Saturday, May 27, 2006

i won!!
well at least i look at it that way

decided to take a cab, i waited for one at the taxi stand. couldn't get one i called but couldn't get through citycab or comfort that i then called silvercab. once get connected i was told that my cab would arrive within 5-10 mins time. waited for almost 20 mins that i decided to call and asked again. apparently the taxi driver claimed i wasn't there that he waited for 5 mins and left!! helloooooo ... where the hell would i go. anyway couldn't he just give me a call? i made quite a lot of complaint before ending the call.
i know that i could just crossed the road and take the train. but my ego got the best of me. it was like the world was against me taking a cab and i wanted to proof the world that i could be the winner here. so i kept on calling between comfort and cablink. though several times i got an answer that no cab was available i kept on trying until finally i got one.
to think that i waited almost 2 hours for this - but i still feel like i'm the winner here!!

on another note, we found someone who's also into rock climbing - an advance rock climber that is!


juwi said...

Huehehehee...2 jam, booo'. Kadang-kadang gengsi itu harus sedikit dikontrol. Padahal dibilang gengsi nggak juga, sih, siapa yang mo nyalahin elu, coba, kalo elu naek kereta?

Simply Baby said...

iya sih ..
tp tetep aja gue udah sebel n nekad utk dpt taksi
ampe iseng foto iklan di taksi stand krn mirip bener ama renata94.

biKi said...

huehuehue.. kadang2 gue jg gitu kok bab.. gpp sekali2.. jangan keseringan.. banyakan ruginya >:)

Dodol Surodol said...

Buset dah!