Saturday, March 29, 2008

its a bird, its a plane, its a COPONG

i just had a good laugh chatting with my sister over the phone about my nephew. apparently the 'jurit malam' turned out to be torturous for the kids but fun for the adults. after trying hard to persuade his mom to let him off the hook *there's 2 kids that didn't join* my sis told him that he had to do it or else he couldn't be upgraded to yellow belt. it was pitch black save for some torches and they were not allowed to on their torchligh first, hence i can understand his restlesness. anyhow, he ended up in another group where the team leader is a high school boy. they held each other and walked like a train for 2 hours. apparently my nephew and two other boys cried at the 1st post. my nephew said its because he saw a skeleton. two of them stopped crying afterwards but one of the boy kept crying everytime he saw something near every post. lol. he and another friend of his lost their torchlights in one of the post because of a sudden shock of seeing something. and what made me laughed hard was when he told me that he saw a 'copong' and continued with " but my leader also scared. he said astaghfirullah, subhanallah, masyaallah when the copong come". somehow the leader caused the whole team to be scattered around. LOL
now he's eating by himself even when he kept on saying he's tired. either that or doing another round of 'jurit malam' tonight. it's quiet tough eh for a 6 years old to be engaged in a physical activity followed by mental training and a round of outbound activity today. but then again its wushu, what do you expect. still it's funny and i'm sure he had loads more stories to share once he's done with all these tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

copong? Pocong kali??
hehe... interesting jg yah...
kalo gini mah laen kali MK/OPT udah nggak nakutin lagi buat dia

Simply Baby said...

ya iyalah pocong..
tp dia sebutnya pocong...
seru kali ye orientasiin anak2 kecil yg nangis2 :D
haha .. pas jurit malam di smp/sma juga udah berani palingan