somehow the topic discussed during our weekly breakie is death. because of what's happenning lately i guess. a sudden death of one guy in my office. a death of my friend's friend's boyfriend *what a chain* when they're planning their wedding. and so we started asking ourselves. are we prepared if the angel of death suddenly come knocking on our door.
sidetrack a bit - i remember during my teenage years, when mum&dad asked us to switch off TV and do the prayer. if we're in the middle of something we'd said 5 more mins. or we went upstairs and switched on the TV to continue what we're watching in a minimum voice if not mute. somehow they always found out about this and mum would said 'good, later when the angel of death come, ask him to wait 5 mins ya!'
life eh, very fragile. it is after all not ours to have full control of.
back to our conversation now. we ended up asking each other if we're ready in case we die any moment. one said yes 'cos she felt that until now she always live her life to the fullest. another girl said no because she doesn't have enough yet to leave behind in terms of money (i commented on her being so materialistic), but then that's the way she is. whereas myself? my answer was half and half, yes and no as i'm so very not prepared on the spiritual side.
writing this makes me think of it again. there's so much i still want to have my hands on. so much i want to do to make my parents happier. so many things i still want to achieve. so many dreams i haven't fulfilled. and of course there's still a long way for me to go to be a good servant in the eyes of the creator . so if you asked me again i'd probably said no because of all the things written above. but hey, just like you can't pick and choose your family, you can't pick and choose the when and how are you going to die.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I 'Heart' Launch Week - BP 6?
so i stayed for pump eventhough i was a bit tired from combat.
oh sidetrack first, finally after doing my 2nd bc33 i know how to execute the jab down better. and today was more spacious so we have the chance to do a proper ginga and jump. i still need to work on my jump sidekick, i don't think i jump that nice :]
pump was good and the triceps track wasn't tough. yes!! think i'll add weight the next time i do pump. the abs part was a bit tricky and tough though, it involves rolling with your bar. hmm, next time i have to position the stopper facing me so that it won't stuck during the rolling. lunges are tough as usual and the shoulder is pretty okay. i don't think i can go back to my normal weight until another 2-3 more class.
and now im just enjoying the potential cracking of my bones. after ages of not doing 2 classes in a row, i'm sure i'll be awake to a great sensation tomorrow - full body soreness.
oh sidetrack first, finally after doing my 2nd bc33 i know how to execute the jab down better. and today was more spacious so we have the chance to do a proper ginga and jump. i still need to work on my jump sidekick, i don't think i jump that nice :]
pump was good and the triceps track wasn't tough. yes!! think i'll add weight the next time i do pump. the abs part was a bit tricky and tough though, it involves rolling with your bar. hmm, next time i have to position the stopper facing me so that it won't stuck during the rolling. lunges are tough as usual and the shoulder is pretty okay. i don't think i can go back to my normal weight until another 2-3 more class.
and now im just enjoying the potential cracking of my bones. after ages of not doing 2 classes in a row, i'm sure i'll be awake to a great sensation tomorrow - full body soreness.
What Is This
just few days ago i bought that 1,000 places to visit before you die book. today i bought myself the asian geographical journal - 101 places to visit in asia. i've been browsing high and low for a short getaway even when i know i wouldn't be able to do one. not with my course next tuesday, followed by my families arrival, wedding, and fasting month. but i still do so even i know that it'll just make me wanting it more. and now i'm so very tempted to get my hand on the book titled 101 things to do before you get old and boring and 101 things to do before you die. obviously it's way pass my quarter-life crisis to called it that and i'm still far away from having a mid-life crisis. so what is this? a burnt-out crisis???
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Just Listen
a friend of mine has been complaining like mad about what's happenning at her work. she's a bit stubborn that all suggestions given was practically ignored. i think there were few times that i myself kinda gave up and decided not to give any comment.
yesterday i got a called from her during lunch. she sounded a bit hysterical telling me what's going on there. i listened and can only give the same comment - talk to your big boss.
after work i checked on her and she's a bit calmer now that apparently the problem wasn't as huge as she thought it was. she suggested dinner and i said okay even i wasn't really up for it. got a text from her asking how long i'd be as she couldn't stand the hunger anymore. i was a bit annoyed at this part, she's the one suggesting even when i told her i could only make it after 8.30. i asked her to leave first but she insisted on waiting. so i rushed things off and meet her for dinner at 8. as usual she started sharing her feelings about work and how unhappy she was with something that might happen there. i reasoned with her saying that if she's not happy with what might be happenning, can she take the load herself? she's been complaining much and can she do it without further complain? i guess i was a bit harsh there, especially when i said that we've been hearing much complains now and if she wanted it to be that way she should stop complaining.
her answer was, 'if i don't complain to you guys, where else should i go to?'
i was speechless for a moment. she is right. however much pressure you have at work you still got to do it. yes she is stubborn. yes she complains much too much and ignored all the advise given. but she is still my friend and i am hers. i don't have to give her any solution or advise. i don't have to always share my opinion with her. all i can do is give my ears for her to rant.
yesterday i got a called from her during lunch. she sounded a bit hysterical telling me what's going on there. i listened and can only give the same comment - talk to your big boss.
after work i checked on her and she's a bit calmer now that apparently the problem wasn't as huge as she thought it was. she suggested dinner and i said okay even i wasn't really up for it. got a text from her asking how long i'd be as she couldn't stand the hunger anymore. i was a bit annoyed at this part, she's the one suggesting even when i told her i could only make it after 8.30. i asked her to leave first but she insisted on waiting. so i rushed things off and meet her for dinner at 8. as usual she started sharing her feelings about work and how unhappy she was with something that might happen there. i reasoned with her saying that if she's not happy with what might be happenning, can she take the load herself? she's been complaining much and can she do it without further complain? i guess i was a bit harsh there, especially when i said that we've been hearing much complains now and if she wanted it to be that way she should stop complaining.
her answer was, 'if i don't complain to you guys, where else should i go to?'
i was speechless for a moment. she is right. however much pressure you have at work you still got to do it. yes she is stubborn. yes she complains much too much and ignored all the advise given. but she is still my friend and i am hers. i don't have to give her any solution or advise. i don't have to always share my opinion with her. all i can do is give my ears for her to rant.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I 'Heart' Launch Week - BC 33
it's combat launch today - release 33. a fun one indeed. went to the rp branch and apparently it was reno, suhaimi, and roger doing the launch there. as usual suhaimi cracked us up, he still tricked us even its a new launch when none of us know the movement yet. it was fun though and i couldn't help myself but laugh out loud when he commented about a girl and make comparison with the other girl. he is the only one who dares saying those kinda thing out loud.
instructors aside, the music was funny. quite surprise when we did ginga with a bhangra song. interesting!. was a bit annoyed that the guy in front of me exercised like there's plenty of room available. it was crowded that i couldn't even execute round-house kick properly, yet he did the jumping side kick - ginga leisurely and everytime he did that he stepped on me. and not a single 'sorry' until once i complained and told him to be more careful. muay thai wise, i'm still confuse with the downward punch-uppercut-hook-hook-4 back knees. still trying to execuite it properly and they've started with the 16 jump knees. whoooaaaa...
anyway still got 2 more weeks to do BC33 as many as i can. will be skipping balance launch tomorrow and will be doing pump launch on thursday. i love this week...
instructors aside, the music was funny. quite surprise when we did ginga with a bhangra song. interesting!. was a bit annoyed that the guy in front of me exercised like there's plenty of room available. it was crowded that i couldn't even execute round-house kick properly, yet he did the jumping side kick - ginga leisurely and everytime he did that he stepped on me. and not a single 'sorry' until once i complained and told him to be more careful. muay thai wise, i'm still confuse with the downward punch-uppercut-hook-hook-4 back knees. still trying to execuite it properly and they've started with the 16 jump knees. whoooaaaa...
anyway still got 2 more weeks to do BC33 as many as i can. will be skipping balance launch tomorrow and will be doing pump launch on thursday. i love this week...
