Saturday, September 23, 2006

Marhaban ya Ramadhan

ramadhan is just around the corner, time for us moslems to reflect on all our action, me especially. time to practice on being more humble, discipline, patience, and be closer to your creator. hopefully all the things you do in the coming month will stay with you for good.
so to those observing the fasting is this holy month, i wish you all a wonderful ramadhan. may we achieve all the best in this holy month. we wouldn't know if we were given a chance to meet another ramadhan.

for those who might've been offended by me intentionally or unintentionally, be it by my words, posts, comments, behaviour, or even body language - i apologize sincerely.


juwi said...

Selamat menjalankan ibadah puasa, Bab.

Simply Baby said...

makasih, bulan puasa kemaren lu disini .. apakah bulan puasa ini someone else is coming ya? ;)

juwi said...

Someone else-nya kan udah bilang kalo dia mo datengnya abis lebaran aja :-D. Siap-siap dibooking, Bab :-p.

Simply Baby said...

gue mah siap setiap saat *kayak rexona diplesetin dikit*.
lu kasih tau soal pengalaman kaki elu aja biar that certain someone siap lahir bathin :P

juwi said...

Hehehe..saran gue menggunakan sepatu yang lebih tepat aja, jangan pake sendal tinggi seperti yang biasa dia pake kalo jalan ama gue :-p.