Monday, July 31, 2006

that skin deep thing...

to start this i have to start with my own story. 2 years back i was introduced to someone. he is educated, came from a good family with a strong religion background as well. since i knew my parents agreed on this introduction i gave a green light and started talking with him on the phone as he's still in the UK completing his Phd. few months after that i met him in person and i was totally turned down at the first sight of him. not that he was that appalling but its simply that he wasn't my type, or in my own terms, physically challenging. my sis was quite annoyed when i told her this and she kept on asking me to look at the mirror. i tried to overlook that and continue communicating with him though it was like a torture everytime i met him as thoughts always came to my mind everytime i looked at something that was not to my liking. you got to give me credit though as i really really made an effort here. anyway, to cut the story short it didn't work out and i told my parents all the reason to backed out and they took my side as well.
few weeks ago i met this couple who really surprised me as the guy is only 34 yet their first child is 10 years of age. the wife is simply sweet, typical indonesian lady. the guy, well though he was not that bad looking his teeth are. i couldn't help but wonder how she could end up with this guy. i have to admit i still look at the physical aspect of a guy when i met them for the first time. i know beauty is skin deep but i couldn't help myself not to look at that aspect of the opposite sex. hence i always wonder when cin made some comments on someone whom i think not that attractive.
back to this couple. so, i have been reading a lot of writings from the guy for the past few days. i have to say that he does make a good argumentation written in a good english as well. i'm beginning to admire his way of thinking and i guess that was what his wife sees in him, not the physical feature but what was in him.
so i started asking myself again, do i want to end up with some pretty face with an empty brain or someone with a brain though he might not be that good looking. i spent almost the whole day watching tv, cleaning the house, reading book while these 2 scenarios kept on playing in my head. i know i've been very shallow all this while and i couldn't care less until now. i'm beginning to look at things from a different view and understand myself better.
i guess perfectly imperfect is what you should be looking for - as you know, nobody is perfect.


juwi said...

Bab, kejadian elu dikenalin itu emang udah 2 tahun lalu, ya? berasa, ya?
BTW, menurut gue, gue sama ama elu, cuma ngeliat satu sisi aja. Bedanya, gue ngeliatnya bukan fisiknya, tapi sekolahnya, hehehehe...syusyah.

biKi said...

hmm.. time does fly.. :-? sami mawon toh hehehe.. wake up! (ini ditujukan ke diri gue jg tentunya :P)

Simply Baby said...

iya juw, fisik & pendidikan lah ..
yupe bik, wake up ;)

Dodol Surodol said...

Oh ya? Pendidikan giman man sih yang dirasa cukup 'layak'?

biKi said...

kayaknya ada yg mo apply tuh ju ;;)

Simply Baby said...

walah ..
iya juw, pendidikan layak apa neh?