Saturday, July 08, 2006

work is so darn hectic. i really concentrated on my job yesterday that i ignored emails and chats and i was satisfied with the outcome. all my interface runs smoothly, including the automation and nested xml problem solved!!
today i thought of continuing with some stuff but what do you know. boss is going to the states for another meeting during the year-end closing next week. alas, all her stuff falls to me. since today is the first closing, she wanted me to do all instead so that come year-end i should be able to do it smoothly. sigh, there goes my plan on completing datafeeds. there goes my plan for gym prior to sal's birthday dinner.
seriously, everytime i am faced with finance stuff i felt floating all the way - with all the analysis, GL, journal, write off here, write on there i feel i'm now in lala land.
supposed to come back to work tomorrow to check on the preparation of conversion. when boss said everyone's happy that they're not coming back tomorrow i interrupted saying i still had to. i was not involved in conversion yet i had to prepare everything for it when actually someone else from the conversion team can do it, eh. of course i didn't tell her that but i added that i'd wake up early, come in and make sure everything is fine then go home and continue my sleep again. she smiled and said "nevermind, make sure everything is scheduled fine and list it down - i'm coming tomorrow to pick up some stuff, why not i check it for you. just make sure your handphone is on" hurray!!
happy happy happy me! - now i simply need to make sure everything works perfecto!!

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