Friday, November 11, 2005

Back to Normal ...

Finally, I managed to finish combat yesterday without huffing n puffing like I did on tuesday. Getting back on track after 2 weeks of exercise-free was a killer. Every inch of my muscles are aching 'til now and the worst part is the cardio.
I used to be able to do combat while Im fasting, but last tuesday I couldn't continue without a sip of water after the 4th track!! huffing n puffing, I felt like my heart could jump out anytime. Left after the muaythai track - 'cos I shouted during this track my stamina was zipped for the last track.

Yesterday, I was afraid the same thing will happen - but it didn't and managed to stay 'til the end. Yay!!
My stamina for cardio is back and I hope I can get back to the same weight next week...

Im just wondering what will happen to my sis who took a month break from the gym - good luck to u sis!!


juwi said...

Pssst..Bab, adek lu cerita nggak tentang usaha mak comblangnya dia? :-)

Simply Baby said...

iyah :) tp gue diem aja ampe ada respon elu kayak gini ini ..
gimance - japri japri ;)