Tuesday, June 06, 2006

spent last night talking to juwi (bik, lemme know when you have phone line at home, i'll pester you as well). thanks juw, for being such a great listener. i just want to talk to someone last night. like i told you, today i feel lighter though i don't want to let it go - i believe i'm just in love with the idea and the thrill of it. but again like i told you, to really let it go takes a lot of perserverance. well, i am almost there, i hope so. i think you'll be drop dead bored the next time i call you with the same old topic. lol
boss called me in, guess she's afraid of me having a nervous breakdown that she said all the soothing words, reassuring me that it is fine to miss few stuff during this local testing period. easy for her to say that, how are you to sleep at night knowing something is not right.

well, i did it again. i started something that i promised myself not to start. i started it even when i knew what the outcome would be. but then i am not down when knowing it first hand, even with the reason given. i think i started it because i know that i have changed my heart and mind and wanted to work things differently - i think i am trying to change the way a react to my surroundings. i hope it works fine and i hope one day i can start something without even thinking twice.

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