Friday, November 24, 2006

weekend, please come early...

arranging table for d&d is fun in a way that you can choose the best table for your dept and choose the worst table for the dept you despise. but its also a tedious work when you got to ensure the tables grouping when people tend to back out and those top people came with funny request. boss still don't know that i'm in the comittee and need to leave early on that day. i've been squeezing time during lunch or after work to do this. hopefully she'll release me early that day - else? i don't want to think about it.
this hasn't been a great week for me. soo many tasks that i sometimes envy those workmates of mine that only need to concentrate on few tasks. i'd rather you give me applications to do than having to chase vendors, getting approval on quotation, and all sorts of stuff that boss agrees on doing without telling us. imagine you suddenly receive a call or email about something you know nuts about, after approaching your boss you found out that she put your name there and now you have to look into it. how many times have i cry at work this week? i couldn't even remember. frustration, anger, stress all at one that i really snapped at my boss earlier. sorry but i don't think it's fair if i have to overlook at the whole project when i am supposed to be incharge of the application only. it's just crazy and i told her that straight up front. thank god she understood my frustration & i too knew that i had it. so i took a book, bought my lunch at Mc.D and then sat by the river. though the weather was hot i managed to calm myself and came back to work feeling a little bit relax. i know boss wants me to be involved more on the management side instead of simply application but sometimes it is too much. and the thought of her being away for the next 5 days adds more pressure on me. the life of an employee, work a million earn peanuts ...
two days ago i told my boss that i had too much things at hand and i couldn't look at the process she asked me to. she asked about the 2 girls that were supposed to work with me but i told her that their busy developing the application and got to wait until it's done before giving them the stuff. yesterday she held a dept. meeting telling the 2 girls that were supposed to work with me that they need to learn to prioritise things. with that, i handed over one of the stuff to them so they could look into it. i guess i too have to learn to be a little bit cruel and not only think about others but about myself as well.
and to top all this - another server crashed!! God is really testing my patience. Though its a crucial server, i simply point it to the backup server & up until now i got no mood to install the applications there. my mind is more on the database and web server migration. Unix? well if the partner disagrees with the amount i will get hp in and we'll push the server to the new building - after all its just across our current location. of course, i'm being sarcastic here ;). actually it's true, the price of mounting & dismounting server is simply crazy! and i still couldn't get in touch with the IT guy who's going to set all the new server. he's more difficult to meet than george bush. maybe i should be his stalker and wait at the lobby until i see him? hmm..
on another note, i just couldn't wait to move to the new location. just realised that we'll be moving on the same day with the servers, hence i need to do the packing next week and get one of my workmate to take care of my stuff. still have no clue on the praying location in the new building, but with it being an open concept and we'll be in the same area with IT, chances of me doing my prayer in my own space or going back to office after gym to do my prayer there is very slim. IT always stay late, unless i don't care? hmm..
oh well, let's take it one at a time... move there first, find the information later.

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