Monday, June 25, 2007

The Picture

everytime i called home my nephew will asked me, 'you see the picture already?' and he let a heavy sigh out everytime i answered no. so now that i have seen the picture my job is to send it to playhouse disney. it all started when i went home few months back and he told me that he wanted his picture to be aired on TV but her mom never want to send his picture. so i asked him to draw one nice picture, i'd bring it home and send it for him. what he drew back then was those characters from little einsteins, complete with the rocket. the problem was he coloured one of the character in dark brown and wrote 'kwinsi' under it. it is quincy, the dark-skin character. lol.

so i told him to draw something nice and asked his mum to send it to me. and apparently since his mom was in-transit here he asked his mum to bring it along. now that the drawing is with me, i need the address. his mom said, 'ask him. he can tell you in detail'. called him last night to get the address. it's true, he told me in one breath - the place, the po box, and the postal code. funny was when i want to confirm if it's 3 1's or 4 1's. he took a deep breath, said 'listen again ya' and repeated the whole information, with the same intonation i heard on TV. haha, hopefully his drawing will be aired soon. i know he never miss watching that segment every saturday.


juwi said...

Hehehe...buat acara yang mirip acara pak Tino Sidin gitu ya?

Simply Baby said...

kayaknya gak deh, tipe ada segment yg nunjukin gambar2 yg masuk gitu. gak tau juga gue ..
yg ada tadi dia nelp bilang belum muncul tuh di TV :D