Thursday, April 06, 2006


my 3rd post .. for today that is - waiting for people in another side of the world to wake up and come to office can be quite frustrating especially when you want something to be resolved asap. ah well, i'll just count on the blessing that there is no conference call today .. we must look at the good angle of everything that happens right?

i was talking to my colleague who knows that i'm on a certain mission. one story lead to another and we ended up talking about feelings in general. i told her about what happened few years back - how i'm a person who forgive and forget though some of it will still lingers in my heart. i am that sort of person, i tend to forget whatever annoyance or anger i had for a person as soon as i spoke to that person; sometimes just a pop up window or email saying hi will let my anger/annoyance away. but deep - way deep - down inside i do still remember the harsh stuff - be it action, words, whatever - that person did to me.
disappointed as i may be it won't affect whatever relationship i have but the need for me to remember that is simply as a warning to myself to avoid further disappointment in the future - especially when i have to face or even interact with the source of it.

in a nutshell, i too have a heart that can be shattered.


juwi said...

Hmm...ada yang pernah gue katakan ato lakukan yang nyinggung elu, nggak ya? Soalnya gue kalo ngomong kan suka ngasal :(.

Simply Baby said...

sentimental amat ..
no worries - tidak ada!!