i came to work only to find that i received an email that brought good news. i managed to complete all my errands during lunch. the weather is bright and actually i can feel the warmth of the sun from where i'm sitting now. i'm pretty sure we'll be doing our run prior to thursday's jp morgan challenge later. hope the 'singapore eye' is ready soon so that we don't have to do a detour from our normal running route. a friend finally sent email sharing his new life in another country. emails from friends which i always look forward to receive. oh i did mention in my previous post that i'm starting with a fresh mind as well, hence everything feels light. and of course, tomorrow is a public holiday which means friday comes early this week. the only drawback about today is that i just came back from marketing dept collecting our t-shirt for the run. it is dark maroon and white in color. yucks!
Selamat untuk Senin cerianya :-).
Seninku tidak begitu menggembirakan, agak-agak meriang karena kecapekan dari jalan-jalan, hehehe..
pantesan gak ikutan kumpul, jalan2 ternyata .. jalan2 kemana luh?
gantian elu yang not delicious body :D
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