Tuesday, September 26, 2006

ouch ...

it started few weeks (or months?) ago when i attended the abt (abs, bums, and thighs) class. after ages of not attending it i felt a string of excitement. this was the class which i religiously attended during my gym freak days. from sweating like mad to doing the movement without feeling much soreness, i love this class to bits. so when i attended it again, forgetting that i have to so call started from zero, i did all the stuff attended for those advance level instead of sticking to the beginners movement. once the class was over i felt some soreness on my left bums. few days went by and it's confirmed i sprain my bum muscle, first time in my life. deep heating rub, koyo didn't help at all. went to the strecthing area, looking at the diagram there i couldn't find any strect movement aimed for those area :(. i tried all sorts of stretching i knew that is supposed to target that area with no avail. my mistake was i continued doing my monday running and kinda forced myself running nonstop when i started to feel the muscle started to pull until my lower back. combat was a different story, always felt a bit out of balance when i did the kicking with my right leg. another problem, i lost the masseuse phone number!
well, life goes on and i was beginning to feel tha pain as part of me and continue the daily activities like nothing happened. until last saturday. inside the car, due to my way of seating, i so-called put all my weight on my left leg and it fireback pretty good. my left knee totally gave in and i could feel the pain in the bone, no longer muscle but the bone. my god it hurts like hell. my mom's side has a history of leg problem that i think i should take this seriously. this morning i woke up early for pump, started to do some squatting movements and since there's no pain i get readied, went down and waited for a cab. what do you know, there's no cab until 6.40 that i went up and continued my sleep. i guess its good that i didn't attend the morning class 'cos my knee is not that cure yet. called my auntie for help, hope they get the masseuse phone number soon. i guess i have to take things slow, more of brisk walk and less of running later .. after all it's fasting month

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