it all started with the need to get my nephew a pet of his own. yeah, its been sorta like a tradition in our family to have a pet for each of us to take care of when we were young. the objective is to teach us to be responsible on something and at the same time teaching us to love animals. well, my nephew's been helping dad giving the fish food every morning but he didn't have other responsibility such us making sure the water is clean, the pet itself is happy and the cage is taken care of. he's going to be 5 yrs old in 2 months time, so i guess it is time for him to have one. i remember sitting by my rabbit side when she was dying. at first mum suggested a tortoise, but my sis rejected as we knew the shell must be scrubbed and she doesn't want to do it 'cos my nephew is too young for that job. my younger sis suddenly told us that her friend will give her a pet *again*. so there they are, 2 cute little hamsters. my nephew was quite amazed by them that he spent the first day after their arrival sitting in front of the cage watching every movements of the hamsters. we wanted him to be brave and i started by taking one hamster out of the cage. being cute as it was, i assume it would just sit still enjoying the strokes given. boy i was so wrong!. i barely touched the white one and it had bit my fingers. darn pain and it bled. little monsters they are!!
heard from my younger sis that she is trying to hold them everyday to make them used to human touch though she ended up getting more and more scars everyday. and this morning i learned that our cat, andres, pushed the hamster cage from the table that now they're kept in another cage. double protection.
lol my nephew surely have 2 darn little pets to take care of. i wonder when he will have the courage to hold them.
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