Feeling Blessed
the more i know about what's happenning within my surroundings, the more i feel blessed being brought up this way. so mum and dad, for all the things you've forbidden me from doing, for all the time i felt so annoyed at how conservative you guys - thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Rambling ...
just came back from a conf. call. somehow the HK guy's conversation sounded more like a lullaby to me. i need to write something before i really fall asleep.
so i stopped by at times during my lunch break. i decided to skip pump as i am not fully recovered from my weekend exhaustion and i don't think i can carry a bar with the mood i was in. i finally decided to get the book i've been wanting to buy but always end up leaving the place empty handed. while queueing i noticed they're having a promotion - buy 2 get 3 for few books and i've already saw two that attacted me. not only i left the place with 1,000 places to see before you die, i got myself blink, the tipping point, and eat pray love too.
on a side notes, its seems that i always inspire few friends on doing something which i myself haven't got a hands on. somehow because of me a friend is now hooked in sports - from asking her to do the jpmorgan challenge and standchart marathon, she is now hooked on running and planning her triathlon next month. from sharing my plan of attending some travel-volunteer talk with a girl, she ended up planning a trip to one country after viewing the site i forwarded to her. and today, from telling my friend about my wish of a quick getaway and gave her the link to the eco travel site, she is now planning on a quick backpacking in october. i am happy of course but please, quick someone... inspire me!!
so i stopped by at times during my lunch break. i decided to skip pump as i am not fully recovered from my weekend exhaustion and i don't think i can carry a bar with the mood i was in. i finally decided to get the book i've been wanting to buy but always end up leaving the place empty handed. while queueing i noticed they're having a promotion - buy 2 get 3 for few books and i've already saw two that attacted me. not only i left the place with 1,000 places to see before you die, i got myself blink, the tipping point, and eat pray love too.
on a side notes, its seems that i always inspire few friends on doing something which i myself haven't got a hands on. somehow because of me a friend is now hooked in sports - from asking her to do the jpmorgan challenge and standchart marathon, she is now hooked on running and planning her triathlon next month. from sharing my plan of attending some travel-volunteer talk with a girl, she ended up planning a trip to one country after viewing the site i forwarded to her. and today, from telling my friend about my wish of a quick getaway and gave her the link to the eco travel site, she is now planning on a quick backpacking in october. i am happy of course but please, quick someone... inspire me!!
I Want My Weekend
i just cant wait for weekend to come so that i have time to 'recover' from the passing one. all i can think about now is to take leave for a day or so, so that i have time for myself. i've been browsing this adventure travel site instead of concentrating on my work. i know with my family coming, a cousin's wedding to attend, fasting month and stuff, it'll be impossible to plan any short quick getaway. but i want one. i just hope it's the monday blues kicking in. i still can't wait for the weekend to come though - 6 more days to go!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Missing Home
i am truly madly deeply exhausted. it's so shocking that i was blank for a while when the insert statement - INSERT STATEMENT!! - didn't work. i was so amazed by how tired my brain was until i couldn't recall that specifying fields don't work in access.
after several requests i finally received few pictures of my new born niece. i couldn't help controlling my tears. i so wish i was there to see her in person. living away from family is so not worth it when it comes to these small little things. she looks tiny, well she IS compared to my other niece who weighed 4 kg when she was born. but this girl has a nose as high as a skyline. and i think she looks like my sister.
i was contemplating, should i just go home unannounced? taking 2 days of leave for this? bugger, i haven't go down to the ICA now that i have renewed my passport.
after several requests i finally received few pictures of my new born niece. i couldn't help controlling my tears. i so wish i was there to see her in person. living away from family is so not worth it when it comes to these small little things. she looks tiny, well she IS compared to my other niece who weighed 4 kg when she was born. but this girl has a nose as high as a skyline. and i think she looks like my sister.
i was contemplating, should i just go home unannounced? taking 2 days of leave for this? bugger, i haven't go down to the ICA now that i have renewed my passport.
a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
i have a great weekend for sure. womad was good - youssou n'dour was awesome, though i am only familiar with one song of his :). the food during the event was good but nothing can beat the food at the indonesian bazaar i went to earlier. it was simply confusing as you're spoilt with choices.
i am so burnt out now that i slept at 4 this morning. tired but happy. exhausted but can't take a rest. sleepy but can't sleep if i want to have a good night later. so many things i want to write but no energy to do so. i need to do some work. i need to clean my house. i need to think what to eat next - i'm still full from tahu goreng - teh botol - siomay - es teler but i still have satay braddell - pempek - asinan to finish. oh well, i have to switch off my machine and on my office one to start doing something, pronto.

tried uploading the longer one but i managed to finish my asinan and sate and it's still uploading! so just a few mins of the best part of last night here :-
i am so burnt out now that i slept at 4 this morning. tired but happy. exhausted but can't take a rest. sleepy but can't sleep if i want to have a good night later. so many things i want to write but no energy to do so. i need to do some work. i need to clean my house. i need to think what to eat next - i'm still full from tahu goreng - teh botol - siomay - es teler but i still have satay braddell - pempek - asinan to finish. oh well, i have to switch off my machine and on my office one to start doing something, pronto.
tried uploading the longer one but i managed to finish my asinan and sate and it's still uploading! so just a few mins of the best part of last night here :-
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Taking Things for Granted
it's been quite some time since i enjoy the leisure of waking up late, lazing around, WATCHING TV on saturday morning. it's always rushing for this rushing for that. if only i didn't promise my auntie, my saturday morning will be très parfait!
not that i'm complaining or whatsoever, i actually enjoyed all the things i've been doing and will continue doing since i told myself time and again not to be a lazy bummer. it's just often you take things for granted and you only realised how good it is when you don't have it. having a weekend to called my own is one of it.
on a sidenote, i am thinking of achieving something next year. something i always think of doing, something i need to do so that i can die happily. i can't say more than this now. i just need to get myself ready and discipline myself to do the thing that hinders me most on making it come true.
not that i'm complaining or whatsoever, i actually enjoyed all the things i've been doing and will continue doing since i told myself time and again not to be a lazy bummer. it's just often you take things for granted and you only realised how good it is when you don't have it. having a weekend to called my own is one of it.
on a sidenote, i am thinking of achieving something next year. something i always think of doing, something i need to do so that i can die happily. i can't say more than this now. i just need to get myself ready and discipline myself to do the thing that hinders me most on making it come true.
