Sunday, March 30, 2008
Uno dos tres toca la pared

Saturday, March 29, 2008
its a bird, its a plane, its a COPONG
i just had a good laugh chatting with my sister over the phone about my nephew. apparently the 'jurit malam' turned out to be torturous for the kids but fun for the adults. after trying hard to persuade his mom to let him off the hook *there's 2 kids that didn't join* my sis told him that he had to do it or else he couldn't be upgraded to yellow belt. it was pitch black save for some torches and they were not allowed to on their torchligh first, hence i can understand his restlesness. anyhow, he ended up in another group where the team leader is a high school boy. they held each other and walked like a train for 2 hours. apparently my nephew and two other boys cried at the 1st post. my nephew said its because he saw a skeleton. two of them stopped crying afterwards but one of the boy kept crying everytime he saw something near every post. lol. he and another friend of his lost their torchlights in one of the post because of a sudden shock of seeing something. and what made me laughed hard was when he told me that he saw a 'copong' and continued with " but my leader also scared. he said astaghfirullah, subhanallah, masyaallah when the copong come". somehow the leader caused the whole team to be scattered around. LOL
now he's eating by himself even when he kept on saying he's tired. either that or doing another round of 'jurit malam' tonight. it's quiet tough eh for a 6 years old to be engaged in a physical activity followed by mental training and a round of outbound activity today. but then again its wushu, what do you expect. still it's funny and i'm sure he had loads more stories to share once he's done with all these tomorrow.
Friday, March 28, 2008
in this world, there are things we wish to have or experienced, dreams we wish to realised, someone's luck we hope to fall on us, things unattainable we wish to be attainable. at times dream will always be a dream, even how hard you work to make it come true. just remember to accept and embrace it with an open heart. nobody's perfect. be happy with what you have. so you can't get that stuff, who cares. it's not the end of the world. and for all you know, loads of people out there are wishing to be just like you ...
I Miss Camping
my phone bill is going crazy today. my nephew is on his 3 days camping trip with his wushu group. basically an orientation before he can be upgraded to the next belt. but since they're still young parents are allowed to follow but need to drive themselves and find their own accommodation. they too have to stay far from the kids. so this afternoon my sister said during the physical training, my nephew who's very fussy closed his eyes everytime he had to crawl in a muddy area. at times he walk on hand and knees instead of crawling just to avoid dirtying himself more. there were times when he stood and look at his hands with a yucky expression.
i called again at night and apparently they're given a break to meet their parents before the 'jurit malam'. my sis said my nephew was a little bit scared when she told him that he'd be walking with a torchlight alone later. apparently there'll be some sort of 'ghost' and stuff along the way. and just few minutes ago my sister called saying that my nephew and another girl were sound asleep on the lap of their team leader when the other groups are getting ready for the 'jurit malam'. LOL
it must be fun waking him up and still feeling sleepy he is asked to hold the torchlight and start walking.
i am so very envious of him now!!
What Have I Got Myself Into ....
i registered myself for something i'm unprepared for, thanks to friends who kinda challenged me. guess now i'm challenging mysel. i still have 2 months to go anyways and i'm sure i can. I CAN!

pic. courtesy of imdb.com
Collagen Drink
i was with a friend earlier when she decided to stop and get some of her skin care product. while waiting for her getting things settled my eyes wandered around and i saw this collagen drink. i read about it and well i was just interested to find out more about it. so i approached the girl and asked the price. she has that confused expression before asking me "you're not moslem are you?" to which i responded "i am a moslem". she then told me that the product contained some pig extraction. i thanked her for telling me and shared with my friend *and her* my wondering about the collagen drink i consumed from some other brand few years back. the girl then told me that not all collagen drink contained pig extraction but the brand that i mentioned did. i was surprised because i did remember asking them before and they said no. its not even listed in the ingredients (but then again, its all in japanese). i thanked her once again and said some silent prayer. i didn't know back then and its not that i did it on purpose, but still ... this incident also reminded me on how i take this serious thing lightly. astaghfirullah....
i thank this girl for her honest explanation. if only all sales girls are like her ...
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Be Vigilant
“To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing.What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour.”
