Monday, June 11, 2007

Anonymous Space

i always feel that its kinda nice to have a place where you can be anonymous. a place where you don't have to think much, simply enjoy being with yourself, doing whatever you want. yes, there is a drawback. nothing can be done if something happens, or its just simply too late. i guess that's what parents think too, especially the one called mummy. i know for sure if i'm gone missing i don't need more than 2 days to get people searching for me. from experience, just missing for 1/2 day without announcement will resulted in me receiving calls from a friend and text messages from another simply asking 'where are you? what's going on? where the hell are you? why are you so quiet today? ' and all sorts of other questions.
so i guess having an anonymous space is a bless but it will be better to have a smaller anonymous place and share the bigger one with someone else. you think?

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