Friday, August 24, 2007
after a long sleepless night, i finally can relax.
it is definitely a great lesson learnt. it makes everything stronger. it makes me understand myself better. it makes me realised what's important and what's worth doing. and it makes me determined to get over this 2nd child syndrome. i am so very happy. relieved. contented. blessed.
all i can say now is that i'm ready for the weekend. bring it on!!
it is definitely a great lesson learnt. it makes everything stronger. it makes me understand myself better. it makes me realised what's important and what's worth doing. and it makes me determined to get over this 2nd child syndrome. i am so very happy. relieved. contented. blessed.
all i can say now is that i'm ready for the weekend. bring it on!!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
my plan on cable skiing this saturday have to be postponed. somehow i already have the feeling that it won't happened. my plan to do this then home and rest first got cancelled when i got a call from my auntie. i felt bad after she asked me where have i disappeared to now that my uncle is no longer alive. my intention of skipping the birthday party was immediately cancelled and i promised her to be attending her grandkids' 21st birthday. seems like this 21st birthday thingy is so important here! told her i'd be leaving early as i had another engagement only ended up with her questioning me. where? who? how? haha. told her not to worry as my parents know every steps i take and she said its just she felt responsible being the wife of my dad's eldest brother. i felt very bad really. she reminded me again that whatever i do, make sure i guard my family's name and reputation. yes ma'am. thanks for the advice.
my auntie called me about a wedding this sunday. i knew i'd say no. but when i heard her explanations, 'we're invited by the owner of that pariaman stall. she's a friend of the family.' i know mum will be okay if i don't go as its not a close relative but i asked her if by any chance the meal would be from their own restaurant. she said yes so and i said 'ok! i'll be there'. it sounds greedy but hey, i'm just being plain honest. but then i realised just few hours ago that it'll clash with the bazaar in the indonesian embassy. already made arrangements with two of my friends and now i have to make a choice. indonesian food vs. pariaman. no brainers if i choose the 1st one right. all i need to do now is to tell my aunts about this.
my auntie called me about a wedding this sunday. i knew i'd say no. but when i heard her explanations, 'we're invited by the owner of that pariaman stall. she's a friend of the family.' i know mum will be okay if i don't go as its not a close relative but i asked her if by any chance the meal would be from their own restaurant. she said yes so and i said 'ok! i'll be there'. it sounds greedy but hey, i'm just being plain honest. but then i realised just few hours ago that it'll clash with the bazaar in the indonesian embassy. already made arrangements with two of my friends and now i have to make a choice. indonesian food vs. pariaman. no brainers if i choose the 1st one right. all i need to do now is to tell my aunts about this.
Life Is Too Short
i woke up this morning and saw a message in my mobile. one of the admin staff in the firm passed away. a young man without any sickness, just like that. indeed we have to be prepared 'cos anytime God could just say, 'okay, you! time's up!' but it still a shock to hear this kinda news.
Life is too short for one to live it badly. make the best of it. if you want to do something - do it! carpe diem.
i have so many things i want to accomplish before i die. at the same time i want to live a life full of balance. the life herewithin and the life after. spending time with families, friends and spending time with myself. givng back to the world in return to all the good things bestowed upon me. i hope God gives me the chance to fulfill all of my dreams. and i don't want to die knowing i haven't do a certain one thing i've been wanting to do, yet kept on delaying it.
but then again, i can only wish, hope, dreams of things and try my best accomplishing what is within my control. everything else is up to the maker up above.
Life is too short for one to live it badly. make the best of it. if you want to do something - do it! carpe diem.
i have so many things i want to accomplish before i die. at the same time i want to live a life full of balance. the life herewithin and the life after. spending time with families, friends and spending time with myself. givng back to the world in return to all the good things bestowed upon me. i hope God gives me the chance to fulfill all of my dreams. and i don't want to die knowing i haven't do a certain one thing i've been wanting to do, yet kept on delaying it.
but then again, i can only wish, hope, dreams of things and try my best accomplishing what is within my control. everything else is up to the maker up above.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
i can't sleep so i went online. few minutes after i was online i saw my sis and talked to her. she then told me that my youngest sis is in the hospital now. her water broke while queueing in carrefour. she's now at the hospital with her hubby and mum. i hope everything goes smoothly. and to imagine just this afternoon mum told me, 'if God hasn't smack the baby's bottom what can the gynae do?', in response to me calling everyday from last week asking about my sis.
i'm so thrilled. i'm going to be an auntie for the 3rd time. is it a girl? is it a boy?
i'm so thrilled. i'm going to be an auntie for the 3rd time. is it a girl? is it a boy?
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
to The Hell and Back
i'm aching all over. i know it sound a bit cuckoo but i have to start somewhere and somehow i choose today. did pump during lunch, the 1st pump i had after months of skivving. even after reducing all my weights to more than 50% of what i usually carry, i still find it a bit difficult. somehow they did the tough triceps and lunges track. i was playing safe during lunges and did mostly top half but the instructor told me to try harder so i did and boy my calves burnt as hell. two of us left the place limping and we really laughed at each other while going down the stairs.
i kinda felt the aching around my hamstring in the evening but i still do the tennis. you know that you won't feel that sore when you're doing some workout but the real feelings will come once you're done with it. and thats what happenning to me now. i just hope i have the energy to wake up and walk tomorrow. but after saying all that, i'm actually esctatic for feeling this way again. it's been so long!
i kinda felt the aching around my hamstring in the evening but i still do the tennis. you know that you won't feel that sore when you're doing some workout but the real feelings will come once you're done with it. and thats what happenning to me now. i just hope i have the energy to wake up and walk tomorrow. but after saying all that, i'm actually esctatic for feeling this way again. it's been so long!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
i'm thinking of taking a break from vb next week as i have to be home before 5 pm. actually it's more like i want to do something else for a change. hmm, i've been wanting to do this for quite some time. should i just go ahead and do it myself this coming week? any takers?
hah! im not surprise if i'll end up lazing around at home piling up more fats!
hah! im not surprise if i'll end up lazing around at home piling up more fats!
Sleepless in Bedok
my hand hurts! i couldn't sleep and i feel that pain in both hands more, pain that i ignored earlier. its like the skin is burnt, but then i realised now its from hitting the ball wrongly.
somehow my volley ball this weak stinks. it started with a heavy rain but of course the organiser texted us saying that the show goes on, as usual. i only managed to play 1 set 'cos due to the number of turnouts, they did the winner stays on court rule. and of course i was in the losing team. i actually ended up being in a team where the 3 guys are pretty competitive. so it was a blessing in disguise when we were told to get off the court. since there's another ball we decided to practice and that was when we found an abandoned court. yay. with the drizzling no one in their normal mind would want to play but we did. we played with our own rule. 4 on 3 and i think we ended up doing more laughing and running, especially when the ball was thrown to the sea. we had to run faster to get it before it hits the water. two of us literally fell into the sea while 'saving' it. it was fun though the wet ball made hitting it properly more difficult and i believe everyone ate a fair amount of sand because its very wet that it just stick at the ball, on our skin and clothes.
left early as i'm meeting my ex flatmate for the fireworks *thanks again for the tix* . went to the gym for a quick shower first as i was literally covered in sand. felt a little embarrassed reaching the gym with my shin and feet covered with sand, and don't get me start with the's so darn sticky cos its wet sand that i have difficulty cleaning up *of course i am lazy to use the public shower before leaving*. a big apology to the cleaner because i left quite a large amount of sand in the changing room.
firework was good, similar to last year, but this time around it was accompanied by music. my imagination of a 'musical fireworks' is that it should be similar to those 'musical fountains' . i know that is impossible to achieved. but still ....
on my way home, my little finger was touched by an old man's ciggy. i looked at him waiting for him to apologies but he just looked at me and pointed to another guy. he's blaming others for his wrongdoing! i was annoyed and said 'its you' to which he shook his head and insisted it was the other guy. i blxxxdy well know who's ciggy it was that i simply stared at him saying 'no, its you. you' and walked off. some people. instead of standing up admitting their fault they blamed others for that!
