Sunday, March 23, 2008

Road To Discovery

the book club is up again eventhough it's more like a movie night this time around. it's been ages since i attended any of the meeting or even say anything in the mailing list when it's still active, and a movie!!! how can i resist. there were few movies to be watched and based on the votes, we ended up watching a german movie - a very interesting movie. i was a bit bored for the first 30mins because well, apart from it being in german my mind was wandering elsewhere; mainly to the conversation we had earlier about the books we've been reading. but after asking myself to focus on the movie and nothing else, i ended up from enjoying to loving it. it's pretty long considering i have to make a move to a friend's birthday drinks *well, if coke can be considered drink for me*. several times i was cheated by an event in the movie that made me think "oh this is the end" when apparently it's not as something else happened. i decided to leave when i was certain that's the end of it *i'm pretty sure considering the 'you're so close to the end' comment one of them gave me* and i was so darn late for my friend's but yet not wanting to miss it because i like the place he chose.
anyways, i'm just glad that this club is doing something again. going to this kinda meeting opens my eyes wider to the fact that there's so much things out there i have yet to discover. so many new knowledge i have yet to drink. even during the movie selection, some of them were talking about how good the book is or how that movie is based on this and that while i only said i'd be fine with any movie selected as i haven't watch any of it nor have i read the book some of the movies are based on. the more i know the more i am aware and/or reminded with the fact that the process of learning and discovering never ends. the more you know, the more you don't know ....

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