Wednesday, September 13, 2006

those small little things ...

friday night during my taxi ride, the driver started talking about the flowers outside. basically he's more on complaining how the government spent tremendously for the IMF meeting when those flowers wouldn't last even for a week. the following day, in another taxi ride along ECP i started to look at those flowers and trees and it just struck me. i never noticed this kind of thing for the past 7 years of living here. i remember back when my grandparents were still alive, i always looked forward to visiting this little country. once out of the airport i would enjoy looking at the beautiful green trees and flowers along the journey back to grandpa's. at night me and few of families would stroll along mountbatten rd simply enjoying the tranquility of that area. how i take for granted all these once i live here. during our run yesterday, i started to pay more attention at the view surrounding me, not much but still the breeze after the rain and running along the sea really made me feel more at peace. i guess it is worth the effort of paying attention to all those stuff that i normally take for granted.

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