Monday, May 08, 2006

wait for me ...

i should actually be getting ready to go to airport but instead here i am online and blogging. i can't believe this but i actually miss the gang already. i'll definitely miss the daily emails and chatting for next week - definitely. though i can still access email i wouldn't be able to give a prompt reply. probably a way to start getting use to missing jen's daily greeting i guess
when jen couldn't attend my b'day celebration she said that she missed us already.
when cin went back to taipei she wanted to have dinner so that she could meet us beforehand.
when sal went home she texted us during her journey saying that she missed us already.
cin emailed me last week saying that she would miss our daily email chatting.
ally just admitted yesterday that he missed us during his trip to taipei.
and now i can't wait for my return so that i can meet up with them - when i'm not away yet

well sal, i hope you do come up with something when i return
sounds cheesy? well i find this cheesy as well - but i couldn't help it!!

well i better get ready, should be at the airport in an hours time ..

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