Sunday, September 25, 2005

My 1st wakeboarding lesson ...

Yupe, finally I DID IT!
It was my best experience EVER! - can't be compared with fencing, fitness capoeira, bridge climbing, kayaking, reverse bungee/sling shot, parasailing, underwater walk, banana boat or anything I'd done before - period! Well at least for now 'cos I haven't try bungee jumping and diving yet ;)

But it WAS a great experience for me since I've been wanting to try this for ages. Went there alone and met few new friends there. Basically it was a wakeboarding workshop and each of us had hands-on twice or thrice. Well, I still couldn't stand *grin couldn't even rock forward as I tend to pull the bar when u're supposed to let it pull u. Guess I'm used to pulling the bars in the gym that I did this automatically. The guys kept on telling me not to fight the water 'cos I surely wouldn't be the winner heeee.
After the session was over me and 3 other girls decided to stay back awhile and hang out with the guys there - we hop in the boat twice while they had their practice. One of the stance which looks like superman 'cos he's actually flying was totally AWESOME.
Drank lots of salty water as well - yuks! But I love it and we were thinking of signing up for the course. Well, I will sign up after ramadhan is over. Can't wait to be in the water again - hopefully this time I can stand for a long period, at least rock forward for more than 20 seconds ;).

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