Sunday, November 06, 2005

a Recap...

my last night back home for this year - been coughing like crazy that I decided to blog instead since Im having trouble sleeping...

Well, what can I said .. let's see

28 Oct 05
The plane was delayed for 1/2 hour I guess that me n my flatmate decided to browse the net while waiting for it. Yupe, finally after 6 year living in the same flat, we went home together ;)
Browsing the net made me realised works waiting for me once Im home as they've sent the files to my yahoo account.
Landed safely and been welcomed by a cute voice of my little nephew who still calls me aa instead of khala ;) - as usual, his 1st question was 'aeroplane inside here?' pointing to my luggage. Reached home and had siomay from my younger sis' office for supper. That night I slept with my nephew. Well I actually moved out of his room only to be waken by him twice to move back to his room

29 Oct 05
My 1st sahur with my family - nothing special on this day. Only that after breaking our fast and did our prayers, me n my sisters went to the mall - my sis sent her son for a haircut while the other one accompanied me looking for hari raya clothing.

30 Oct 05
Met my Uni friends at Tamani Cafe where we broke our fast together. Prior to that I met biki n rusdi n we kinda walk around Pasaraya 'cos our meeting time is way too early. Well, I reached there much earlier than them that we decided to head straight to the cafe earlier. There we met another bunch of friends and we kinda had a chit chat before breaking fast times. Boy, how time flies - haven't met my ex-roommate back in uni years since she gave birth to her 2nd born almost 6 years ago! Nothing change from everyone there except that they have kids now. Well, not all of them though.

31 Oct and 1 Nov 05
Im the babysitter for 2 days - babysitting my nephew that is. It always amaze me how words can come out of a 4 year old boy. Some even made us speechless dunno how to answer him back. When his mom bought frapuccino and he ended up controlling the drink - he said that 'u must take turn mummy' but his turn is always longer than his mum. When my younger sis warned him not to asked things in the supermarket he asked my sis 'why you always treaten me'. We kinda speechless not knowing how to answer him back. Probably going to school at a young age made him more open to society and of course him being more vocal. There was once when his mom scolded him, he ran to me and lay on my lap saying 'later i tell auntie (his teacher) that mummy n aa alun (my sis) always fighting with me'.
He left me dumbfounded as well when he asked me what is the meaning of some spanish words in english while I was putting him in bed. I guess watching dora made him understand few spanish. He knows numbers in english, bahasa indonesia, mandarin, and spanish. Well, for mandarin n spanish he can only said it 'til 10 but still! My sis said that he tends to sing all sort of mandarin songs at home and when in class he will say a prayer that he learned from his religious class until the teacher asked if he like to pray at home..
When you asked him to do things that he refused to do he'd end up holding his head saying 'don't disturb me, I am headache'
I always smile when he start singing in english, continued with mandarin songs and ended it with some prayers. Haha, kids nowadays... But its good that he learns to speak more Bahasa since attending the religious class

02 Nov 2005
Hmm, can't recall what happened this day apart from accompanying my sis to visit the doctor since my nephews coughing. Just a precautious 'cos the following day is Hari Raya and all doctors wouldn't be available in case she need some medication for his son's cough.

03 Nov 2005
EID MUBARAK - Its Hari Raya
After a month of fasting in Ramadhan, today is the time all the muslims celebrate their victory. Should I said victory? well - during the fasting month, it is said that all the devil is chained so that the only devil we have to fight it the devil within ourself. This 1 full month is the time for us to practice being kind, patience, and doing all other good deeds. Its time for instropection as well - hoping once the month's over we can continue practicing it on our daily life. The celebration is because after the 1 month of fasting, we were like a new born, all our sin is washed and its a brand new day for us - we should be doing all the right things from now on. Its up to the individual though, but God has given us this opportunity so we should try our best in striving the best in everything. We started the day with the prayer in which after that, we asked forgiveness from the people around us - for me, its from my parents and sisters. Then come the visiting. Daddy being the eldest brother in Jakarta made our house crowded from morning 'til late afternoon. Its good we had some helpers as normally 3 of us ended up arguing on whose washing the plates etc. We tend to asked the guests to help themselves when the crowd gets uncontrollable - just imagine, 100 ppl can come at one go!

04-05 Nov 05
Time to pay visit to the elders and those that came to my parents house. Luckily this time around its not as many as before *grin. Lucky me gonna fly home tomorrow so I don't have to endure all the visitings - I've visited the elders and my uncles, I guess thats enough for me. I still have another round of visiting to do once Im back to singapore tomorrow.
Decided to check my work again today after sending the files on monday - thank god I found out that the problem Im having with the software is now a global problem. Other countries kinda asking the central team to update them on this. It is also written that the new loadset must be installed under certain infrastucture - so basically this shouldn't be burdened to me but to the person who asked me to look into it! Well, I also found out that cum Monday - lotsa job waiting for me. I'll just plan on my head what to do once Im back to office

Well, all I can said from my trip home this time around is:
1. I gained lotsa lotsa weight and I don't care - Im going to hit the gym on monday
2. Im coughing like hell - thanks to MnM, mom's cheesecake, mom's cookies, and all the local delights


juwi said...

Met hari raya, Bab, dan met balik kerja lagi :-). Kok elu batuk mulu, sih? Perasaan baru beberapa entry yang lalu elu juga nulis elu batuk-batuk? Moga cepet sembuh, deh.

Simply Baby said...

iya nih - lu kayak gak tau gue aja, sekali batuk2 lama sembuhnya man!!
eh juw, gue masih sibuk nih - siap2 banyak post dari gue yah di blog elu ;)