to stick to this habit of mine instead of going out. sorry jen, i was already at bedok when you called.
catch a movie with my flatmate on saturday. all i can say about this movie was simply boring!. i couldn't believe they could've fall for each other in real life after playing that sort of movie. on top of that i couldn't believe some people in the cinema laughed to all the dry humour - or is it only me?? the problem when we go out together is that none of us could control our appetite. apart from the huge (and not too bad) lunch we had, i still had my hands on a glass of bubble tea. spent the night at home making (another round of) tiramisu. this time i used a smaller bowls, hence i ended up 10 small cups and 2.5 big cups - enough for those who haven't got it last week.
woke up way too early for a sunday morning as i had to be at boon lay by 9 am. blimey! thank God my butt survived the almost an hour journey. reached there and met hp but the organiser was still on her way, duh! the game itself was FUN. got hit once but i'm still not sure why there's bruises on my leg when i was hit around the upper body. the gun and mask are heavy that once when i was squatting and wanted to move back, i ended up falling on my back. overall it's a fun activity worth trying again in the future, but surely not that early!
met switch afterwards - had lunch in kantin aneka. as usual once i was there i couldn't make up my mind on what to eat. ended up with the lo mie kankung (i'm not aware there's such indonesian food), batagor (my main reason for dining here) and a piece of risoles. greedy? you can say that!. went to esplanade afterwards as she said there's some love exhibitions happenning there, but apparently it was only 2 boards near the entrance displaying all the picture *wide grin*. it's nice meeting spending time with her.
okay, it's monday - brand new day, brand new week. though i had few spoonful of tiramisu this morning i vowed to start back a healthy lifestyle now. i hope i can live to my own expectation on this. wish me luck!!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
when are you coming out?
had a chat with my sis yesterday and she told me about her 2 weeks earlier than expected delivery date. apparently she's already in her 9th months and the gynae is now giving her some sort of medication to ripened (strengthened??) the baby's lung. the baby is quite big already and hopefully she gives birth normal like her 1st born.
so, yesterday after providing all the reports to my boss and seeing the satisfaction in her face, i approached the subject of leave. asked if i could take just 1 day leave and i'd make sure everything is fine beforehand including getting my backup ready. she kept quiet but i continued about my sister giving birth and kept on emphasizing on the 'just 1 day' thingy. at the end she gave up saying just to make sure not to take it during the critical time of my part. i said okay and happily left her room.
now lets just hope God take mercy on me and let the baby out not during my critical time.
had a chat with my sis yesterday and she told me about her 2 weeks earlier than expected delivery date. apparently she's already in her 9th months and the gynae is now giving her some sort of medication to ripened (strengthened??) the baby's lung. the baby is quite big already and hopefully she gives birth normal like her 1st born.
so, yesterday after providing all the reports to my boss and seeing the satisfaction in her face, i approached the subject of leave. asked if i could take just 1 day leave and i'd make sure everything is fine beforehand including getting my backup ready. she kept quiet but i continued about my sister giving birth and kept on emphasizing on the 'just 1 day' thingy. at the end she gave up saying just to make sure not to take it during the critical time of my part. i said okay and happily left her room.
now lets just hope God take mercy on me and let the baby out not during my critical time.
Friday, August 18, 2006
first and foremost :- HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO MY BELOVED COUNTRY! sweet 61 indeed..
i shall celebrate you with food and more food. yeah, diet gone haywire again starting from yesterday. went to catch a movie with yolli, screw diet - had popcorn (her), nachos (me), and diet coke. to think i still asked for diet coke with the food is actually a laugh, eh. ended the night with a chicken salad (her) and the beloved calamari (me). as usual the lavish eating habit continued until today, where i had 2 potato puff for breakfast. too bad my attempt in finding this indonesian place around tanjong pagar failed, really wanted to try the green chilli after hearing someone raved about it in the email.
i guess the fats in me are shouting the same word too - merdeka!! victory!!. a month to fasting month and i am still slacking big. the marathon is just around the corner and i haven't do any training at all. and to think i want to perform better than last year!!
the only thing to make me feel less guilty is the fact my trainer told me yesterday - when you are stress your body produce (or is it release?) more of cortisol (??) hormone that is known to retain fat.
speaking of august 17, tonight is the INXS concert at fort canning. i really wanted to go if i know anyone who's going - too bad i didn't. well actually i don't really know their songs, only 1 or 2 of it only. but it is because of JD who is the winner of the 1st season of rockstar that makes me want to go. that's the problem with reality show, you (at least me) kinda want to see the person you've been following on tv for real - especially when the person is as controversial as JD. i still didn't see the greatness of pretty vegas though. and oh, dilana - i kinda fancy ryan and magni as well nowadays ... hope you guys are the last 3 person standing.
first and foremost :- HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO MY BELOVED COUNTRY! sweet 61 indeed..
i shall celebrate you with food and more food. yeah, diet gone haywire again starting from yesterday. went to catch a movie with yolli, screw diet - had popcorn (her), nachos (me), and diet coke. to think i still asked for diet coke with the food is actually a laugh, eh. ended the night with a chicken salad (her) and the beloved calamari (me). as usual the lavish eating habit continued until today, where i had 2 potato puff for breakfast. too bad my attempt in finding this indonesian place around tanjong pagar failed, really wanted to try the green chilli after hearing someone raved about it in the email.
i guess the fats in me are shouting the same word too - merdeka!! victory!!. a month to fasting month and i am still slacking big. the marathon is just around the corner and i haven't do any training at all. and to think i want to perform better than last year!!
the only thing to make me feel less guilty is the fact my trainer told me yesterday - when you are stress your body produce (or is it release?) more of cortisol (??) hormone that is known to retain fat.
speaking of august 17, tonight is the INXS concert at fort canning. i really wanted to go if i know anyone who's going - too bad i didn't. well actually i don't really know their songs, only 1 or 2 of it only. but it is because of JD who is the winner of the 1st season of rockstar that makes me want to go. that's the problem with reality show, you (at least me) kinda want to see the person you've been following on tv for real - especially when the person is as controversial as JD. i still didn't see the greatness of pretty vegas though. and oh, dilana - i kinda fancy ryan and magni as well nowadays ... hope you guys are the last 3 person standing.
