Wednesday, June 13, 2007

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Goes Shopping

first it was my dad commenting on my clothes, 'how come all your clothes are the same colour?'. then my mum, 'why don't you buy new clothes, let me buy you some as i notice you keep on wearing the same clothes every week'. then my sister, 'even you're not in the mood to work, it's not professional to dress so casual'. then my friend when she's here on transit *w, 'wah, you can dress so casual eh?'. and the usual comment,'most of the time you're in black. so boring'. well not that i can't buy new clothes but its just that i don't want to. i don't want to so that i have a strong motivation to loose weight and be able to wear all the clothes i have in my closet. so many clothes still waiting to be worn. but then when i received another 'all your clothes are the same colour ya' comment before leaving for work, i know i have to do something about it. supposed to attend a call tonight but apparently i was misinformed as the call was yesterday. luckily nothing techie needs to be done, just that i didn't bring my gym gear so i am left with nothing but switching on my shopping mode.

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