Monday, April 09, 2007

The Getaway Ticket

i've been trying to call my embassy from morning to no avail. from half frustrated to totally frustrated i then called the councellor line hoping someone would pick it up. no luck. after sending an email to the mailing list i tried to call again and finally FINALLY somebody picked it up. for passport renewal, you now have to take picture in Orchard Towers. people might have some dodgy thought when they hear the place. I have no idea why they choose that photo studio as their partner as well. anyways, the embassy couldn't give me information on the name or phone number of the place. all the man told me was #05-19, closed at 4.30 pm weekdays and before 12 on saturday.
i then called us embassy asking about visa. not that i'm planning a trip there soon, but my visa expired in 2010 and it is just a waste if its no longer valid once i change passport, especially when the passport number is different. luck's on my side this time. the lady told me that it wasn't a problem. good good.
for now, i think i'll call the information and try to get the name of this photo studio and get a better info on their location and operating hours.

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