Sunday, April 09, 2006


Woke up early today just to fall back asleep until it was 12 pm that I decided to hit the gym before meeting a friend to check out capoeira. After gym i went to city hall, met my friend then together we walked to the capoeira class. June was there and we chit chatted before the class. The class was good and it really made me more eager to sign up. At 5 pm they stopped the class as they're having a roda in front of takashimaya. Me and my friend went to get some food before heading to orchard. Quite a great time spent during this - I shared some stories of what's happenning since he's quite busy lately that he didn't read all the emails and he too shared some of his feelings about last week's event - how he was quite dissappointed when we decided not to join them for dinner. Well at least now he knew what's happenning. Thanks for the treat and the tissue ya!!
On the way to orchard he kinda told me about whats happenning in his career and I was a little bit sad with what might happen in the future. Well that's life, you win some you loose some .. He also said some few other things that made me think thoroughly about things - really an eye opener as I never looked at it that way before. Thanks again!!
The roda was cooool - way cool especially when the master himself did it with some of the advance students. Left around 6.15 PM as he had a housewarming to attend and I wanted to catch a movie as well. Had my dinner (or should I said supper?) after movie before going home.
Looks like I have to go to office tomorrow now that I realised I haven't submit the HR delta files to the central team .. sigh

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