Saturday, October 06, 2007

'So You're On Facebook?'

i guess that's the pretty common question asked among new friends nowadays. and i did ask that earlier when this person commented on how he would be facebook deprived now that his company banned it. we then started talking about facebook, me telling him on how i created an account there in early august if not late july but only started being active in mid august. he on the other hand told me how facebook has been part of his life for the last 3 years (!!!) when his uni was one of the first 3 that started using it. i was talking about how i was kinda hook on it now and about all sorts of application that can be found there only to get a response about the initial objective of facebook, the reason of poking, the profile thingy and stuff. i listened and commented here and there while my mind was trying to recall how many applications i have in mine now, i'm pretty sure its way lesser than what i had when i started - zombie, werewolfs, vampires, pet dragon; basically you name it i might've tried it once.
so it's no brainer that the 1st thing i did when i reached home was to check on the numbers of applications i have on my profile.
hmmm... ah, don't care! i love my profile just the way it is.

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