somehow my volley ball this weak stinks. it started with a heavy rain but of course the organiser texted us saying that the show goes on, as usual. i only managed to play 1 set 'cos due to the number of turnouts, they did the winner stays on court rule. and of course i was in the losing team. i actually ended up being in a team where the 3 guys are pretty competitive. so it was a blessing in disguise when we were told to get off the court. since there's another ball we decided to practice and that was when we found an abandoned court. yay. with the drizzling no one in their normal mind would want to play but we did. we played with our own rule. 4 on 3 and i think we ended up doing more laughing and running, especially when the ball was thrown to the sea. we had to run faster to get it before it hits the water. two of us literally fell into the sea while 'saving' it. it was fun though the wet ball made hitting it properly more difficult and i believe everyone ate a fair amount of sand because its very wet that it just stick at the ball, on our skin and clothes.
left early as i'm meeting my ex flatmate for the fireworks *thanks again for the tix* . went to the gym for a quick shower first as i was literally covered in sand. felt a little embarrassed reaching the gym with my shin and feet covered with sand, and don't get me start with the's so darn sticky cos its wet sand that i have difficulty cleaning up *of course i am lazy to use the public shower before leaving*. a big apology to the cleaner because i left quite a large amount of sand in the changing room.
firework was good, similar to last year, but this time around it was accompanied by music. my imagination of a 'musical fireworks' is that it should be similar to those 'musical fountains' . i know that is impossible to achieved. but still ....
on my way home, my little finger was touched by an old man's ciggy. i looked at him waiting for him to apologies but he just looked at me and pointed to another guy. he's blaming others for his wrongdoing! i was annoyed and said 'its you' to which he shook his head and insisted it was the other guy. i blxxxdy well know who's ciggy it was that i simply stared at him saying 'no, its you. you' and walked off. some people. instead of standing up admitting their fault they blamed others for that!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Happy Friday!
i received an email from a friend this morning with a funny attachment that requires some action from the user's part. click the mouse to insert the coin, choose your choice of drinks (coffee, latte, cappuccino, chocolate), pick the cup up. if you want to know who prepared the drink click once you've collect your cup. the machine will be opened and you'll see a monkey peeing in the cup. haha.
somehow i feel very intoxicated, very light, very happy without any reason today. i kinda spread the disease to my neighbour at work and somehow we ended up laughing more than working. not sure why but i am just happy. chatting and sharing funny stuff with a friend thru' msn. sharing cheery emails. just happy. i spent almost 1 hour doing some 'never ending quiz' online that my friend called my office just to check if i was around 'cos i didn't replied to the emails she sent. checked the email and apparently she was down after failing her certification. i know no excuses could make her happier so i just shared some funny stuff that i encountered and i was so happy to read her reply.
ended the day by going to the cinema and watched a movie by myself. i know a friend asked me to do it next week with few others, but nope - i just want to laugh alone. though the movie wasn't that funny, with a box of nachos and a cup of coke light, how can i not be happy.
at first i thought something was put in my breakfast. but then again it might be the chocolate drink from the monkey. the only thing is that i have to bring some work home due to me slacking at work when i promised to show something on monday. hmm, anyways happy friday all!!
oh yess .. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, MY LOVELY INDONESIA - 62 yrs, blimey! that's the retirement age here.
somehow i feel very intoxicated, very light, very happy without any reason today. i kinda spread the disease to my neighbour at work and somehow we ended up laughing more than working. not sure why but i am just happy. chatting and sharing funny stuff with a friend thru' msn. sharing cheery emails. just happy. i spent almost 1 hour doing some 'never ending quiz' online that my friend called my office just to check if i was around 'cos i didn't replied to the emails she sent. checked the email and apparently she was down after failing her certification. i know no excuses could make her happier so i just shared some funny stuff that i encountered and i was so happy to read her reply.
ended the day by going to the cinema and watched a movie by myself. i know a friend asked me to do it next week with few others, but nope - i just want to laugh alone. though the movie wasn't that funny, with a box of nachos and a cup of coke light, how can i not be happy.
at first i thought something was put in my breakfast. but then again it might be the chocolate drink from the monkey. the only thing is that i have to bring some work home due to me slacking at work when i promised to show something on monday. hmm, anyways happy friday all!!
oh yess .. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, MY LOVELY INDONESIA - 62 yrs, blimey! that's the retirement age here.
When A Stingy Workmate Gave Birth for the 2nd Time
and none of us were in the mood to do anything based on our 1st experience, but boss suggested on something and asking for our feedback. here are some of the responses :-
no comment
set comment = false
dim comment as string = null
and the good one :-
no comment
set comment = false
dim comment as string = null
and the good one :-
Call Suggestion("")
Function Suggestion(string Comment)
If (Comment = "")
Messagebox ("Pay $8")
Messagebox ("Still pay $8")
Function Suggestion(string Comment)
If (Comment = "")
Messagebox ("Pay $8")
Messagebox ("Still pay $8")
No Longer A Child
"hallo today in Jakarta is tujuh belas empat lima. everybody put on indonesia flag do you why because everybody is going to sing tujuh belas in the parade. I am not mummy ya I am rasyid ok bye"
sometimes i am still at awe with the fact that my nephew is now 6 years old and capable of doing things like spelling and sending message.
sometimes i am still at awe with the fact that my nephew is now 6 years old and capable of doing things like spelling and sending message.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Gosh ...
just came back from the credit controller side.
everytime i go there, i will never leave empty handed
even before when they moved to kt while i was still in ob, whenever i had to go to KT and met them there, i'd go back with loads of stuff.
chocolate, sweets, biscuits, peanuts .. everything!!
this time around when i went there, one of the lady said you look very round now dear ..
the other one said yes i realised that now because most of the time i saw you without my glasses on
i only smiled saying that i am aware of that but somehow didn't do anything about it.
and of course i left with something too -
and this time around it's a powder to mix with your drinks to lose weight!! *speechless*
everytime i go there, i will never leave empty handed
even before when they moved to kt while i was still in ob, whenever i had to go to KT and met them there, i'd go back with loads of stuff.
chocolate, sweets, biscuits, peanuts .. everything!!
this time around when i went there, one of the lady said you look very round now dear ..
the other one said yes i realised that now because most of the time i saw you without my glasses on
i only smiled saying that i am aware of that but somehow didn't do anything about it.
and of course i left with something too -
and this time around it's a powder to mix with your drinks to lose weight!! *speechless*
And Its Only The Recap
last week :-
girl, since dinner is postponed do you mind accompanying me getting the gift? i need some input
ok, but make sure we're done before 10 ya
oh ya .. okay okay we have dinner at 8.30 then leave by 9.30 can?
on monday :-
girl, i got the yoga mat for her. do you think we can get her to join us?
why don't you ask her, probably she can join us during dinner 'cos she works late
alright girlies, i'll join you two for dinner. just tell me the where and what time
but don't come too late ya, i don't want to miss the 1st episode
btw, it's at 10.30 not 10 so we have a little bit more time
earlier today :-
it's almost 8.30 lets go to the dinner place
*incoming text* i'm at borders already
go up, we just reached here
dinner ..
okay lets go, shall we?
you think we should get a cab?
i don't think its easy to get one at this time, eventhough you call them
are you taking a bus?
nope, its like 40 mins left i'm taking a train
okay i'll go with you
*text message*
i gave up and alight at raffles place, too much water that i really need to go to the loo
why don't you said earlier and we can go together
i want to be home early not wanting to miss it man
my dad is not at home, so i need to take the lrt. surely miss the 1st 15 mins.
don't worry i'll update you tomorrow
*reached home. on the TV*
oh good, recap from last season. i can take my shower and get ready for bed first.