Thursday, August 17, 2006

there's a 3 hrs spinning session this saturday. a great calorie burner for sure, but will i cope this 3 hrs thingy is another story. the 45 mins class was a torture for me at times, especially when it's endurance, strength, or interval instead of normal spinning. sometimes i acted serious like i was trying very hard when actually i kept on decreasing the resistance. whenever the trainer said "increase your resistance" i would increase a bit but when i found it tough i would then decreased it more than i increased it. there was once when i attended my fave instructor class and i was not in the mood to push myself that i used the normal resistance but pretended i was working hard. i remember him saying in between tracks "don't cheat yourself. i can see if you are working hard or not from the way you push your wheels. come on .. mind over body". he might not be addressing it to me but i was quite ashamed with myself that i added the resistance afterwards. it was actually a fun class - imagine you closing your eyes listening to the music picturing yourself doing it outside based on whatever the instructor was saying "you're nearing the finish line. pedal faster .. beat the person in front of you .. come on!! .. there's a hill in front, add resistance and push yourself .. you can see the finishing line" and all other motivational words. a great adrenalin pumping with all the sweat falling from your face and the feeling after the class is over is totally awesome. the problem is to push yourself to start. so should i go for this 3 hours ride? i suspect the 3 hrs spinning will be a mix of endurance, strength, interval *contemplating*. one thing for sure though - there's going to be a lot of bananas distributed amongst us during the class.
i need to make up my mind by tomorrow whether it's a 3 hours of spinning or fish head curry lunch in JB? i might end up with neither and spend the day at home watching TV
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
dangerously in love
remember the nine west shoes i've been eyeing at? sal told me to get it then, but i didn't 'cos its too pricey for a sandal and i don't really need it as i have lots of that kind at home. furthermore i'm on tight budget, remember? when i saw the same pair back home i was happy thinking it's cheaper but apparently it's not so i decided to forget about it once and for all.
well .. it's raining here so me and hp went out to get our lunch. told her about the shoe sale and we ended up going there together. i was surprised to see the sandal i was eyeing at there, not the same sandal but similar colour and slightly different design. while i was trying it on i saw another colour which was nice too. still contemplating which colour to get i asked for my size in the 1st colour and decided on that. still i told the staff that the purple color is nice as well. she insisted it was bronze then change to pink and i just said yes. went to the cashier to make the payment. left the shop with a big grin and two pair of shoes - same design different colour.
remember the nine west shoes i've been eyeing at? sal told me to get it then, but i didn't 'cos its too pricey for a sandal and i don't really need it as i have lots of that kind at home. furthermore i'm on tight budget, remember? when i saw the same pair back home i was happy thinking it's cheaper but apparently it's not so i decided to forget about it once and for all.
well .. it's raining here so me and hp went out to get our lunch. told her about the shoe sale and we ended up going there together. i was surprised to see the sandal i was eyeing at there, not the same sandal but similar colour and slightly different design. while i was trying it on i saw another colour which was nice too. still contemplating which colour to get i asked for my size in the 1st colour and decided on that. still i told the staff that the purple color is nice as well. she insisted it was bronze then change to pink and i just said yes. went to the cashier to make the payment. left the shop with a big grin and two pair of shoes - same design different colour.
again ?
i know 2 friends are quite annoyed as i *again* gave in. in my defence, i had to do that else it's going to get worst when she found out we left her out of what's been discussed since 2 weeks ago. as expected, she still insisted it's not her fault to be rude and demanding but i decided to ignore this and went straight to the topic. and now everyone is waiting and hoping i could be much more firmer and not always give in. i gotta overcome this middle child syndrome - they said, hehe i'll try!
on a lighter note, finally i managed to grab someone to watch click ! hmm, not bad!!
back to work back to work back to work ..
i know 2 friends are quite annoyed as i *again* gave in. in my defence, i had to do that else it's going to get worst when she found out we left her out of what's been discussed since 2 weeks ago. as expected, she still insisted it's not her fault to be rude and demanding but i decided to ignore this and went straight to the topic. and now everyone is waiting and hoping i could be much more firmer and not always give in. i gotta overcome this middle child syndrome - they said, hehe i'll try!
on a lighter note, finally i managed to grab someone to watch click ! hmm, not bad!!
back to work back to work back to work ..
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
let's keep updating
the internet was down so i decided to be evil and dialed up for awhile. of course with this i managed to have a chat with friends in yahoo as well. a friend told me that he finally jumped into the wagon and signed up for a membership in a fitness center. he was asking for a so-called "tips and trick" for new comer. little did he knew i am now struggling to get back on track as well. ah, he also said that i had the right to scold him if he's slacking. well, being in a different country that's kinda difficult so i guess that right should be given to the slim and skinny friend of mine back home.
the internet was down so i decided to be evil and dialed up for awhile. of course with this i managed to have a chat with friends in yahoo as well. a friend told me that he finally jumped into the wagon and signed up for a membership in a fitness center. he was asking for a so-called "tips and trick" for new comer. little did he knew i am now struggling to get back on track as well. ah, he also said that i had the right to scold him if he's slacking. well, being in a different country that's kinda difficult so i guess that right should be given to the slim and skinny friend of mine back home.
today is the executive seminar, i.e. no managers nor partners are at the office. for us it normally means a dress down day as well. but one of the partner decided to treat everyone in this level with a sumptious buffet lunch. very nice of him, indeed. but didn't they realised this is one way to prevent us from taking a long lunch like everyone used to do during this event. anyways, there's quite a number of food to choose which means i have to say goodbye *again* to a healthy lifestyle. so i joined the crowd taking the rice buffet, mee siam, mango pudding, and drinks - i only skipped the bubur chacha as i don't like it. now i'm only done with the rice but i feel soo full even when i only took 2 scoop of rice *kalau sendoknya segede panci sama juga boong ding*. i'll keep the mee siam for my tea break together with the mango pudding. thanks for the treat, dear sir.
today is the executive seminar, i.e. no managers nor partners are at the office. for us it normally means a dress down day as well. but one of the partner decided to treat everyone in this level with a sumptious buffet lunch. very nice of him, indeed. but didn't they realised this is one way to prevent us from taking a long lunch like everyone used to do during this event. anyways, there's quite a number of food to choose which means i have to say goodbye *again* to a healthy lifestyle. so i joined the crowd taking the rice buffet, mee siam, mango pudding, and drinks - i only skipped the bubur chacha as i don't like it. now i'm only done with the rice but i feel soo full even when i only took 2 scoop of rice *kalau sendoknya segede panci sama juga boong ding*. i'll keep the mee siam for my tea break together with the mango pudding. thanks for the treat, dear sir.

