Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Teacher's Talk

i'm enjoying my teaching experience more and more these days. the students are funny eventhough their police especially one man, whom sometimes confused me - should i call him uncle or just the name?. looking at his face just makes me laugh and sometimes i really couldn't control it. like today, when i told that to him during break another student told me that he looked that bart simpson. so you should know what happen after the break was over.
today since it's about food and restaurant, i spent the last 40 minutes talking about the indonesian foods here - the restaurants, the food including batagor, the drinks and all in bahasa. then i asked them one at a time different questions but it's all about food and drinks. it was indeed fun as even the blur guy in class looked very excited that for the first time he didn't look nervous at all. that funny guy suggested to have the next lesson at lucky plaza, sort of 'experiencing the real thing', he said. haha, yeah right!
on a random note, i have been delaying posting about superficiality for almost a week now. i really really want to write it down but i just not ready to write it down. one day i WILL write it down.
on yet another random note, i'm leaving in 2 days times; well actually less than that and i haven't even iron my clothes. and i still said yes to a dinner and movie tomorrow night. dunno neh, just lazy to do packing

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