Wednesday, June 27, 2007


went to la mer counter earlier today as i received an invitation about their newly launched product. hey, its la mer! i would never give a miss of attending their invitation when there's free gift waiting for me. yeah, when it comes to the expensive product called la mer i don't mind being branded a cheapskate, hehe. as usual they provided some refreshments and i took two. i thought it should be enough for dinner but once i reached home i still feel hungry. i ate the last chocolate-covered dates my bro-il brought from jeddah. he's spending few months there for work. i wonder how round he'll be once his project is done, knowing how dates are his favourite snack. okay, off track a bit there. anyways, i thought that should be enough for dinner. afterall i had a huge lunch with my workmates trying the new pasta from pizza hut *verdict? not that great*. but i couldn't sleep because my stomach started to make noise. i woke up had a piece of garlic bread and a sip of pepsi. wonderful isn't it. not only my tummy stops growling, my eyes are fully open now.
so .. i went to youtube thinking of finding a movie my friend recommended few months back. i couldn't find it, probably hindi movie is too big to be uploaded. but i found one of the soundtrack which was not bad. not sure about the meaning though, but i guess it has something to do with praising God for creating such a beautiful woman. typical indian songs, with dancing, whistling, and stuff. it's a turn off for me to see a guy dancing like that. but, ricky martin does this too. hmmm

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