Sunday, December 16, 2007

Rain Or Shine

who said rain stops people from having fun? we played in the rain earlier today and it was fun. well actually i didnt play when it was raining heavily, simply stood under the shelter watching others playing. once the game was over i joined in for the following game since the rain stopped. of course it started raining again during the game so we just continued and it was fun, even with all the sand sticking on our body. i just realised that there are sands on my face when i took a shower at home.
its the 2nd last game for one of the danish guy as well as he'll be flying home for good this coming thursday. i know he'll still be playing tomorrow since he's still aiming to get a good tan that lasts long before flying back home. surely i will - well i think everyone will - miss hearing him shouting 'somebody!' or 'anybody' during the game. ah, there goes the cute view. well at least he left something for me to always remember him - several little scars on my left leg :P.


Unknown said...

Oh my! Did jonas hurt you? I didnt know about that? When was it?

And yea, sand always stuck on my face and when im back home, i got free 'facial scrub'.

Simply Baby said...

its was quite some time ago, during the farewell party.
it was okay and we sure did make him feel guilty that day haha :)