Thursday, October 06, 2005

1. server crashed
2. roll-out of system with lotsa teething problem
3. studying the ssh application
4. chasing oz for the sql-side conversion script

have to do all in one go - phew!
the server crashed was so devastating especially that it happened 1 DAY before closing. Like we had no things to do we had to reinstall enServe, enAdmin, n enTransfer. Decided to use the LIS server for the time being which means back to square one for the LIS.

Came in a bit late today that I attended the conference call halfway - lucky it's not my part yet. Sigh, had to lie to them saying the server is ready n it will be installed w the f-secure soon. I even said that we'd generate the key pair n send the public key to them before our next conference call. Such confidence when the server is now deployed for enTime!! Wonder when will we get the replacement - knowing how everything works here especially when it's involving new machine, ages will be the answer.

1st day of ramadhan - had my morning meal with a cousin of mine. Poor girl, she didn't intend to stay but had to when the project she did w/ her friend wasn't completed yet. She had to eat whatever available - I hope she didn't mind having a very light meal ;)
Talking abt ramadhan - one thing I miss most from fasting in my country is the sense of respect other people have. Back in my country, people will said 'sorry' whenever they eat in front of you - some even restrain eating in public out of respect. Even my flatmate close her door when she's having a meal at home while Im fasting. Not that I'm so particular or get tempted easily - I'm too old for that - but I just miss the sense of respect. Here, they just eat in front of you, even talk to you with their mouth full *something I totally hate.
Well, different culture different courtesy ya...

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