Saturday, April 08, 2006


indeed it was, sinful BUT without any regrets. Just came back from my uncle's place for maulid (celebrating the birth of the prophet PBUH) with my tummy feeling so darn contented with everything it just had. it started after the isya prayer until around 10 pm. then came the best part - food! the wife of this uncle of mine is a good cook & tonight she's cooking nasi padang. of course we have to serve those people who did the prayers etc. i was so hungry that i kept on eating the dessert while waiting for our turn to eat. when all the guess left we families straightaway sit down on the floor and eat. they serve it i don't know how to explain it but the people here called it 'makan hidang' - meaning everything was served on a tray .. rice with all the dishes and 4 person eat together. so me, my cousin and 3 of my aunties sat and ate together. since there was 5 person, i went to the kitchen to get more smashed potato, egg, chicken, beef, pickles and other stuff. food was gooooood. we then chit chatted, i was enjoying my time with my cousins sharing my recent trip experience with them while they too shared their stories until it's almost midnight i decided to make a move as i'll be walking home alone. i was hoping to bring some food back but my aunt said she knew that i wouldn't want any and i can only smile feeling a little disappointed. but then again she asked again if i want to bring home the beef and i said yes .. chicken? yess sambal goreng? yess and then i request for the pickles and rice as well. hahaha .. no way am i going to say no to a great home cooked meal. no worries for tomorrow morning's breakfast - its enough for me and my flatmate...

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