—Sir Winston Churchill
i've been trying to cut my phone expenses by not calling home mostly to talk to my nephew as often as before. btw, i had a chat with my sister earlier today and she told me that she unplugged the macintosh, kept it at one side only to find the it up and running when she's back from work. apparently my nephew did all the work. he managed to put the cables and stuff together and when asked who did it his answer was "me. i'm computer expert you know" LOL. oh my!
anyways, i managed to cut down and this month my bill is only 200ish. yupe, still loads more to cut but at least i've managed to make the figure smaller. i guess singtel is aware of my intention that i received a mailer today informing me that i am randomly selected to enjoy their 70% v019 fee up to sept 2008. that is 10cents flat per minute is written in red large bold fonts. temptation .. temptation ...
will i fall for it? i hope singtel will be the disappointing party.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
i was supposed to do my run today but thanks to my boss i couldn't. she asked me to assist her in checking some figures and yet she went home! i couldn't do my run and work on this afterwards as she kept calling me every few minutes with the same sentence "how is it?" anyways, no intention on ranting about work here. so i ended up staying late while my body was so restless for some activities. i ended up going home and thought of going for a swim. i called the pool on my way home, asking the closing time and the crowd. i was told the olympic pool is used for waterpolo but the training is open and at this this around it wouldn't be that pack. great!
once home, i changed and went to the pool. i was a bit disheartened seeing the pool not as empty as i was hoping. i walked 'til the end and walked back home. reaching the traffic light i made a turn and went back to the pool. again i turned and instead of walking home i made one turn, hoping by then the crowd will be lesser. went back with the same result. i wasn't wearing my glasses so i couldn't see that clear to add to that. i made a final decision to go home. it's not a nice walk home as i was feeling so very restless and my mind kept on imagining me plunging myself in water, feeling so fresh and all. i was also happy to feel this restlessness, a sign that my body is craving for activities like the old days. few steps from the lift, again i made a turn and walked back to the pool. this time around i went in and sat awhile. what the heck, the crowd wasn't that bad anyway. and so i went in, did a few lapse and stopped when i felt breatheless. i can't believe i've been missing this wonderful activity for more than a year now....
ps. i received 3 missed calls once i'm done with my swim. who else but my boss explaining the reason she got that figure... ckckck
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Maroon 5 Concert
they were very humble. no grand entrance and no grand exit as well. you can see them walking to the stage without those "boom" kinda effect and you can see them left the stage through one of the entrance. and oh, adam has few new tatoos, well at least i never spot those before. the guitar tatoo? yikes! traffic was bad once the concert was over that their vehicles were flocked by those screaming teenagers. not sure if they're screaming to the band member or to the bodyguard or whoever's inside the vans. being surrounded by all this screaming girls made me feel old. gone were the days of nkotb, bon jovi, and even ricky martin few years back. well okay, maybe 5 years back.
okay, back to maroon 5. it was a great concert indeed. the sound system wasn't that great though, i think adam's voice wasn't that clear because of it. and a concert that only lasted for an hour and 10 mins? doh. still, for someone who doesn't know all their songs, i enjoyed the concert because the songs that i like and/or know are played
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Road To Discovery
the book club is up again eventhough it's more like a movie night this time around. it's been ages since i attended any of the meeting or even say anything in the mailing list when it's still active, and a movie!!! how can i resist. there were few movies to be watched and based on the votes, we ended up watching a german movie - a very interesting movie. i was a bit bored for the first 30mins because well, apart from it being in german my mind was wandering elsewhere; mainly to the conversation we had earlier about the books we've been reading. but after asking myself to focus on the movie and nothing else, i ended up from enjoying to loving it. it's pretty long considering i have to make a move to a friend's birthday drinks *well, if coke can be considered drink for me*. several times i was cheated by an event in the movie that made me think "oh this is the end" when apparently it's not as something else happened. i decided to leave when i was certain that's the end of it *i'm pretty sure considering the 'you're so close to the end' comment one of them gave me* and i was so darn late for my friend's but yet not wanting to miss it because i like the place he chose.
anyways, i'm just glad that this club is doing something again. going to this kinda meeting opens my eyes wider to the fact that there's so much things out there i have yet to discover. so many new knowledge i have yet to drink. even during the movie selection, some of them were talking about how good the book is or how that movie is based on this and that while i only said i'd be fine with any movie selected as i haven't watch any of it nor have i read the book some of the movies are based on. the more i know the more i am aware and/or reminded with the fact that the process of learning and discovering never ends. the more you know, the more you don't know ....
