Monday, April 30, 2007

Brand New Week; Brand New Day

and i think it is just nice to start it with a brand new fresh mind. what's been happenning for the past few months will be taken as a lesson learnt. sometimes you're just so comfortable with your life until something came along the way and made you realised, 'it can't be this way forever!' you have to decide or do something to change it. the only way to make a right decision is to know what the wrong decision is. so, what is right? what is wrong? and then comes the important question of all - what do i want? yes, you can have anything you want if you are willing to lose everything else. but i don't want everything and i am not willing to lose everything, if not anything. not at this moment of my life. not now. so i guess i'll just live my life as what i've been telling people when they ask of my future, just go with the flow. i might and will need to make some changes along the way. and i'll take all that as another lesson learnt. for now, i'll just stick to what's on my mind. one step at a time. a step forward is better than standing still.

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