Thursday, December 20, 2007


took half day leave today as mom is cooking for tomorrow's gathering. somehow the family gathering for this year is held here and mom decided to cook something different for her families. this time around - arabic dishes. it sounded simple when she talked about it but somehow it was tedious, well at least for me. on top of that as usual, she ended up cooking more dishes than planned. i was like 'huh? i thought you said only this and this. how come you're cooking that as well?' oh well, mom being mom. mom wasn't done with all her cooking, she still has dish to cook early in the morning later and as a matter of fact she's now in the kitchen preparing the nasi kebuli. few of my aunties came to lend a helping hands and they left around 9ish. i started doing the cleaning after they left - sweep and mop the place, arrange the furniture and put more stools in the living room, scrub both toilets before taking a shower and left for a movie. soon as i reached home from the movie, mom woke up and went back to the kitchen. guess i need to re-clean the kitchen again later, eh.
on another embarrassing note, i think i twisted something during combat yesterday. walking, moving, turning basically everything involving leg is a torture. its like there's something around the hip flexor that gives me a squeeky and pain feeling everytime i move. few times i felt like cursing out loud due to the pain. i tried swan pose, inner thigh stretch, all the things i do in class to loosen up the tightness there but it doesn't really work, or maybe not yet. but its a torture especially while i was helping mom carrying the huge pan up and down the stove and while scrubbing the floor. i've already applied some deep heating rub around that area. hope it loosen it up a little. i need my legs to be working fine tomorrow 'cos i'm sure it'll be a looooooooooong day of cleaning.
okay, i think i better end this and get out to help mom...
and to those celebrating it - Eid al-Adha Mubarak

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