*30 mins passed by*
never say it'll be 1.5 hrs show today but how come?
*show ends*
oh the guy died. so saaad :'(
huh? that was from last season. it's all the bits and pieces from last season!!
really? no wonder so complicated
you didn't follow last season is it?
chey, it's a recap
ya lor!! lucky we didn't take taxi
well ... the 1st episode from the latest season of Grey's Anatomy will only start next week!!
girl, since dinner is postponed do you mind accompanying me getting the gift? i need some input
ok, but make sure we're done before 10 ya
oh ya .. okay okay we have dinner at 8.30 then leave by 9.30 can?
on monday :-
girl, i got the yoga mat for her. do you think we can get her to join us?
why don't you ask her, probably she can join us during dinner 'cos she works late
alright girlies, i'll join you two for dinner. just tell me the where and what time
but don't come too late ya, i don't want to miss the 1st episode
btw, it's at 10.30 not 10 so we have a little bit more time
earlier today :-
it's almost 8.30 lets go to the dinner place
*incoming text* i'm at borders already
go up, we just reached here
dinner ..
okay lets go, shall we?
you think we should get a cab?
i don't think its easy to get one at this time, eventhough you call them
are you taking a bus?
nope, its like 40 mins left i'm taking a train
okay i'll go with you
*text message*
i gave up and alight at raffles place, too much water that i really need to go to the loo
why don't you said earlier and we can go together
i want to be home early not wanting to miss it man
my dad is not at home, so i need to take the lrt. surely miss the 1st 15 mins.
don't worry i'll update you tomorrow
*reached home. on the TV*
oh good, recap from last season. i can take my shower and get ready for bed first.
*30 mins passed by*
never say it'll be 1.5 hrs show today but how come?
*show ends*
oh the guy died. so saaad :'(
huh? that was from last season. it's all the bits and pieces from last season!!
really? no wonder so complicated
you didn't follow last season is it?
chey, it's a recap
ya lor!! lucky we didn't take taxi
well ... the 1st episode from the latest season of Grey's Anatomy will only start next week!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Something Serious Something Weird
i heard these news on the radio during my journey home.
1. nokia called of its battery as some might encounter overheat during charging.
i checked the list of mobile and mine is not listed there. here's what written on the website :-
Dear Nokia Customer,
This is a product advisory for the Nokia-branded BL-5C battery manufactured by Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd. of Japan between December 2005 and November 2006. This product advisory does not apply to any other Nokia battery. Nokia has identified that in very rare cases the affected batteries could potentially experience over heating initiated by a short circuit while charging, causing the battery to dislodge.
Nokia is working closely with relevant local authorities to investigate this situation. Nokia has several suppliers for BL-5C batteries that have collectively produced more than 300 million BL-5C batteries. This advisory applies only to the 46 million batteries manufactured by Matsushita between December 2005 and November 2006.
There have been approximately 100 incidents of over heating reported globally. No serious injuries or property damage have been reported. Consumers with a BL-5C battery subject to this advisory should note that all of the approximately 100 incidents have occurred while charging the battery. According to Nokia's knowledge this issue does not affect any other use of the mobile device.
Concerned consumers may want to monitor a mobile device while charging that contains a BL-5C battery subject to this product advisory. While the occurrence in the BL-5C batteries produced by Matsushita in the time-period specified is very rare, for consumers wishing to do so, Nokia and Matsushita offer to replace any BL-5C battery subject to this product advisory. The BL-5C batteries which are subject to the product advisory were used with the following
Nokia models or separately as accessories:
Nokia 1100, Nokia 1100c, Nokia 1101, Nokia 1108, Nokia 1110, Nokia 1112, Nokia 1255, Nokia 1315, Nokia 1600, Nokia 2112, Nokia 2118, Nokia 2255, Nokia 2272, Nokia 2275, Nokia 2300, Nokia 2300c, Nokia 2310, Nokia 2355, Nokia 2600, Nokia 2610, Nokia 2610b, Nokia 2626, Nokia 3100, Nokia 3105, Nokia 3120, Nokia 3125, Nokia 6030, Nokia 6085, Nokia 6086, Nokia 6108, Nokia 6175i, Nokia 6178i, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6270, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6631, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6820, Nokia 6822, Nokia 7610, Nokia N70, Nokia N71, Nokia N72, Nokia N91, Nokia E50, Nokia E60
“Nokia” and “BL-5C” are printed on the front of the battery. On the back of the battery, the Nokia mark appears at the top, and the battery identification number (consisting of 26 characters) is found at the bottom. If you are interested to know if your battery is part of this product advisory, please follow the two steps below: 1) Switch off your mobile device and check the battery model. If your battery is not a BL-5C model, you are not included in this product advisory and your product will not be replaced.
2. an australian men magazine offers the winner a new breasts for his girlfriend.
what the ..
talking about being shallow eh. and of course here's the full load :-
SYDNEY (AFP) - An Australian men's magazine has outraged health experts by launching a competition in which the top prize is new breasts for the winner's girlfriend.
Zoo Weekly has urged men to submit photographs of their girl's cleavage so that readers can vote online for which woman most deserves 10,000 dollars (8,450 US) worth of plastic surgery to improve her chest.
"It's impossible to think of a more romantic gift than new breasts," magazine editor Paul Merrill said in a statement.
"It's the gift that keeps on giving."
But health experts attacked the competition, describing it as unethical and in poor taste.
"I'm disgusted and appalled, and very doubtful they can even offer major body modification as a prize," said Jenny O'Dea, a public health researcher at Sydney University.
"You simply cannot treat women in this way, like objects there for men's satisfaction."
The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons said it was medically unethical to offer surgery in a competition and that it was inappropriate for a man to win such a prize and offer it to his girlfriend.
"What would we think if a women's magazine ran a lottery for a penis enlargement and asked women to volunteer their boyfriends," society President Howard Webster said.
Sexuality researcher Julie Mooney-Somers said it was also possible that women could be entered into the competition without their knowledge.
"What's to say these women even want a boob job or that it's even safe for them to have it," said Mooney-Somers, an academic at the University of New South Wales.
"There may be some very horrified women out there thanks to this."
1. nokia called of its battery as some might encounter overheat during charging.
i checked the list of mobile and mine is not listed there. here's what written on the website :-
Dear Nokia Customer,
This is a product advisory for the Nokia-branded BL-5C battery manufactured by Matsushita Battery Industrial Co. Ltd. of Japan between December 2005 and November 2006. This product advisory does not apply to any other Nokia battery. Nokia has identified that in very rare cases the affected batteries could potentially experience over heating initiated by a short circuit while charging, causing the battery to dislodge.
Nokia is working closely with relevant local authorities to investigate this situation. Nokia has several suppliers for BL-5C batteries that have collectively produced more than 300 million BL-5C batteries. This advisory applies only to the 46 million batteries manufactured by Matsushita between December 2005 and November 2006.