i do wonder if there is a 'vent-your-anger-on-me-i-am-your-trash-bin' written all over my face?
back in school time, a friend always vent her anger on me. i tolerated it and approached her asking why. once done, she would burst in tears sharing all her problems with me. okay, it could be her way of telling me that she had a problem though there were times i was annoyed with her behaviour as well. but then again, she is my friend.
back in my previous company, my friend out of the blue suddenly showed tantrum without any reason. as usual, i asked why to no avail. few weeks later we found out that someone spread rumours about her and after everything was out and the air was cleared she acted like nothing had happened. of course i forgive about all the tantrums but still i tend to make a distance everytime we meet, the bitterness is still there in my heart.
and now - boy oh boy. everyone's been telling how good i am in tolerating this girl's tantrums. for me, if you are my friend i don't mind going a long way to make you happy as long as it is not against my religion and my family values. i've been the one doing the arrangement, set-up and stuff just to makesure everyone is happy and contented. but not until now when i felt so darn annoyed with the result. being tolerance doesn't mean i have to abandon my friends simply to follow someone's wish. i am not that sort of person. i think it is time for me to have a stronger stand. it's not easy being a people pleaser. like one of us said 'didn't we learn something new about someone tonight', i too learned that i need to please myself before pleasing someone else. i know i had my shares of moodiness that annoyed others as well, but i tend to withdrew or kept silence when i was in that state, not throwing tantrum.
well - i have to start being more firm now. i have started by saying a firm no when my boss called on sunday evening asking if i could come to the office when i know i have done everything. and for those who i had annoyed when i was in a moody state - my sincere apologies *smile* , i'm no longer the moody person i used to be back in schooling time.
earth, wind, and fire .. & tiramisu
met jen and sal for the fireworks show on saturday. it was so crowded when we reached the bridge. luckily few canto people were already there since 4.30 pm (!!) that they too had reserved a place for us. it was different side of singapore we saw that day - reminds me of the crowd in geylang during the fasting month period. it was stuffy at first but then God took mercy of us and the atmosphere became cool and windy. the fireworks itself was okay - they said the 1st and 3rd day was better. well, this is the only show i went to out of curiosity and simply because it was weekend. after fireworks we chit chatted and stopped the crowd *literally* when we stood and took picture along the bridge. 
went to bakerzinn for dessert afterwards but my mood was already dampened thanks to a certain someone (another post for this) that i decided to go home instead. reached home and still feeling annoyed i continued my tiramisu making. yeah, 'cos jen backed out from combat i didn't go as well. instead, i stayed at the office waiting for everything to be done and sent to central. afterwards i went to carrefour to get all the things i need to make tiramisu. bought 20 cups as i thought it would be around that numbers. already thinking of giving to my colleagues, flatmates, some friends, and probably the tea lady and my trainer as well. what do you know, i ended up only with 9 cups so only 2 of my workmates got it, hehe..

went to bakerzinn for dessert afterwards but my mood was already dampened thanks to a certain someone (another post for this) that i decided to go home instead. reached home and still feeling annoyed i continued my tiramisu making. yeah, 'cos jen backed out from combat i didn't go as well. instead, i stayed at the office waiting for everything to be done and sent to central. afterwards i went to carrefour to get all the things i need to make tiramisu. bought 20 cups as i thought it would be around that numbers. already thinking of giving to my colleagues, flatmates, some friends, and probably the tea lady and my trainer as well. what do you know, i ended up only with 9 cups so only 2 of my workmates got it, hehe..
Sunday, August 13, 2006
sweet dreams ...
after midnight and i still couldn't shut my eyes up. tried writing poem and ended up admitting that i had no talent in this area, though i did write some nice one during school time *including a love poem to my senior during orientation*. shucks, nothing good on TV and who else to be known fully awake at this time but jen...
jen: hallo?
me: jen, couldn't sleep
jen: wakakaka, i'm watching jewel of the palace
me: again? my gosh - when will it end?
jen: this is the last disc.
chit chatted awhile about whatever on our mind
me: okay jen, you go back to your drama. combat tomorrow yah, c u!
tried getting back to sleep to no avail. around 1ish my mobile rang..
me: yo jen, your turn not to be able to sleep?
jen: yes .. the drama is over *short story of the ending as usual*
me: finally!! no more story of this drama eh
jen: wakakakaka ...
chit chatted again for hours, the usual stuff :- life, work, personal.
jen: aren't we pathetic to keep on talking about the same thing
me: i know, but what to do - that's our pathetic life. i think my parents kinda gave up on me already
jen: kinda? mine gave up long time ago
me: you know, my dad used to joke about ...
jen: do you know that there's also a joke about women as a ball
me: woh? never heard about it
jen: well, in your teens you're like a football - being fought by 11 man. in your 2os basketball - fought by 6 (or is it 5?) man. in your 30s you're a golf ball - only 1 man. in your 40s? pingpong - you take her, no you take her, no you .. no you ..
me: that's a good one!!
jen: yeah i know!
me: okay jen, it's almost 3 i need to go to work tomorrow before combat. follow me to work after combat will you?
managed to sleep soundly afterwards. and just got a call that she couldn't make it to combat, as usual!
after midnight and i still couldn't shut my eyes up. tried writing poem and ended up admitting that i had no talent in this area, though i did write some nice one during school time *including a love poem to my senior during orientation*. shucks, nothing good on TV and who else to be known fully awake at this time but jen...
jen: hallo?
