Friday, December 28, 2007

Nic and Ms. Bhutto

i am totally assure that nic cage is still not good to look at, not for me at least. back from watching the movie, i read a text message about ms. bhutto's death - shot in the neck before the car she was in bombed. innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un. this kinda act is totally unacceptable. i wonder when will people start treating each other as human, even when they're your rival....


juwi said...

Gue baru tahu dari koran tadi pagi, tentang B. Bhutto! Syok juga, sih, setelah lolos dari percobaan pembunuhan yang bulan lalu. Pakistan, Pakistan...

Simply Baby said...

iya .. kakak gue sms gue kemaren malam.
pas gue tanya balik dia bilang basi lu, hehe kurang nonton berita emang kita