There have been approximately 100 incidents of over heating reported globally. No serious injuries or property damage have been reported. Consumers with a BL-5C battery subject to this advisory should note that all of the approximately 100 incidents have occurred while charging the battery. According to Nokia's knowledge this issue does not affect any other use of the mobile device.
Concerned consumers may want to monitor a mobile device while charging that contains a BL-5C battery subject to this product advisory. While the occurrence in the BL-5C batteries produced by Matsushita in the time-period specified is very rare, for consumers wishing to do so, Nokia and Matsushita offer to replace any BL-5C battery subject to this product advisory. The BL-5C batteries which are subject to the product advisory were used with the following
Nokia models or separately as accessories:
Nokia 1100, Nokia 1100c, Nokia 1101, Nokia 1108, Nokia 1110, Nokia 1112, Nokia 1255, Nokia 1315, Nokia 1600, Nokia 2112, Nokia 2118, Nokia 2255, Nokia 2272, Nokia 2275, Nokia 2300, Nokia 2300c, Nokia 2310, Nokia 2355, Nokia 2600, Nokia 2610, Nokia 2610b, Nokia 2626, Nokia 3100, Nokia 3105, Nokia 3120, Nokia 3125, Nokia 6030, Nokia 6085, Nokia 6086, Nokia 6108, Nokia 6175i, Nokia 6178i, Nokia 6230, Nokia 6230i, Nokia 6270, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6631, Nokia 6670, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6820, Nokia 6822, Nokia 7610, Nokia N70, Nokia N71, Nokia N72, Nokia N91, Nokia E50, Nokia E60
“Nokia” and “BL-5C” are printed on the front of the battery. On the back of the battery, the Nokia mark appears at the top, and the battery identification number (consisting of 26 characters) is found at the bottom. If you are interested to know if your battery is part of this product advisory, please follow the two steps below: 1) Switch off your mobile device and check the battery model. If your battery is not a BL-5C model, you are not included in this product advisory and your product will not be replaced.
2. an australian men magazine offers the winner a new breasts for his girlfriend.
what the ..
talking about being shallow eh. and of course here's the full load :-
SYDNEY (AFP) - An Australian men's magazine has outraged health experts by launching a competition in which the top prize is new breasts for the winner's girlfriend.
Zoo Weekly has urged men to submit photographs of their girl's cleavage so that readers can vote online for which woman most deserves 10,000 dollars (8,450 US) worth of plastic surgery to improve her chest.
"It's impossible to think of a more romantic gift than new breasts," magazine editor Paul Merrill said in a statement.
"It's the gift that keeps on giving."
But health experts attacked the competition, describing it as unethical and in poor taste.
"I'm disgusted and appalled, and very doubtful they can even offer major body modification as a prize," said Jenny O'Dea, a public health researcher at Sydney University.
"You simply cannot treat women in this way, like objects there for men's satisfaction."
The Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons said it was medically unethical to offer surgery in a competition and that it was inappropriate for a man to win such a prize and offer it to his girlfriend.
"What would we think if a women's magazine ran a lottery for a penis enlargement and asked women to volunteer their boyfriends," society President Howard Webster said.
Sexuality researcher Julie Mooney-Somers said it was also possible that women could be entered into the competition without their knowledge.
"What's to say these women even want a boob job or that it's even safe for them to have it," said Mooney-Somers, an academic at the University of New South Wales.
"There may be some very horrified women out there thanks to this."
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Tuesday Boohoo
somehow my friendster account got 'hacked'. after uploading a new picture i couldn't see my profile. instead i saw a 'save your soul' or something like that message at the bottom right of the page. i saw that on my cousin's page two days ago so i thought it's friendster having problem and didn't bother to check others profile. but then a friend told me that it only happened to those that just posted a shout out. i didn't post one! sent an email to the support but no response yet. only that now i can see my wallpaper instead of the crappy message. i am not a person who's patience when it comes to things that must be settled fast, hence i sent another email asking them on the progress. i just hope they notice my email.
i was so engrossed at work that i miss combat. well actually i planned to skip combat. it's been awhile since i take a bus ride home that i decided to do one now. on my way there, just outside my building there's this lady pushing a pram. the girl in the pram was excited about something that she moved her body forward when suddenly *brukk* the handle broke and she fell on the floor flat on her face. i was quite surprise 'cos it happened when i was about to pass by them. her mom quickly carried her but that didn't stop her from screaming her pain out loud. poor girl. i continued my walk and realised there's this man in front of me looking intently at the incident. i looked back and saw the girl stretching her arms out to this guy. her father!! the one she was excited about. and yet he did nothing but stood still waiting for his family to approach him. not a single initiative to approach them and give his wife a help. what a pxg! i couldn't help but mumbled the word 'suami sialan' when i passed him. he didn't know what it meant, probably even unaware that i was commenting on him but i let my annoyance out. a total MCP indeed.
i was so engrossed at work that i miss combat. well actually i planned to skip combat. it's been awhile since i take a bus ride home that i decided to do one now. on my way there, just outside my building there's this lady pushing a pram. the girl in the pram was excited about something that she moved her body forward when suddenly *brukk* the handle broke and she fell on the floor flat on her face. i was quite surprise 'cos it happened when i was about to pass by them. her mom quickly carried her but that didn't stop her from screaming her pain out loud. poor girl. i continued my walk and realised there's this man in front of me looking intently at the incident. i looked back and saw the girl stretching her arms out to this guy. her father!! the one she was excited about. and yet he did nothing but stood still waiting for his family to approach him. not a single initiative to approach them and give his wife a help. what a pxg! i couldn't help but mumbled the word 'suami sialan' when i passed him. he didn't know what it meant, probably even unaware that i was commenting on him but i let my annoyance out. a total MCP indeed.
Rusty Game
i managed to get the racket and thank God i did. if i didn't have one, the game wouldn't be as fun as it was 'cos someone need to take turn with me. 2 hours of rusty tennis, but hey it's all for the fun. at least i'm not doing that bad for a beginner level, though sometimes i kinda used a wrong way of hitting the ball. i still need to practice on using my arms more than my wrist as well.
it was pretty nice place as well with a very reasonable rental price. we've decided to make it a weekly event. so i guess my monday run will now be wed run. just need to talk to my running buddy tomorrow.
it was pretty nice place as well with a very reasonable rental price. we've decided to make it a weekly event. so i guess my monday run will now be wed run. just need to talk to my running buddy tomorrow.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Eyes Wide Shut
i was so tired from yesterday that i took a nap at 11. not that i planned to but i was really feeling tired. im sure it's not because of the play, but more on the walk. i think i slept at 10.30 *during 7th heaven* and woke up at 12. not that long right? but still i can't sleep now. my upper back is aching badly and my eyes are heavy but i still can't sleep! bugger. and to think i'll have a looong day at work later.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
it's been a nice weekend with a bucket full of fun.
i am getting more challenged with this facebook. after creating an account in respond to a friend's invitation i simply leave it just like that. another friend added me. and another. that was when i decided to explore it. still confused but kinda enjoy it now.
my skin is more tan - nope, darker - than its used to be. oh my! from the 6 hours under the blazing sun. charcoaled skin. 2 hours of walk. totally dehydrated. a big glass of coke during dinner really help as i really need the sugar rush.
foot reflexiology eased some tension on the calves muscle. forced myself to go and find a racquet. its been awhile since i did shopping so i was a little surprised upon seeing how crowded tampines mall was. seems like everybody in singapore were there. did my mission as fast as i could. of course, went home empty handed. sigh
managed to watch the dvd i borrowed - a good movie. managed to finish the latest shopaholic book. need to do my ironing. need to get some work done, what's the point of bringing the machine home if i don't open it, eh.
i am getting more challenged with this facebook. after creating an account in respond to a friend's invitation i simply leave it just like that. another friend added me. and another. that was when i decided to explore it. still confused but kinda enjoy it now.
my skin is more tan - nope, darker - than its used to be. oh my! from the 6 hours under the blazing sun. charcoaled skin. 2 hours of walk. totally dehydrated. a big glass of coke during dinner really help as i really need the sugar rush.
foot reflexiology eased some tension on the calves muscle. forced myself to go and find a racquet. its been awhile since i did shopping so i was a little surprised upon seeing how crowded tampines mall was. seems like everybody in singapore were there. did my mission as fast as i could. of course, went home empty handed. sigh
managed to watch the dvd i borrowed - a good movie. managed to finish the latest shopaholic book. need to do my ironing. need to get some work done, what's the point of bringing the machine home if i don't open it, eh.