Saturday, March 22, 2008
One Story, Different View

pic. courtesy of imdb.com
A Day at ECP
i managed to balance myself longer on the bicycle this time around. yesss!! still i need to practice more as i have the tendency to hit the tree and/or those light poles along the road. there was once my friend decided to stop at a big tree so that i don't hit it, lol. it was a fun 2hrs of cycling for me and my friend, while another friend of us had her hand on rollerblading and felt 4 times that she had few bruises on her bxtt now. i really salute her perserverance on learning how to blade. considering this is her first time from not being able to stand from walking until gliding though her fall was pretty hard she kept on going, wonderful!
it was indeed a great 2 hours of learning. regardless of few bruises on my calves and soreness from 2 hrs of cycling, i am so looking forwarad to striking the no.1 item off my to-do list soon!
it was indeed a great 2 hours of learning. regardless of few bruises on my calves and soreness from 2 hrs of cycling, i am so looking forwarad to striking the no.1 item off my to-do list soon!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Just Say It

pic. courtesy of imdb.com
View From Top
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Food Talk
Time Out
Being observant of God is an act of devotion towards God. Sleep is an act of God drawing us near. That which is conferred upon us by God without our choice is positively superior to that which we send to Him. Sleep therefore is a wonderful gift of God bestowed upon His creatures.-Junyayd, "The Kashf al-Mahjub" (copied from beliefnet muslim wisdom)
good night. or should i say good morning :?
met the girls minus one earlier for dinner followed by dessert and chit chat that ended only because we realised we're the only one left. still not wanting to part ways, we ended up in a hotel lobby. got a seat near a bar so we can continue chit chatting while listening to the live music foc. suddenly an idea of getting a room for the night came up. called few hotels nearby but all of them cost a bomb and we didn't want to go anywhere far from city. it's almost midnight as well that we decided to forgo the idea and just continue chatting until midnight. a lovely way to end the day.
today is also the 2nd day of the training. unlike yesterday today is a hands-on session. by the end of the course we asked to be given real example of an attack. though we didn't get that granted *that is another workshop was the answer* we were given a site where we can view lists of things being hacked like password, private file etc. we tried opening the private file and somehow i ended up in someone's directory containing loads of mp3s!!! a very interesting training i should say. especially when today's training ended up with me having 2 new songs ;)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Counting My Blessings
in three words, i can sum up everything i’ve learnt about life: it goes on
-Robert Frost (the leap years)
many things happened since i was given another year to stay on earth.
mum's doing well after the surgery. my family are always there for each other through thick and thin. they might not be expressive in showing their love but we just know how much love we have for each other from the actions taken. i've been given another niece to spoil dearly. i've been blessed with that great little thing called family.
i always wanted to do some backpacking around asia. vietnam has always been a dream of mine that somehow ended up at the back of my mind. i got a chance to do my own backpacking in siem reap and somehow i ended up taking a trip to ho chi minh city with my friend. i've been blessed what that wonderful thing called opportunity.
i was upset with what happened at work early last year. boss postponed granting my wish to move to the professional side and was cold towards me. i decided to give up on the idea of moving when she asked me about it again and life went back to normal. i don't have to drag myself out of bed everyday, a sign that i'm still happy with what i'm doing. bonus is always a crap but i am surrounded by nice workmates and opportunity to learn something new. i can't say i am satisfied career wise and i still have a dream for my future. but i've decided to take it slow, one at a time and focus in achieving it instead of feeling unhappy with things like i was early last year. hey, i've been blessed with a job that provides me with a steady income.