me: jen, couldn't sleep
jen: wakakaka, i'm watching jewel of the palace
me: again? my gosh - when will it end?
jen: this is the last disc.
chit chatted awhile about whatever on our mind
me: okay jen, you go back to your drama. combat tomorrow yah, c u!
tried getting back to sleep to no avail. around 1ish my mobile rang..
me: yo jen, your turn not to be able to sleep?
jen: yes .. the drama is over *short story of the ending as usual*
me: finally!! no more story of this drama eh
jen: wakakakaka ...
chit chatted again for hours, the usual stuff :- life, work, personal.
jen: aren't we pathetic to keep on talking about the same thing
me: i know, but what to do - that's our pathetic life. i think my parents kinda gave up on me already
jen: kinda? mine gave up long time ago
me: you know, my dad used to joke about ...
jen: do you know that there's also a joke about women as a ball
me: woh? never heard about it
jen: well, in your teens you're like a football - being fought by 11 man. in your 2os basketball - fought by 6 (or is it 5?) man. in your 30s you're a golf ball - only 1 man. in your 40s? pingpong - you take her, no you take her, no you .. no you ..
me: that's a good one!!
jen: yeah i know!
me: okay jen, it's almost 3 i need to go to work tomorrow before combat. follow me to work after combat will you?
managed to sleep soundly afterwards. and just got a call that she couldn't make it to combat, as usual!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
if you think breaking up is hard ...
try breaking up with a superhero! gotcha!! that's the tagline from the movie i so want to watch. apart from that another movie caught my interest due to the beautiful actress. i found a group of indian who's going to this movie. hehe, though i don't know any of them i thought this is the only way i could watch hindi movies, looking for a bunch of hindi girls here. you'd be surprised to know there's a lot of them. how do i get to know this group? google of course. too bad they're going this sunday and i might need to be at the office on that day. i don't think i'll watch a 3 hours movie alone. i guess i just have to wait for the dvd of this movie then.
try breaking up with a superhero! gotcha!! that's the tagline from the movie i so want to watch. apart from that another movie caught my interest due to the beautiful actress. i found a group of indian who's going to this movie. hehe, though i don't know any of them i thought this is the only way i could watch hindi movies, looking for a bunch of hindi girls here. you'd be surprised to know there's a lot of them. how do i get to know this group? google of course. too bad they're going this sunday and i might need to be at the office on that day. i don't think i'll watch a 3 hours movie alone. i guess i just have to wait for the dvd of this movie then.
simply delicious
after a bowl of bakmi ayam with bakso , gado-gado (shared with 2 workmates of course), and a glass of teh botol - i feel soooo satisfied. thought that i could burn it off when i go for training tonight. what do you know, my trainer texted asking if the session can be postponed to next week as all her appointment was cancelled, hence she had no mood to come down. so good of her, eh! no longer in the mood to attend any class or do on my own later. anyways, after the food i had, i'm simply contented - nothing compares to my local country's food!!
after a bowl of bakmi ayam with bakso , gado-gado (shared with 2 workmates of course), and a glass of teh botol - i feel soooo satisfied. thought that i could burn it off when i go for training tonight. what do you know, my trainer texted asking if the session can be postponed to next week as all her appointment was cancelled, hence she had no mood to come down. so good of her, eh! no longer in the mood to attend any class or do on my own later. anyways, after the food i had, i'm simply contented - nothing compares to my local country's food!!
Friday, August 11, 2006
3 in 1
boss is going on leave tomorrow!! so much so for the no leave can be taken within this critical period. not leading by example huh. anyways, ayam bakar ojolali .. here i come! hmm, should ask aunt sue if she wants to join us for lunch tomorrow
kat messaged me. she's back in singapore! after spending 2 months by her step dad's side, he died peacefully and i hope she's fine now. at least she spent the last 2 months with him. she asked about the roller blading thingy. well now that she's back i hope she has the time to teach me since she's staying quite nearby. let her spends quality time with the hubby for now.
yeah, i'm complicated!! why? i think 2 of my friends fully understand this statement of mine. i can't help myself here but i'm trying to reduce the level of complicacy in me. life is already complicated enough to make it even more complicated - am i right to say so?
gotta get back to work now. the best part of having blogger open while you're working is that you can alt-tab, write a post, publish it, alt-tab again, and back to work
boss is going on leave tomorrow!! so much so for the no leave can be taken within this critical period. not leading by example huh. anyways, ayam bakar ojolali .. here i come! hmm, should ask aunt sue if she wants to join us for lunch tomorrow
kat messaged me. she's back in singapore! after spending 2 months by her step dad's side, he died peacefully and i hope she's fine now. at least she spent the last 2 months with him. she asked about the roller blading thingy. well now that she's back i hope she has the time to teach me since she's staying quite nearby. let her spends quality time with the hubby for now.
yeah, i'm complicated!! why? i think 2 of my friends fully understand this statement of mine. i can't help myself here but i'm trying to reduce the level of complicacy in me. life is already complicated enough to make it even more complicated - am i right to say so?
gotta get back to work now. the best part of having blogger open while you're working is that you can alt-tab, write a post, publish it, alt-tab again, and back to work
my love
with all the craziness in the office i never had a chance to go out for lunch for the past few days. everytime i went down to get my lunch i always made an effort to stop by and take a quick peek at you. you were in my mind for few days now and as hard as i try to control myself, i couldn't resist you any longer. today i was so very determined to get you. and you know what? you made me feel like i'm the happiest girl alive...
proud owner of two pairs of new shoes
with all the craziness in the office i never had a chance to go out for lunch for the past few days. everytime i went down to get my lunch i always made an effort to stop by and take a quick peek at you. you were in my mind for few days now and as hard as i try to control myself, i couldn't resist you any longer. today i was so very determined to get you. and you know what? you made me feel like i'm the happiest girl alive...