Friday, August 10, 2007
somehow i woke up feeling a bit confused. i heard an incoming text message and was at shocked upon seeing the time, 8 AM. what day is it? do i have to go to work? isn't it sunday? but how come it didn't feel like one? so i read my text, from a friend asking if i have meet the other girl. oh shxt, the breakfast!. after thanking her for the wake up text and saying i'd be very late i rushed for shower. 15 mins and i was on my way to work.
met them for breakfast, more like showing my face. as one of the girl is not in town, i feel bad to skip it as well hence me showing up, even though for a while.
now at the office only to spend my morning reading and replying emails and chatting. though i am still struggling with converting old data to the new dB structure prior to releasing the application on monday my mind keep on wandering to the the other application. my ambition is to get something out by monday though the deadline is still 3 weeks away. with the phase i am in, i'm not sure i can accomplish that.
i need my weekend!!
met them for breakfast, more like showing my face. as one of the girl is not in town, i feel bad to skip it as well hence me showing up, even though for a while.
now at the office only to spend my morning reading and replying emails and chatting. though i am still struggling with converting old data to the new dB structure prior to releasing the application on monday my mind keep on wandering to the the other application. my ambition is to get something out by monday though the deadline is still 3 weeks away. with the phase i am in, i'm not sure i can accomplish that.
i need my weekend!!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
National Day
when is your turning point? one said when he reached 40 while another one in her mid 30s. have i reach that stage yet? probably yes. last year i guess.
the problem is while others have a direction they're heading towards i am still standing looking at the few different paths ahead of me not fully prepared to take the plunge. while others work hard towards achieving their plan on early retirement i still haven't figure out what i really really want. worst when it comes to the health department, while others are getting more active i become more and more passive. while others lost weight i gained.
well, never too late for anything. though for now i've only started realising few things i want to do instead of just thinking about it, i feel that is at least something than nothing. i simply need to tick few more things from my list this year. stop the talk and walk the walk.
the problem is while others have a direction they're heading towards i am still standing looking at the few different paths ahead of me not fully prepared to take the plunge. while others work hard towards achieving their plan on early retirement i still haven't figure out what i really really want. worst when it comes to the health department, while others are getting more active i become more and more passive. while others lost weight i gained.
well, never too late for anything. though for now i've only started realising few things i want to do instead of just thinking about it, i feel that is at least something than nothing. i simply need to tick few more things from my list this year. stop the talk and walk the walk.
On Future
just came back from a brunch *yeah, brunch!* with my aunties and kuz celebrating the retirement of one auntie of mine. afer asking about her plans after retire, i couldn't help myself but think of my own retirement. when the day comes, of course i want to be secured financially so as not to burden anyone else. question is have i done all the right things to achieve that?
just yesterday i had a chat with a friend about financial stuff. she said that she used to feel contented but then the financial thingy starts to be on her mind after she bought a flat here and planning on getting hitched next year. i guess i never think much on that area because i am still single. i am contented, i have no burden and i can safely say i am secure. for now. but lately i've been thinking a lot and today even more. what if with a blink of the eye i am only few days away from retiring? am i settled?
just yesterday i had a chat with a friend about financial stuff. she said that she used to feel contented but then the financial thingy starts to be on her mind after she bought a flat here and planning on getting hitched next year. i guess i never think much on that area because i am still single. i am contented, i have no burden and i can safely say i am secure. for now. but lately i've been thinking a lot and today even more. what if with a blink of the eye i am only few days away from retiring? am i settled?
Workmates Cum Friends Are Hard To Find
3 workmates. mana. bimbimbap. osiosayo (?). kamsamida. movie. plan for next year.
its always nice to do something different.
its always nice to do something different.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Men are from Monkeys?
somehow my speaking in mandarin ended up with us discussing about adam and eve, darwin, human evolution. i ended up searching the net about it from the muslim perspective and we then talked about the 2 angels who come to take our life. then we started talking about tattoos and stuff. it was a pretty interesting topics. me sharing the muslim perspective and her sharing the buddhist/chinese perspective. we closed the discussion with both agreeing that one can said that (s)he is a but that doesn't mean (s)he practises it. a pretty interesting short discussion that makes me want to dig more into this evolution thingy.
What Happen?
God, i'm a 'lil bit scared of myself. i've been postponing my going back home for weeks as something always makes me decide to delay it. from this week to the following week to the week after and now seems like it'll be cancelled again. i really need to rearrange my priorities.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Curb My Appetite
Gluttony feeds on itself. The more that the appetite is indulged, the stronger it becomes - and the harder it is to control. But if the appetite is restrained, then it soon grows weak and feeble, and finally disappears altogether.
-Razi, "Kitab al-Muluki"
*from daily muslim wisdom
-Razi, "Kitab al-Muluki"
*from daily muslim wisdom
Monday, August 06, 2007
just like it takes two hands to clap, i believe it takes both party to participate in making a relationship works.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
woke up at 7.30 and did my marketing. was a bit worried that i couldn't finish things on time but i managed it! mie ayam jamur, strawberry salad (both taken from dapurbunda), fried wanton *ready made* and orange squashed all ready before the girls arrived. although the mushroom was a bit salty overall it was okay, at least for me. it was a nice time spent with few girls and definitely a nice way to end the weekend.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
i'm planning on some simple lunch with few indonesian girlfriends at home tomorrow. it's almost 11 pm and i just got the recipe of the food i want to try. looks like its not as simple as i thought. i just hope i have time to do marketing and cooking before my guinea pigs arrive. or else, 62353535.
Last One?
during dinner me and my friends shared our view about blog which i find interesting. hmm... i might be doing some changes as well..
oh well, it's not the time to think about it now. its relaxing time. happy weekend all!!
oh well, it's not the time to think about it now. its relaxing time. happy weekend all!!