i decided to have a try on beach volley ball and that was one of the things i will never ever regret doing. i've meet many new loving friends. friends to share laughter with. to argue with. to share opinion with. to have fun with. sometimes i just can't believe the fact that we're all strangers at one point of time. i've been blessed with loads of lovely friends.
i learn to be more expressive and open. i learn to push the pride down and show my real feelings towards my friends *and families* even if it means showing my vulnerabilities/insecurities. and i just love the fact that it actually strenghten the friendship. for this, i have to thank one dearest friend. she makes me realise that the best way to explain things is to just be open without a fear of being judged. the trustness and closeness are definitely stronger now. i've been blessed with love.
the said count your blessings. but i can't ... its uncountable!!
i've been blessed with health. i've been blessed with food. i've been blessed with so many other small little things in life. i've been blessed with great stuff. i've been so very blessed by God.
and what do i do in return? none...
i am 34yrs of age today. i still have so many plans. i still have so many dreams. my to do list keeps getting longer and longer but i've decided to focus on one item at a time. not just talk or dream or plan about it but DO IT. just like the water flowing through the river, life goes on. it doesn't wait for you to catch up with them.
as i grow a year older today, i hope i too get wiser.
i hope to be a better person for my belief, my parents, my family, my friends, and myself.
another year. another opportunity.....
Monday, March 17, 2008
eversince i knew about the surprise dinner, i just kept silence and decided to play along. after all cin has put her thoughts and effort on it. she wrote in a friends wall about seeing her very very soon with a wink. and she's leaving soon so how could she meet her if not in the dinner she told me about. then another friend asked about a book. then another girl gave me a manicure last night. how could i not have guessed it? but i just play along.
so today when she texted me asking me to dress formally i decided to call another girl telling her i knew about it but will keep it for myself. i only need her to tell me if its okay to wear jeans. she said no because cin asked everyone to 'dress to kill'. i don't want to let my friends down so i decided to wear the only dress that fits me even that means i have to remember to suck my tummy in all night long.
met cin at 6ish and we went around doing some shopping for awhile. i guess the others are not there yet :). still i am anxious to know who else are going to be there plus where will the dinner be. after almost an hour we took a cab to dempsey. cin being cin, she doesn't really know where the place is so we alighted somewhere and had to find our own way. she even called someone asking for direction, lol. few girls were there and of course i pretended to be surprised seeing other girls around. we chit chatted while waiting for our table to be ready. shane (the cute staff) approached cin asking about the cake! there goes another surprise haha. eventually i admitted on knowing a little bit of it from the bits and pieces i read on facebook, including the organiser's status. still it was a nice night spent with lovely friends. God knows what will be uploaded on facebook as one of them not only took pictures but videotaped few conversations we had. and she's also always full of silly ideas and we played along with it. oh well, who cares. not that i am interested with anyone on my friends' list anyway. i still have my surprise with the birthday cake. they didn't sell full cake that cin requested them to stack the tiramisu to make it birthday cake-like. a sweet nice way to end the weekend. love you guys and thanks for everything, the companion the most.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I Feel Blessed ...
i couldn't help but wonder *this may sound so un-original* of all the things i've done i must've done something right that God showered me with so much blessings.
ps. and i did guess right - a blue sarong and a pretty blue necklace which suits my taste perfectly! thanks so much, fishy...
Cooling Down
bangun pagi2 niatnya cobain punjabi buat entar karena abis ditambahin tangan (kawinan keluarga euy, gak etis juga kalo pakai tangan buntung) belum dicoba lagi. cari sana cari sini baru nyadar ternyata itu atasan masih di kantor!!! ya sutra lah bolak balik taksi abis $22 (seharga sekali naksi kekantor pas hari kerja!), ambil baju and karena masih sedikit bete ama kegoblokan diri sendiri mending ngeblog review film indo yg ditonton beberapa hari terakhir ini kali yee...
