Saturday, October 13, 2007


finally.. time to relax
it's been crazy day as usual on the 1st day of eid, with dad being the eldest uncle, cousin and all. just counted and 19 bottles of softdrink finished today. no more cakes left, i didn't got a chance to taste the truffle, when mum actually made 2 of that! thank god mum made one cheesecake specially for us and my sis' in-laws. else ..
i've been sleeping during day time since i arrived much to mum's annoyance. so from friday morning i decided to skip the cough mixture 'cos i suspect that's the culprit and i am right. problem was now i couldn't have a good night sleep after having too much sleep. and now i'm barking like mad - must be from all the cookies i had earlier.
on another note, i browsed facebook and looked at the pictures from the 3-in-1 birthday bash last night. it looks fun and i'm sure it was a great one. mixed feeling here. how so i wish it'd be celebrated next week but then again after 'marking attendance' i am the only one who couldn't make it this week. oh well ...
on yet another note, i drag tomorrow. time to repay the visit and with both sisters married i am the only one who will go with my parents, hence no way i could skip certain house like how the two of them can skip. ugh ...
like today both sisters are out with their respective others and children *btw, to my sister's annoyance i call my newborn niece mimin haha* while i am at home still waiting for guests to arrive. sigh
but anyways, it was a fun tiring awesome exhausting day. i think last year's record was broken when 7 cars arrived at one go today that we have to break the feasting in 4 rounds.

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