proud owner of two pairs of new shoes

after spending half a day at the office i decided to leave and join the rest for the picnic. i mean if everyone else can have a break from work why shouldn't i, right? after getting some goodies i called asking where was the meeting point for this so-called picnic and rushed myself there. reached there and sat with the rest while waiting for the others to come. so happy that finally the one with the plastic cup arrived. haha, seems like we're more excited with the arrival of the cups than of the people instead. food was great, love the risoles to bits; the spring roll and tahu sumedang was not bad either though we're still wondering how come there's a sauce for tahu sumedang. too bad nobody brought frisbee and i forgotten to bring boomerang. well its a display one and we were thinking of testing if it works or not. at the end we just played with the little boy, chasing him around and stuff. until we decided there must be a game, and came the idea of playing tak benteng. after splitting the groups into two team we chose the tree as our fort and started the game. the place was too big and with some people who never played the game before, it became haywired that we ended up laughing. decided to switch to another game instead, ular naga. now this is fun!! though we ended up with our own rule and it's quite fun, really really fun actually. i think we became quite a view to look at as we noticed a couple kept on laughing at us and the caucasian group who's done with their frisbee game looking at our direction as well. but don't care, it's fun and we played until dark and once we thought we had enough fun we packed and left the place. on our way out, one of the caucasian lady looked at us and smiled. hehe, i guess she was amazed seeing a bunch of 'oldies' playing child games. it's fun and a well spent evening after all the hassle and pressure at work
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Happy Birthday Singapore!!
heard the fireworks sound from orchard last night. yeah, decided not to go for the fireworks and went for a feast instead. my mood just went down after i received a SOS text message from office when i'm done with combat. met jun on our way to orchard, apparently she tickled me twice but i didn't realised it 'cos i thought its just someone brushing against me accidentally. when i realised it was her she said "that fat eh, until you can't feel it?" introduced her to jn and the next thing jn said to her was "oh, you're the trainer. so how did you train her until she gained weight like this?" - i felt sooooo bad seeing jun's expression and cut in saying it's my fault for having a great time with foods and jun also mentioned about the training session that was down to once a week now. sometimes you gotta think before saying anything eh.
supposed to come back to work this afternoon but then received another message from the office in the morning. haiz, and to think i want to wake up late today. so here i am - this stupid network instability is getting annoying as it is what causing me being here early. well, what to say - already late for pump might as well i start doing what i'm supposed to start later. so much so for getting back on track, eh
wonder what must i have for lunch, knowing how dead this place is during holidays...
heard the fireworks sound from orchard last night. yeah, decided not to go for the fireworks and went for a feast instead. my mood just went down after i received a SOS text message from office when i'm done with combat. met jun on our way to orchard, apparently she tickled me twice but i didn't realised it 'cos i thought its just someone brushing against me accidentally. when i realised it was her she said "that fat eh, until you can't feel it?" introduced her to jn and the next thing jn said to her was "oh, you're the trainer. so how did you train her until she gained weight like this?" - i felt sooooo bad seeing jun's expression and cut in saying it's my fault for having a great time with foods and jun also mentioned about the training session that was down to once a week now. sometimes you gotta think before saying anything eh.
supposed to come back to work this afternoon but then received another message from the office in the morning. haiz, and to think i want to wake up late today. so here i am - this stupid network instability is getting annoying as it is what causing me being here early. well, what to say - already late for pump might as well i start doing what i'm supposed to start later. so much so for getting back on track, eh
wonder what must i have for lunch, knowing how dead this place is during holidays...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
rambles and rambles and rambles
so much so for the movie and dinner. just when i was about to prepare and leave the office boss came in. talked about few stuff then while waiting for hp to pack, boss came in again, took a chair and had a seat, chit chatting! we could only sit listening to her but since my machine was still on i sametime hp who was seating in front of me saying "i wanna go home" she replied "me too..." at the end we kept on sametiming each other with a knowing smile and look in each others eyes while boss kept on talking. sametimed em who was seating quite far asking her to asked boss something so that we could go out. at the end we gave up. good bye my movie, good bye my dinner.
anyway .. it's one more day to public holiday!! though i need to work tomorrow, one thing good is that i can take a cab to work and claim later hehe, we always need to look at the brighter side of things right - half full!. finally the 12% rebate is back just in time as i need to stock up on my skin care. I have to give huge credit to this place. not only did i receive 2 text messages informing me on the event, the lamer staff called me to remind me on this as well together with the info that it's going to be opened until midnight. guess i'll just drop by during lunch or probably tomorrow to get my stuff as i am thinking of seeing the fireworks display tonight. yupe, after 7 years living here i decided to join the fun this year. cin is going with her colleagues after her run, sal is going with the canto group, so i guess i'll just do my combat and meet jn afterwards to go there - hopefully we can meet everyone else knowing how crowded it will be.
going to the gym with jen tomorrow, she's in need to loose weight and i'm in need to get back on track. what a great pair, eh. it's sure gonna be fun seeing her doing pump for the 1st time tomorrow. might be doing a pot luck picnic tomorrow, not sure of the exact location though. i guess i just have to play by ear - anyone wanna join?
so much so for the movie and dinner. just when i was about to prepare and leave the office boss came in. talked about few stuff then while waiting for hp to pack, boss came in again, took a chair and had a seat, chit chatting! we could only sit listening to her but since my machine was still on i sametime hp who was seating in front of me saying "i wanna go home" she replied "me too..." at the end we kept on sametiming each other with a knowing smile and look in each others eyes while boss kept on talking. sametimed em who was seating quite far asking her to asked boss something so that we could go out. at the end we gave up. good bye my movie, good bye my dinner.
anyway .. it's one more day to public holiday!! though i need to work tomorrow, one thing good is that i can take a cab to work and claim later hehe, we always need to look at the brighter side of things right - half full!. finally the 12% rebate is back just in time as i need to stock up on my skin care. I have to give huge credit to this place. not only did i receive 2 text messages informing me on the event, the lamer staff called me to remind me on this as well together with the info that it's going to be opened until midnight. guess i'll just drop by during lunch or probably tomorrow to get my stuff as i am thinking of seeing the fireworks display tonight. yupe, after 7 years living here i decided to join the fun this year. cin is going with her colleagues after her run, sal is going with the canto group, so i guess i'll just do my combat and meet jn afterwards to go there - hopefully we can meet everyone else knowing how crowded it will be.
going to the gym with jen tomorrow, she's in need to loose weight and i'm in need to get back on track. what a great pair, eh. it's sure gonna be fun seeing her doing pump for the 1st time tomorrow. might be doing a pot luck picnic tomorrow, not sure of the exact location though. i guess i just have to play by ear - anyone wanna join?
