Thursday, August 09, 2007

On Future

just came back from a brunch *yeah, brunch!* with my aunties and kuz celebrating the retirement of one auntie of mine. afer asking about her plans after retire, i couldn't help myself but think of my own retirement. when the day comes, of course i want to be secured financially so as not to burden anyone else. question is have i done all the right things to achieve that?
just yesterday i had a chat with a friend about financial stuff. she said that she used to feel contented but then the financial thingy starts to be on her mind after she bought a flat here and planning on getting hitched next year. i guess i never think much on that area because i am still single. i am contented, i have no burden and i can safely say i am secure. for now. but lately i've been thinking a lot and today even more. what if with a blink of the eye i am only few days away from retiring? am i settled?

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