Saturday, September 23, 2006

oh well ...

when, like gucci sunglasses and prada handbags, time poverty is now a status symbol, why must we act like we have no spare time and feel proud of it? why must someone feel proud when in order to make an appointment with him/her the other party must change the suggested date to at least three times? what happen to making time for your friend and family?

if you had enough shoes and ate at enough amazing restaurant there was no need to feel bad. okay, i agree on shoes to help ease some stress but what happen to fixing your life the proper way. when you feel bad about something, change it. when you feel bad about someone, do something. i just feel that we have to feel bad about something once in a while so that we could grow as a person.

just having all these thoughts while reading a book, a chicklit book to top that!


juwi said...

Beda orang beda prioritas, kali, ya.
BTW, nggak ada hubungannya, nih, tapi kok kadang elu bikin judul entri elu di badan entri, kadang di bagian judulnya? Sengaja kah?

Simply Baby said...

iya :).
gue suka yg di badan krn bisa ubah warna (hmm.. jangan2 yg judul juga bisa ya hehe, malas coba2)
kalau yg penting2 aja gue tulis di bagian judul ;)