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
been having this slight headache since last friday, hence the reason of me not even attending claudia's dinner. well when i did pump this morning i felt a slight pain as well - but i thought it's due to lack of sleep. if the problem still persists i think i'll go see a doctor tomorrow.
end of monday and suddenly i have a craving for breaded chicken. my fave instructor was so sweet this morning *but then again he's always nice*. after class i chatted with chris who is now attending the morning class as well. on my way out the instructor asked 'how are you?'. well i always felt tongue-tied everytime faced with him that i tested myself by stopping and answering back instead of the normal 'good, thanks - bye, c ya'. then he asked if i was busy with work. i knew why the question so i said that i just had difficulty waking up early nowadays. he looked at me and the next question was 'but you still go for combat right?'. i said yes, smiled saying goodbye and left the studio. yeah i know my weight gained is very obvious that even he suspected i didn't do combat. i'm trying to get back on track here, another 1 kg to add to my squad track to get back to my glorious 8.5 kg.
back to my craving, let's see where my feet bring me - to the east bound train straight home or the north bound for dinner followed by movie.
end of monday and suddenly i have a craving for breaded chicken. my fave instructor was so sweet this morning *but then again he's always nice*. after class i chatted with chris who is now attending the morning class as well. on my way out the instructor asked 'how are you?'. well i always felt tongue-tied everytime faced with him that i tested myself by stopping and answering back instead of the normal 'good, thanks - bye, c ya'. then he asked if i was busy with work. i knew why the question so i said that i just had difficulty waking up early nowadays. he looked at me and the next question was 'but you still go for combat right?'. i said yes, smiled saying goodbye and left the studio. yeah i know my weight gained is very obvious that even he suspected i didn't do combat. i'm trying to get back on track here, another 1 kg to add to my squad track to get back to my glorious 8.5 kg.
back to my craving, let's see where my feet bring me - to the east bound train straight home or the north bound for dinner followed by movie.
girl power
few days ago i came across an article about how multitasking put a lot of strain in the brain. hmm, but i believe women are always multitasking. ever heard the story of a woman walking to her kitchen from her room? you surely know what i mean then..
well what can i say, went out for lunch with jen. walked around afterwards and got myself a nail polish. went back to office and start working. polished my left finger nails while waiting for the query to run. created another query and polished my right finger nails while waiting for the result. need to discuss it with boss but she was on the line, what the heck - polished my toes. done! boss was still on the line, time for browsing (and blogging...)
few days ago i came across an article about how multitasking put a lot of strain in the brain. hmm, but i believe women are always multitasking. ever heard the story of a woman walking to her kitchen from her room? you surely know what i mean then..
well what can i say, went out for lunch with jen. walked around afterwards and got myself a nail polish. went back to office and start working. polished my left finger nails while waiting for the query to run. created another query and polished my right finger nails while waiting for the result. need to discuss it with boss but she was on the line, what the heck - polished my toes. done! boss was still on the line, time for browsing (and blogging...)
Monday, August 07, 2006

the beat that my heart skipped
you are the one who is in control of your own life.
follow your heart and follow your dreams.
c'est vrai - j'aime romaine duris bien. il est un bon acteur
Saturday, August 05, 2006
okay peace, i give in. after forcing myself to sleep early i still couldn't shut my eyes. decided not to answer jen's call but still couldn't sleep. ended up returning her call and chit chatted for awhile. still feeling refresh after only 3 hours of sleep last night, here i am. though my head is spinning my body is totally wide awake, been sneezing the whole day but still couldn't shut my eyes - why oh why?
had lunch with jen earlier, didn't eat a lot as i decided to forgo the rice. still feeling hungry i bought fruits and i think i didn't have enough to feed my body for the weight training session. my legs were still sore from the wednesday pump that jun let it rest - soo happy that i didn't have to use those bloody torturous leg machine. went back to the office awhile but then i started to feel dizzy so i just finished whatever that couldn't be done from home, get my dinner and straight home afterwards. doh - i hope i can wake up late tomorrow, think i'll skip the gym as well.
just realised today that i accidentally threw away my thumb drive. so careless of me!! cin returned it to me during lunch 2 days ago and i put it in one of the plastic bag which i threw without checking. luckily there's nothing more that the rafting pictures inside.
signed up for the marathon already. instead of enrolling myself in the half marathon as planned, i stick to the 10 km hoping to improve the timing. this time around the run will be few days after hari raya, so i don't think i can cope with the half marathon. i hope i can go home for hari raya as well.
enrolled myself in the firm's paintball activity, can't wait for it - have been wanting to try this activity for ages.
dear God - make me sleepy, please...
okay peace, i give in. after forcing myself to sleep early i still couldn't shut my eyes. decided not to answer jen's call but still couldn't sleep. ended up returning her call and chit chatted for awhile. still feeling refresh after only 3 hours of sleep last night, here i am. though my head is spinning my body is totally wide awake, been sneezing the whole day but still couldn't shut my eyes - why oh why?
had lunch with jen earlier, didn't eat a lot as i decided to forgo the rice. still feeling hungry i bought fruits and i think i didn't have enough to feed my body for the weight training session. my legs were still sore from the wednesday pump that jun let it rest - soo happy that i didn't have to use those bloody torturous leg machine. went back to the office awhile but then i started to feel dizzy so i just finished whatever that couldn't be done from home, get my dinner and straight home afterwards. doh - i hope i can wake up late tomorrow, think i'll skip the gym as well.
just realised today that i accidentally threw away my thumb drive. so careless of me!! cin returned it to me during lunch 2 days ago and i put it in one of the plastic bag which i threw without checking. luckily there's nothing more that the rafting pictures inside.
signed up for the marathon already. instead of enrolling myself in the half marathon as planned, i stick to the 10 km hoping to improve the timing. this time around the run will be few days after hari raya, so i don't think i can cope with the half marathon. i hope i can go home for hari raya as well.