Ayat ayat Cinta
kayaknya ini film pertama yang bertema islami di indo. sempet kepikir "ini keluaran PH yang ngeluarin buruan cium gue kah?" jadi semacam penyeimbang gitu. tapi udah ah, gak boleh suudzon.
filmnya sendiri bagus secara dia juga menyampaikan pesan2 islami tanpa terkesan menggurui, seperti info tentang ta'aruf. juga tentang poligami, bener sih emang islam membolehkan kawin 4 orang, tapi tujuan utama ya untuk ibadah/kebaikan plus mesti bisa adil sama semuanya, ya seperti si fahri itu. kebanyakan orang selalu cari alasan dengan bilang nabi aja nikah 4, lah elunya bisa gak beribadah seperti nabi - jangan itunya aja yang diliat toh. plus nabi nikahnya kebanyakan ama janda perang lho, biar dia bisa jaga tanpa ada fitnah....
liat adegan ta'aruf jadi inget pas sepupu taarufan dirumah. yang ada kita yang sibuk penasaran liat calonnya dianya malah malu2 dikamar, hehe. orang semacam fahri ama aishah itu langka kali ya sekarang.
overall nih film bagus en bikin mata berair juga. tapi sempet bingung juga sih sebenernya ama adegan sholat jama'ah terakhir. kok sih aishah gak buka cadarnya ya? bukannya seluruh muka mesti keliatan pas sholat?
ah sudahlah, baby. hal2 kecil gak usah dipermasalahkan, mending introspeksi diri aja, 1/10 dari aishah aja enggak gini...
gEt maRried
ini film udah lama banget emang pengen ditonton. pas nonton si ayat2 liat ada yang udah upload ini. ya sudahlah keesokan harinya gak nge-gym demi nonton ini *alasan dot com* lumayan lucu and seru aja buat ditonton. beberapa kali ketawa ngakak ngeliatin ekpresi beberapa pemainnya. terutama maknya pas nyari alasan untuk gak salaman ama si bodybuilder. lumayan lah nyegerin plus nge-refresh otak tentang kehidupan dipinggir kali. sejak keluar sma4 udah bisa dibilang gak pernah nyebrang kali sambil deg2an takut jatuh kalau nginjek besi yang salah, depok mana ada kali.
Maaf, saya Menghamili istri andA
sebenernya pengen nonton film2 lain yang keliatan pas nonton get married, tp pas makan siang kemaren si ellyn nyebut film ini. ya sudah lah dicari en ada. filmnya sih konyol2 gitu tapi lumayan lah buat rileks. batak sekaleee yang pasti. jadi tau artinya bodat, mayan kan bahasa bataknya nambah 1.
kemaren baru nonton episode 1 udah ngantuk. ya wis, mau nerusin dulu aahhh.........
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Leap of Love

movie wise, well i haven't read the book so i can't do any comparison. it is a nice romantic movie, impractical for those realistic people out there but what can i say, i am a self-proclaimed romantic and i can see doing the same thing - patiently waiting for the next leap years to come. anyways i still think the director should've keep some aspect for the viewer to guess until the end of the movie. if its me i wouldn't let jeremy mentioned his daughter's name, i wouldn't give a clue on who is that guy lying in bed, and mostly i wouldn't give a hint on how it actually ended. i would've interchange the 2nd last part (cafe scene) with the last part (hospital scene). that will be more exciting because only then the audience knows what happens. oh well, still quite a nice local production. i wonder though, loads of papers thrown in SINGAPORE!!, shouldn't there be a fine for that :?
pic. courtesy of moviexclusive.com
A Walk To Remember

hmm, i still love the book better. the movie lacks the emotion i felt when reading the book. they omitted the walk which i think was part of the best moment. even the climax was cut short. i still feel a little emotional though. a nice chick-flick, thats my verdict. i can't expect more than that, after all when can a movie surpass the novel it's based on?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
a text message. a message written on the wall of a mutual friend. an email with an out of the blue question from another mutual friend. sorry girlie, but i think i know what you're up to....
Monday, March 10, 2008
Dreams Can Come True
dreams must be talked about before they can begin to be realized - paulo coelho
so i finally told a friend one of my plan, my want - my dream for 2008. all i need now is to make it happen.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
The Hero. The Battle. The Legend.

still with a breath taking view and good looking actors it is yet another movie worth watching.
pic. courtesy of imdb.com
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Bed And Breakfast
i want morning to come late so that i can spend more time in bed without feeling guilty knowing its bright outside BUT i want morning to come early so that i can prepare myself indomie goreng telor kornet
Jinx! What's That?

