Tuesday, October 30, 2007


i'm just so not feeling great nowadays. i guess all the things that i saw makes me realised somehow that things changed and nothing can be the same as few years or even months back anymore. i know this sounds bad, its no one's fault but my own. sometimes it makes me feel jealous of the situation and at times i feel like a disappointment to myself. i know changes are inevitable and i have to adapt to it and honestly sometimes i feel i'm just scaring myself too much when the fact isn't that bad. i tried to ignore it but everytime i see the changes it'll somehow affect me.
actually, it happened before and i remember feeling like this too but somehow it goes back to normal if not better. i guess that's the reason, because it gets pretty more interesting than what it used to be so it is much much harder to face it. hearing or reading about all that doesn't help either.
i guess i just have to learn to adapt myself to all these changes again. i know it takes time. i know i can't change myself drastically but i still have to make changes here and there. life is afterall full of changes.


Anung said...

your post makes me think that we are really getting old Sis..

Simply Baby said...

haha .. and why's that?
but true though, we are aging :-?