enrolled myself in the firm's paintball activity, can't wait for it - have been wanting to try this activity for ages.
dear God - make me sleepy, please...
oh my ..
remember the adaptor thingy i wrote about? confirmed its the 2 pin adaptor. the fedex just came to deliver this and apparently it cost her US$20 to get a new one, hence her reason for asking about it. and now she's embarrassed as we found out that the delivery costs more than that. hahaha
remember the adaptor thingy i wrote about? confirmed its the 2 pin adaptor. the fedex just came to deliver this and apparently it cost her US$20 to get a new one, hence her reason for asking about it. and now she's embarrassed as we found out that the delivery costs more than that. hahaha
Friday, August 04, 2006
another ramblings
it's friday and my head is spinning now. thanks to my body which denied me a good night sleep. i remember the last time i checked the clock is 3.50ish AM and i was still wide awake feeling totally refresh.
anyways, went to combat last night. j was there and she asked me to sit next to her straightaway. my intention of reserving a place then go down for some machine work before the class was cancelled. i was wondering why and apparently she was tempted to know more on my social life. all my display stats in msn made her wonder. haha, it was all lyrics my friend. s and chris came then and we started talking more on social life in singapore. to think she asked me this made me smile as all this while she was the one with all the social thingy, being still in school and all.
went home and i was a bit annoyed with the fact that i didn't feel sleepy at all. watched rockstar and it was sad seeing the contestant who always smile left the show. ryan got the encore and he reminded me of mig ayesa from the first season of rockstar. how he sang one song with all his heart and made dave shed tears - wonder where he is now. still had problem sleeping that i watched the 3rd telecast of this show again at 3ish. dang!!
started this morning with a daily email to friends. this time, thanks to a mr. dodol i became a bit creative and composed a lipogram email. okay i better start working now.
and by the way, for those reading - this post of mine is a lipogram as well *edited twice*...
it's friday and my head is spinning now. thanks to my body which denied me a good night sleep. i remember the last time i checked the clock is 3.50ish AM and i was still wide awake feeling totally refresh.
anyways, went to combat last night. j was there and she asked me to sit next to her straightaway. my intention of reserving a place then go down for some machine work before the class was cancelled. i was wondering why and apparently she was tempted to know more on my social life. all my display stats in msn made her wonder. haha, it was all lyrics my friend. s and chris came then and we started talking more on social life in singapore. to think she asked me this made me smile as all this while she was the one with all the social thingy, being still in school and all.
went home and i was a bit annoyed with the fact that i didn't feel sleepy at all. watched rockstar and it was sad seeing the contestant who always smile left the show. ryan got the encore and he reminded me of mig ayesa from the first season of rockstar. how he sang one song with all his heart and made dave shed tears - wonder where he is now. still had problem sleeping that i watched the 3rd telecast of this show again at 3ish. dang!!
started this morning with a daily email to friends. this time, thanks to a mr. dodol i became a bit creative and composed a lipogram email. okay i better start working now.
and by the way, for those reading - this post of mine is a lipogram as well *edited twice*...
Thursday, August 03, 2006
cool night ...
yeah i'm cool now. i guess i was very frustrated with all the things that given to me when i know few others are having a good life only concentrating in the project. i know i was annoyed that after throwing tantrum my boss no longer give new stuff to her assistance, hence my growing list. to add to that, my colleague asked me about the sutff she was supposed to do. i was so not in the mood that i snapped at her saying she should be responsible for that, not asking me about it all the time. i mean come on, because i did for her once doesn't mean i have to know everything, i did for her that time because as usual she went on leave in a day when she was not supposed to take leave. anyway, its all under the bridge - happy happy happy!!
went for pump last night. haven't been to the wed class for ages that my normal spot was already occupied by someone else. so i went to the other corner instead, my normal spot on monday morning. not a bad choice!! i saw a cute guy doing pump as well and i do mean very cute. after pump and shower, went back to office to continue few stuff then went out for dinner with jn. there was a line dancing class there when we had our dinner that we continued staying there enjoying those aunties and uncles doing the dance. on my way home again i met this 'kembangan guy'. yeah, i nick named him that as he was quite cute considering how dry singapore is when it comes to this. i think this was the 3rd time seeing him, twice in the mrt and once in bugis' old chang kee.
went home and spent a quiet night - with all the annoyance in me i ended having quite a nice night and 2 great views, i woke up afresh. i hope i can control myself today.
yeah i'm cool now. i guess i was very frustrated with all the things that given to me when i know few others are having a good life only concentrating in the project. i know i was annoyed that after throwing tantrum my boss no longer give new stuff to her assistance, hence my growing list. to add to that, my colleague asked me about the sutff she was supposed to do. i was so not in the mood that i snapped at her saying she should be responsible for that, not asking me about it all the time. i mean come on, because i did for her once doesn't mean i have to know everything, i did for her that time because as usual she went on leave in a day when she was not supposed to take leave. anyway, its all under the bridge - happy happy happy!!
went for pump last night. haven't been to the wed class for ages that my normal spot was already occupied by someone else. so i went to the other corner instead, my normal spot on monday morning. not a bad choice!! i saw a cute guy doing pump as well and i do mean very cute. after pump and shower, went back to office to continue few stuff then went out for dinner with jn. there was a line dancing class there when we had our dinner that we continued staying there enjoying those aunties and uncles doing the dance. on my way home again i met this 'kembangan guy'. yeah, i nick named him that as he was quite cute considering how dry singapore is when it comes to this. i think this was the 3rd time seeing him, twice in the mrt and once in bugis' old chang kee.
went home and spent a quiet night - with all the annoyance in me i ended having quite a nice night and 2 great views, i woke up afresh. i hope i can control myself today.
