Saturday, June 17, 2006

who said taxi drivers here are irritating. well there were probably a handful irritating one, but i've encoutered more nice taxi drivers than the oh so not nice one. my encounters with them for the past few days :-

  1. meeting my friends for the football match last saturday, uncle offered me some sweets. he said 'this is nice, with milk in it'. took one and few moments later he looked back asking for the wrapper 'come give me the wrapper, let me throw it for you'
  2. took a cab to office yesterday. been coughing for the past few weeks as well. uncle open a small pouch and offered me some hacks for my throat
  3. had a very bad headache so i decided to go home instead of gym yesterday. took a cab as i was carrying lots of stuff. realised that i left my mobile at the office, i asked him to go to my office building 1st. he was quite reluctant to wait for me as no taxi is supposed to wait at the loading bay but he ended up saying okay. left all my stuff inside the taxi while i went up to get my mobile. kinda gamble myself there - what if the man took off? but he was still there.

you see, never say taxi driver is bad!!

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