Friday, August 03, 2007
Friday Lunch Break
just came back from lunch with my workmate and ex-workmate, who used to be my lunch buddy. its been a while since i had lunch with her. now that she's working in town we make it a point to have lunch together once in a while. apparently she'll be moving to another branch next month so guess we'll just seize the remaining time we have to go out and have lunch with her, once a week.
its friday and somehow i drag monday already. had a meeting this morning where we promised to deliver the new request within 3 weeks time. did a presentation to finance dept afterwards and we *actually more like boss* promised to make all the changes and deliver the final product within a week's time. and i still have this new application to review on monday. think i'll start the requirement gathering today. i'm trying to implement what i got from the course i did few weeks back and boss was quite curious with all the documents i came out with. hehe, she didn't know what course i attended and i don't have any intention of telling her unless she ask me of course. that's for my personal benefit and with me implementing it on work means i'm benefitting the firm as well, right?
on another note, i'm not going back during national day week. and my plan of going back during indonesia's independence day got cancelled as well. my sis told me not to go home since my parents are coming early september, but i kinda want to see my niece and whatever coming out from my sister in few weeks time, eh. indecisive now.
its friday and somehow i drag monday already. had a meeting this morning where we promised to deliver the new request within 3 weeks time. did a presentation to finance dept afterwards and we *actually more like boss* promised to make all the changes and deliver the final product within a week's time. and i still have this new application to review on monday. think i'll start the requirement gathering today. i'm trying to implement what i got from the course i did few weeks back and boss was quite curious with all the documents i came out with. hehe, she didn't know what course i attended and i don't have any intention of telling her unless she ask me of course. that's for my personal benefit and with me implementing it on work means i'm benefitting the firm as well, right?
on another note, i'm not going back during national day week. and my plan of going back during indonesia's independence day got cancelled as well. my sis told me not to go home since my parents are coming early september, but i kinda want to see my niece and whatever coming out from my sister in few weeks time, eh. indecisive now.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
One Fine Day
its been a nice day today. the analysis i've been working on for a week was still the topic of the day. apparently my boss still couldn't tally it with her other reports. i was a bit worried if the fault is on my side 'cos i've sent it out to the partners. but i am also pretty confidence with what i did. i mean i double checked with finance and i based my analysis on the advise given. finally she managed to find the reason and it's her part that was wrong. yay! i know i shouldn't be leaping joyfully but i was so relieved upon hearing that. spending the whole morning in her room that i missed pilates. notice that she has a new shoe from nine west. not bad.
lunch was great and went window shopping afterwards. i showed my workmate a shoe i like and ended up falling in love with two shoes. on the way up we stopped at a bag shop and again i fell in love with one bag. its pretty big that i can put my gym wear in it too. but i'm rationalising myself and went back to office empty handed. im pretty sure i'll get one of the shoe. yesterday's walk kinda exhaust the shoe i like and it need to be rested a while. but i'm pretty sure i can live without the bag. i can't go back to those days of impulsive shopping. spent the other half of the day working and chatting. i know i have a presentation to give tomorrow but instead of preparing for it i did something else. and i felt fine.
it was a nice day for me. especially that i went home after gym with two new shoes. hey, it only costed me $46 due to the 42% discount and additional 8% for 2nd pair!!
lunch was great and went window shopping afterwards. i showed my workmate a shoe i like and ended up falling in love with two shoes. on the way up we stopped at a bag shop and again i fell in love with one bag. its pretty big that i can put my gym wear in it too. but i'm rationalising myself and went back to office empty handed. im pretty sure i'll get one of the shoe. yesterday's walk kinda exhaust the shoe i like and it need to be rested a while. but i'm pretty sure i can live without the bag. i can't go back to those days of impulsive shopping. spent the other half of the day working and chatting. i know i have a presentation to give tomorrow but instead of preparing for it i did something else. and i felt fine.
it was a nice day for me. especially that i went home after gym with two new shoes. hey, it only costed me $46 due to the 42% discount and additional 8% for 2nd pair!!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
i now know my limit on walking in heels. raffles place - orchard is definitely a no-no anymore. the most i can do in heels is raffles place - robertson quay.
i did the walk today, might even be a shorter walk as i managed to use the newly discovered shortcuts. along clarke quay instead of bungee bar then main road, car park instead of liang court, mohamad sultan and robertson quay instead of river valley. but it seems a bit more difficult in heels. the usual 45 mins walk in slippers became 75 mins with some slippage here and there. and when it comes to the steep slope from robertson quay to river valley, oh man, i can feel the pain in my right knee while climbing it.
my hip flexor is feeling sore now, thank God its pilates tomorrow. the heels i wore has an insole that is supposed to give a massaging feeling but due to the long walk the massage became too much and i have blisters now.
note to myself: get a proper slippers to replace the old one so that i can use slippers the next time i do another walk.
no more heels for tomorrow!
i did the walk today, might even be a shorter walk as i managed to use the newly discovered shortcuts. along clarke quay instead of bungee bar then main road, car park instead of liang court, mohamad sultan and robertson quay instead of river valley. but it seems a bit more difficult in heels. the usual 45 mins walk in slippers became 75 mins with some slippage here and there. and when it comes to the steep slope from robertson quay to river valley, oh man, i can feel the pain in my right knee while climbing it.
my hip flexor is feeling sore now, thank God its pilates tomorrow. the heels i wore has an insole that is supposed to give a massaging feeling but due to the long walk the massage became too much and i have blisters now.
note to myself: get a proper slippers to replace the old one so that i can use slippers the next time i do another walk.
no more heels for tomorrow!
Live You Life With No Regret?
i think i'm having lergies. can't stop yawning and i refuse to get any assistance from coke. trying to get back on track here.
'i'm not that young anymore. my metabolism is getting slower. apart from exercise, the thing i can do is to watch my diet.
fine dining is okay but dessert is a bit of a problem'
that's what a friend told me last week. i know i should be doing the same thing but i can't let dessert go away just like that. i guess i just have to be smart on my diet. for now, i just need to get more rest to cure my lergies.
anyways, catched a movie last night. another impromptu thingy. i've been hearing a lot about this singer especially when i was doing my french course. so of course its a green light from my side.
movie was a little tad too slow but it was a good one. i now understand what's all this tribute for her about. as marlene put it - 'your voice is the soul of Paris'. a great voice indeed. she had a tough life though. no regrets she might said, but i'm sure there were few regrets she had - especially in the love and family department.
on another note, it's my nephew's birthday. 6 years old - how time flies. i remember looking at him when he was 9 days old, naked and showered with the morning sun. and now that boy is 6! called him in the morning to sing him a birthday song, to which he coyly replied, 'aa baby, what are you doing?'. well im singing a song for you. happy birthday unyil.
guess what .. blogging cures. i am not as sleepy as i was before. good good. time to get back to work.
'i'm not that young anymore. my metabolism is getting slower. apart from exercise, the thing i can do is to watch my diet.
fine dining is okay but dessert is a bit of a problem'
that's what a friend told me last week. i know i should be doing the same thing but i can't let dessert go away just like that. i guess i just have to be smart on my diet. for now, i just need to get more rest to cure my lergies.
anyways, catched a movie last night. another impromptu thingy. i've been hearing a lot about this singer especially when i was doing my french course. so of course its a green light from my side.
movie was a little tad too slow but it was a good one. i now understand what's all this tribute for her about. as marlene put it - 'your voice is the soul of Paris'. a great voice indeed. she had a tough life though. no regrets she might said, but i'm sure there were few regrets she had - especially in the love and family department.
on another note, it's my nephew's birthday. 6 years old - how time flies. i remember looking at him when he was 9 days old, naked and showered with the morning sun. and now that boy is 6! called him in the morning to sing him a birthday song, to which he coyly replied, 'aa baby, what are you doing?'. well im singing a song for you. happy birthday unyil.
guess what .. blogging cures. i am not as sleepy as i was before. good good. time to get back to work.
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