thanks to the cgi, crusoe is very alive hence very entertaining. a movie about friendship, overcoming one's fear for a dearly friend.
still, i should've watched it with my nephew instead.
pic. courtesy of imdb.com
I Feel Loved ....
i did something for the first time today. i was being very very very honest about my feelings, opening myself up and not letting anything left untold, not even a single bit. i guess i feel that i wasn't being fair to the other party with my bits and pieces of thoughts that i sensed made each other wonders over certain issues. i spent like an hour writing it, a little proof reading for the grammar sake and without thinking twice, clicked the send button. i then went out for a lunch with the thoughts that this could either make or break whatever's been there. i am totally an open book but i know that i won't be judged. still, i was quite anxious on knowing how the outcome would be.
and so that was the first thing i did once i was back from lunch. and it work wonders!! all the uncertainties and wondering for the past few months were cleared. both parties actually had the same feelings and thoughts and even disappointments, when all that are actually signs of unspoken love and care *not in a romantic way though*. i have myself to be blamed for not letting all the things that are bugging me out in the open because that was the reason this kept on going for quite some time. i learned to be open, to be read, to be judged though i know i can count on not being judged, to let all my weaknesses out in the open, and i even admitted on being the things i never wanted to admit, not even to myself.
i am just happy and i feel very much lighter. i've learned to be more open even when i'm making myself vulnerable by doing so. i've learned to say the things i have in mind instead of just keeping it for the sake of not wanting to complicate things. i've learned not to be ashamed to show my feelings. i've learned a lot from this.
i am just so glad that i decided to let my innermost feelings out in the open.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Love Conquers All

... all the charmers are either taken or dead. mostly dead ...
pic. courtesy of imdb.com
From Louvre With Love
we went to see the greek masterpiece that was brought over from the louvre earlier. we didn't get a chance to see all these upon our visit there some donkey years ago as at that time we were on a mission to see the monalisa, venus the milo, and the last supper painting. it was a pretty interesting exhibition though it's not as many as we expected. still i got to be face to face with few famous philosophers, alexander the great, ares - son of zeus and hera, and the infamous aphrodite. plus i get to know more on the greeks myths as this time around we didn't have any mission so we could spend more time reading the meaning of each masterpiece being displayed there.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
during our run earlier i saw a little girl, in her 6ish i reckon, riding a bicycle. a 2-wheels bicycle that is. behind her was her mother and brother who were also riding a 2-wheels. it's pretty normal seeing her mother and brother riding the bicycle. but for a girl that young riding a 2-wheels makes me feel ashamed and honestly, challenged.
i've been spending most of my working hours today browsing from one website to another with the table calendar lying between me and the machine. after the kinabalu trip was cancelled i can't help but wanting to do something that long weekend. my supposed to be kinabalu travelmate is going to laos and asked me to join her but i don't have laos in my list so i declined it. 2 other friends are heading down to the kiwi land attending a wedding. all these make me feel darn itchy to get out as well. i have a training from 17th 'til 19th, though it's just half-a-day in the 19th itself. i have a concert to go to on the 25th. i am left with no choice but just that weekend when price hits the ceiling. already spent too much during chinese new year due to the peak season i don't really want to spend too much on airfare again. apart from that few places that comes to mind has no more seats during that period - well i'm talking about budget airline only though. thought of going home and do some trip to a nearby city but my friend will be busy attending mass in church during that period. i don't ask another friend of mine though as i know what the answer will be. checked with my sister and she too is not planning on anything. apart from the 2nd child is still too young to understand travelling, the home renovation takes her first priority nowadays.
argh!! i know i am supposed to stay home and study instead. even circumstances aren't on my side. but i just feel very itchy. i know i'll end up staying here - darn that agent for misleading us on kinabalu!!
