Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Bring It On...

Had a very great weekend though sleepy up 'til this moment. Geez, not even a single day passed by without going somewhere after work. But I guess Im ready for the challenge this week has for me - just bring it on.
Another week to endure - can't wait for javer's party this weekend and mom's arrival. Poor mommy, guess I'll be leaving her alone during new year's eve - hey, she's the one asking me to meet people more often (though I know she's referring to different kind of people hehe)


juwi said...

Waa...taon baruan ada acara apaan, nih? :-)

Simply Baby said...

blm tau nih ;) too many choice - duileee jijay.
maunya sih dr 1 tmp ke tmp lain, tp mungkin bikin sendiri juga utk lingkup tertentu biar lbh seru. Join? ;)