Saturday, April 07, 2007

It's All About Balance, Baby...

i suck big time when it comes to balancing. well, apart from bodybalance that is. i suck in cycling. i still can't stand long in wakeboarding. and now to add to the list, i suck in ice-skating! it all started with a friend's invitation to have lunch at her place that we decided to do ice-skating afterwards. to imagine my cowardness of falling or twisted my ankles after paying for a 2 hours activity is annoying. i ended up circling the rink once, well one and a quarter time actually and spent the rest of the time people watching. there's this groups of caucasian girls that were good and i really enjoyed watching them doing the spin and stuff. my friend was not bad either for a 2nd timer. though she fell twice she managed to move around, a very fast learner. i still want to learn this but i do have to be more good in balancing myself. still have roller blading to conquer!
on another note, i called home yesterday and dad picked it up. had a chat and he told me that my niece hair was 'blonder' than my nephew. i know he meant lighter in color but blimmey! i'm definitely a srilankan maid if i ever go out with my niece. called my sister but nobody picked up the phone. she later texted me saying that my niece can utter the word 'eeeoooo' when she's near a phone. i called and heard it myself. she's soo adorable. i miss her!!

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