Monday, March 03, 2008
Just Follow Law
few days ago while i was in a train a heavily pregnant lady went in and as per usual people were ignorant. i was standing with a book in hand but this scene caught my attention that i kinda point the book i was reading to the two guys seating in front of me. they kinda sensed what i meant with me pointing the book and moving it between them that one of them stood up and gave his seat to the lady. the guy who didn't give up his seat stared at me and i just ignored him.
and this isn't the first time i did that. sometimes i just looked at them with a 'disgusted' expression (or at least i thought i gave that kinda expression) to the person who normally pretended not to see me.
same for the escalators. i normally said 'excuse me' instead of just standing there. if they pretended not to hear i'd tap their shoulder or move my face and said another 'excuse me' out loud near their ear. and it happened today. he pretended not to hear and when i tapped his shoulder he asked his girl to move to the right in front of him! i was grumbling when i passed them saying that they should stand on the left side instead. the guy kept quiet but when i was about to reach the top he said loudly "why?" duh!! i was annoyed that instead of walking i stopped, turned my head, looked him in the eyes and said "because that is the rule" and walked off. i was so tempted to say "unless you can't read" but decided not to 'cos he looked like a gangster. i know sometimes that kinda person gives out the impression that they're tough and he was silenced after i said that to him but still i walked faster without turning back.
some people!! ignorant and unhappy when they already know that they're at fault!
and probably i was just in the mood for an argument.
The Right Stuff
after contemplating for quite awhile on whether i should go or back out even when i've said okay, i finally decided to just go ahead and join the birthday dinner though i know nuts who else is going to be there. and all i can say now is that i didn't regret my decision, not even for a split second. happy birthday again my chirpy friend ...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Weekend Recap
i had a great weekend. well i know it's not over yet but i plan on staying at home today. what do you know, the minute i wrote that i received a text on a b'day dinner today!!
anyways, it started with a birthday "surprise" party for a friend, followed by movie, dinner and yet another movie with my ex-fm (i think i've been using the ex thingy alot that i might change it next time i'm writing something related to her). actually, i was supposed to go to a housewarming after the 1st movie but i opt not to was because well, firstly i just know the guy only when he starts dating my friend and i'm not that close to that friend so skipping it won't make me feel guilty. secondly i was just not in the mood of spending time in the crowd meeting new people, which is what normally happen in this kinda thing. thirdly, i know 2 of my non-alcoholic friends aren't attending as well and lastly, i'm just not in the mood of planting a smile on my face making small talks to stranger (which is actually the same as my 2nd reason - hah!). and i didn't regret it at all, especially when we had a nice chat while walking, a nice dinner in one of my favourite place and the best part is that i managed to get my ex-fm walked from orchard to bugis and back to orchard!! i deserve a pat on the back :)
The War - Then And Now

movie wise it is a good movie, phillip seymour houffman gives a great performance. the story flows well with dialogue that is sarcastically funny at times. after all, it's a movie about war and you can relate to it ironically because you see what's happenning to it now - in the real world.
pic. courtesy of imdb.com
Jump High

pic. courtesy of imdb.com
I Want But
i want to blog about the wedding the movies but i'm tired. oh well, maybe tomorrow. i mean, later.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Surprise No More
a week we've been planning for a surprise party for one of our friend. his wife was busy organising and listing down gifts, we were making sure that we could be at his place before 6.30pm and all other stuff just to make it fun. apparently he planned on hitting the gym today that his wife told him not to as she made a dinner reservation and he should be home by 6.45pm. the minute i reached their place (6.30pm thank you) i suggested on his wife calling him, asking him to call her once he's around the area as she wanted him to get her something from the nearby supermarket. the wife then told me that somehow he reached home at 6.15pm and surprised her and the other guy who was already there instead. LOL! he was asked to leave again and not be back until 7ish. before reaching home he texted his wife asking "ready?". still we surprised him with a birthday song accompanied by harmonica playing and those party popper stuffs.
i truly enjoyed spending the night in a cozy place with few people that are close to my heart. the birthday boy surely had loads of fun as well - being a bartender for those who drinks and kept on changing his attire just like a bride. we managed to asked them to show us some affection publicly even when the wife tried very hard not to oblige. it's just a nice way to end my workday.
again, happy birthday my dear friend!! may you always stay humble and sweet and caring and all other good qualities you have. we love you....
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