Tuesday, September 12, 2006

monday blues

its monday again, somehow i started the week with my spirit down a teeny bit. not sure why, it could be due to the book i was reading (which should be a motivational book) or the email i read about a friend who's feeling down. well, truth be known i've been starting to go down the memory lane which i actually had never imagine could happen again. it's just me being me with all the what ifs though i know for a fact that i might not want the what ifs to turn out to be real. hmm.. tough! but it should be fine later. somehow the monday run has become a ritual again, though this time around i run with my office mates. i have given up waiting for cin & jen to finish work and start the run at 7.30ish.
weekend was good if not great. had dinner with sw on friday followed by spending the night waiting for her favourite band to perform. was quite a surprise when someone suddenly talked french to me. apparently it's the friend of one of the french guy's i met few months back and sw told him about my french thingy. of course after the brief french introduction, i insisted to speak in english. not going to embarass myself, eh. yeah, surprisingly we met them and a bunch of others that were quite close to sw that we ended up staying a little bit more. from another 5 minutes to another song to another until i insisted on going home that we really went home.
had a lunch with ally on saturday. it's been ages since i last met him so the lunch was a very good way of us catching up. he's still the same old person with the same old stuff, with some new stories to share though. funny how he was always a bit embarass when telling me the whole truth that he normally find the words carefully before telling his story but this time around he accidentally spilled the beans and felt pretty darn embarrassed afterwards. it's true though that we kinda miss the small group thingy now that everyone's pretty busy. even i did my catching up with each of them personally instead of in a group. from lunch we went around for some shopping, i have to say it's fun shopping with a metrosexual guy (he's gonna kill me if he know me saying this). parted ways in the evening as he had some farewell to go so i went to my aunt's place for my grandparents hall. fasting month is coming and it's good to meet everyone before that as well.
spent the whole sunday at home. supposed to go to the dragonboat's brunch but i was too lazy that i simply called and cancelled. the maid *as usual* couldn't come, so spent the sunday doing ironing and some readings.
as for my monday blues? i guess time will solve everything and i'm just going to restrain from thinking and talking about things that could bring my mood lower..

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