Yesterday, we went to the standard chartered marathon, though I participated at the 10 km, it was fun and sort of testing your endurance as well. Woke up early as the run for 10 km started at 7 AM and we have to be there by 6.40. Almost didn't make it as me & hp planned to meet at the gym that I decided to use the shoes in my gym locker. When hp text-ed me saying she'd be late, I tried calling the gym. No answer, so I went back in to check the opening hours. Oh boy, that's a good choice I made. The gym opens at 8 AM on sunday! I quickly called hp as I left my office key at the office, changed my outfit and brought shoes from home. Just imagine if I went there sans my shoes.
The race was fun, we decided not to run fast as we have no preparation at all. We run 'til km 4 then stopped for a drink, brisk walked 'til km 4.5 then run 'til km 7. Walked again 'til km 8 and run until the finish line. Total time is 1 hr 15 mins - not bad :) Each and every participant were given a medal as an appreciation for the participation.
I planned on doing the half marathon next year & hp is fine with it provided we train ourselves. Hehe .. hopefully we do - it is fun to challenge yourself in a positive way.
During the race, I notice a lot of caucasian boys were running with their parents. I like seeing a family engaging in a fun yet positive activities. I personally want my kids (when I have one) to be sporty & active in outdoor activities.
It's Monday again - brand new week, hopefully its a good one. I've been working on this presentation slides for a week, hoping to cover everything as detail as possible since it's going to be a key to our local application changes. Im actually hoping that the partners couldn't attend the presentation as well hehe.. less pressure on me if that happen. We'll see what happens tomorrow. For now, I'll just go back to the writeups.
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