it is confirmed
i need to kill someone!!! anyone
she just came by with a stack of auditors stuff that need to be re-checked. my response to that stack of stuff was 'woh' and she smiled. at the same time i told her that i still couldn't figure out how to get the 1st closing thingy. i ended up with 70million-ish when she said it should be aroud 20K-ish. without any guilty feeling she told me that she was thinking of looking at another data instead!! spending my whole day figuring this out and she came with that comments. HR data was so messy that we couldn't send it up without fixing all the data. me and the finance manager could only share our frustration to becoming a full time HR person now. God help me!! i'm getting to the point where i could just stand up and scream. i need to go to the gym to vent this anger out. i don't care - i know i'm supposed to stay late tonight but i'm going home!!
i need to kill someone!!! anyone
she just came by with a stack of auditors stuff that need to be re-checked. my response to that stack of stuff was 'woh' and she smiled. at the same time i told her that i still couldn't figure out how to get the 1st closing thingy. i ended up with 70million-ish when she said it should be aroud 20K-ish. without any guilty feeling she told me that she was thinking of looking at another data instead!! spending my whole day figuring this out and she came with that comments. HR data was so messy that we couldn't send it up without fixing all the data. me and the finance manager could only share our frustration to becoming a full time HR person now. God help me!! i'm getting to the point where i could just stand up and scream. i need to go to the gym to vent this anger out. i don't care - i know i'm supposed to stay late tonight but i'm going home!!
happy birthday!!
yesterday was my nephew's birthday. called him 3 times because of this. the 1st time was early in the morning where i sang him a birthday song and he shyly said 'yaaaay'. 2nd time after he came back from school for details but he was too engrossed in his cake that he simply answered me. the 3rd time was at night where i played a juke box which play a birthday song and asked him to listen. he was so quiet there listening to the music that he suddenly shouted 'i know, happy birthday'.
2 days ago my sister told me what a sore loser my nephew was. he played snake and ladder with his dad and was about to win when he hit a snake and had to went down the board. he tried to avoid that by saying that the snake was scared of him, but of course he had to follow the rule and he lost to his dad. he ended up crying like somebody abused him. another game he played with his dad was chess and when his dad ate his horse, he took a toy gun saying that his warrior need to get extra protection. a sore loser indeed.
yesterday my sister told me that he woke up and went to him mum room saying that it was his birthday, he was already 5 years old and asked his mom to change quickly. puzzled, his mom asked why and his answer was "today i birthday. so you must go to hospital, the baby must come out. i 5 years already, faster changing". lol - apparently he assumed his birthday means the baby's birthday as well.
when the hamster gave birth, i asked him "the hamster just come already have babies. when is your mommy's baby coming out?". the next thing i heard from my mom was that he kept on asking why his mom hasn't give birth when the hamster had.
he was quite a critic that if i joke and lied to him he would asked me back "why you lie to me?" or if i use the word 'lah' he would complained "hey, why you said lah?" as his mom told him no 'lah' at the end of any sentence.
better think twice before saying anything to little kids.
yesterday was my nephew's birthday. called him 3 times because of this. the 1st time was early in the morning where i sang him a birthday song and he shyly said 'yaaaay'. 2nd time after he came back from school for details but he was too engrossed in his cake that he simply answered me. the 3rd time was at night where i played a juke box which play a birthday song and asked him to listen. he was so quiet there listening to the music that he suddenly shouted 'i know, happy birthday'.
2 days ago my sister told me what a sore loser my nephew was. he played snake and ladder with his dad and was about to win when he hit a snake and had to went down the board. he tried to avoid that by saying that the snake was scared of him, but of course he had to follow the rule and he lost to his dad. he ended up crying like somebody abused him. another game he played with his dad was chess and when his dad ate his horse, he took a toy gun saying that his warrior need to get extra protection. a sore loser indeed.
yesterday my sister told me that he woke up and went to him mum room saying that it was his birthday, he was already 5 years old and asked his mom to change quickly. puzzled, his mom asked why and his answer was "today i birthday. so you must go to hospital, the baby must come out. i 5 years already, faster changing". lol - apparently he assumed his birthday means the baby's birthday as well.
when the hamster gave birth, i asked him "the hamster just come already have babies. when is your mommy's baby coming out?". the next thing i heard from my mom was that he kept on asking why his mom hasn't give birth when the hamster had.
he was quite a critic that if i joke and lied to him he would asked me back "why you lie to me?" or if i use the word 'lah' he would complained "hey, why you said lah?" as his mom told him no 'lah' at the end of any sentence.
better think twice before saying anything to little kids.
my boss has been annoying for the last 2 days, asking a lot of new things when i have so many in my to do list. yesterday was the peak of my annoyance that i ended up shedding tears. come on, asking 4 auditors to help but then i have to do the additional stuff of checking whatever they did backdoor. not fully satisfied with the total i came up with, she asked me to trace one row at a time and if there's a discrepancy i have to figure out where should it be parked. come on!! shouldn't that be done my managers from each department? . to add it up, the HR staff resigned!! apparently she couldn't cope with the workload. now i have to again look at the HR part of the system. very unlucky...
just sent my boss the new analysis when she replied asking for the 1st closing to be done. told her it couldn't be done but she called and asked me to look into a way to differentiate the data and try to get the figure. Duh'. instead of doing it at once, i decided to browse the net for what's showing in the cinema now. hmm, there are 2 interesting movies that captured my intention. and now i'm blogging. don't care, it's 5 mins to lunch anyway.
my boss has been annoying for the last 2 days, asking a lot of new things when i have so many in my to do list. yesterday was the peak of my annoyance that i ended up shedding tears. come on, asking 4 auditors to help but then i have to do the additional stuff of checking whatever they did backdoor. not fully satisfied with the total i came up with, she asked me to trace one row at a time and if there's a discrepancy i have to figure out where should it be parked. come on!! shouldn't that be done my managers from each department? . to add it up, the HR staff resigned!! apparently she couldn't cope with the workload. now i have to again look at the HR part of the system. very unlucky...
just sent my boss the new analysis when she replied asking for the 1st closing to be done. told her it couldn't be done but she called and asked me to look into a way to differentiate the data and try to get the figure. Duh'. instead of doing it at once, i decided to browse the net for what's showing in the cinema now. hmm, there are 2 interesting movies that captured my intention. and now i'm blogging. don't care, it's 5 mins to lunch anyway.
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