Saturday, December 22, 2007

Shopping Hunting Gathering

pardon me for being shallow but this post is all about shopping......
well the plan was to do my own shopping but after meeting few friends somehow i ended up with a plan to meet 2 of them to do some shopping for the gathering's decoration. since i still need to do my own shopping, i left earlier to orchard. only managed to get 3 pressies though. geepers!! i still have a long way to go. and to think i still have no idea what to get for few friends of mine. well whatever i ended up getting, i hope you guys are pleased with it.
once my time is up i went to bugis and met them. had our lunch and off we went hunting for the decorations. we were so pleased to finally managed to find those fairy lights after searching for it for quite some time. it's quite an interesting day actually i should say.
we parted way at 6ish as they need to go home preparing themselves for whatever their plans are while i headed back to orchard to meet another friend and continue my shopping. well that was the plan. somehow i went there only to meet her for dinner then i took a cab to my auntie's place as requested by mom. on the way there, i was told to changed my destination to my uncle's as they're planning to go there 1st. did that, met them, had another round of dinner, went to my aunt's place, chit chatted until 11ish and went home. the plan has totally changed! i was told that we'd be heading to my eldest uncle's place after my aunt's but somehow we ended up at another uncle's place before my aunt's and c'est tout. and then came another nightmare! my uncle will pick us up at 7 AM tomorrow for breakfast before heading to my eldest uncle's place (confuse? well, i have 6 uncles and 5 aunties from mom's side). from there i'd be accompanying mom to do her last minute shopping. and to think i only have tomorrow to complete my own ....
i can say that this is my first time doing soo many shopping for this event. payah juga neh orang2 pake ngasih2 kado segala, aye kan jadi repot. though i'm new at it, i am enjoying the fun of searching the right gifts for those i care. and i hope to complete this task soon and start handing it out when i meet them next week or maybe even next year? haha...
ps. thanks to a friend who finally hinted on what she wants.

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